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Overwatch will never have cool skins like League of Legends edition.

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Reminder that MercyHog is canon.

Who else sings out nonsensical jibberish when numbani is loading?


Stay with group is on console the fuck you talking about


>that 76 announcer

I need it in the rest of the game.

What is symmetra?
She's now on the shitter OP club together with torb and junkrat.

baby d.va ADAD crouch spam was annoying? You now have the same shit except symmetra weapon auto locks into you.
Trying to pass through a car wash? Have fun being tickled by 6 turrets, slowed down and possibly symmetra locking into you.
Defense teams now have the advantage of having +75 hp that auto regenerates.
Had no fun attacking CP maps? Symmetra will now completely remove attack team chance of capping 2nd point making sure you draw on every single time you get volskaya, hanamura or egypt.

The event may have blew for quite a few so the least we can do... is vote for our a-mei-zing waifu? anonvote.com/poll/p537937a

Even when Ana gets nerfed and Dva gets her health brought down to 500 Winston will still be worse than Dva in every other way and therefore he should be buffed.

but reinhardt is opposite of cold


>*Amélie stomps dick*
What did she mean by this?

Come on Blizz, I need more of Pharah without her suit.

widows highlight intro is the only good item in the event, really disappointing


I haven't seen it yet, you got screenshot pal?

>win an ez game
>get stomped game right after that
>lose more points than I gained from the first game


His fire is cold.

tfw you leave a match b4 it starts because you know it's a forced loss for sake of your mmr.
-enemy team are all over lvl 200
-my team are all under lvl 100
-on attack hanamura
-all non meta picks
Bliz makes it too obvious sometimes.

I'm currently away from my ps4 but after a round it says "r1 to stay as group" in the bottom right corner.

who is she knocking down and stepping on?

I don't know but I like it

You got stomped by a team with lower SR so the system thinks you aren't on the right tier.

>yfw have tons of coins

boxcucks btfo

No proofs, but I used it a few times last night on xbone. Not the guy you asked, btw.

Wait doesn't Reinhardt have a matching spray with this

Reinhardt is Pharah's father, isn't he

>no Kwanza Numbani

Blizzard had one job.

Why the fuck would they choose Hanamura of all things to make ONE of only TWO available maps for a mystery brawl playlist?
Every fucking time I think there's a limit to Blizzard's incompetence they go and prove me wrong.

The camera guy

>stomp one game
>get stomped the next
just competitive things

Is it safe to play comp yet or is it still full of Torb and Symmetra mains?

I bought that because I know it will probably go well with whatever valentine's day event skin she gets.

phara confirmed for not ampucunt

>yfw you don't have a lot of coing but still like some of the more expensive stuff and aren't sure you'll be able to get them but it's ok because you know it's just virtual

How frightening are Zens highlight intros with his nutcracker skin?

My bad, I didn't realize that it was active for consoles too, will update in the future.

Give it a week/month.


Probably to combo-in chinese new year or some shit.

>cosmetics in a first person game

>sombras hack prevents a mans ability to run
>but doesnt turn off his mechanical visor

nice one blizzard

You know full well.

Yep, hes even facing the other way. Pharahs looking at him.



She could have gotten her shit cut off between then and now though.

>jap map
>chink new year
>event ends a month before chink new year

torbs is like the only one that matters because you'll hammer his turret but outside of that it's just colors

It is the thing of nightmares.

Damn, I am really itching to play some but I just know I will tilt the moment I see an attack torb on my team.

>Zarya's present emote
>She crushes the robot toy with her hands


Abusing your lover isn't a joking matter, user

>sombra's hack doesn't inmediately kill zenyatta, bastion, genji and tracer

buff when blizzard

This is abuse and its wrong.

It's consensual.

Even if he isn't they'd still get along great

>sombras hack prevents roadhog from throwing a hook

But I WANT them

Is symmetra op now?

On the last point of eichenwald, kings row and other you just stick it in your spawn and there's nothing the enemy team can do about it. It's stupid

and 76 has a matching spray with Phara's mom.
Means nothing really.

Human woman should stop raping poor omnics

A Mei vote is a vote for love.

I think Sombra's hack interrupts any ability that cancels after a stun. Visor and Dragonblade continue. Whole Hog does not. It's pretty stupid

It makes no sense for him to be her father. He is some honour-bound hero who got his hearth broken after his comrades disappeared one by one, and yet he abandoned his daughter who now treats him like a stranger?

No, he did not raise her, think of the poster interaction.

No, it could not be that they don't know who the father is, Blizz already said it is no secret in-universe but just not important to reveal yet.

I really can't believe they didn't do something about that on the PTR. Why even bother testing it?

>she's still situational but OP in those situations
gg blizzard

It looks like they put more effort into specific sprays than others. Pic related are great.

>sombra's hack prevents mccree from rolling

Imagine the sjw outcry if it was a guy hacking a female robot

>sombra's hack prevents Winston from getting angry
is being hacked nice?

>pro omnic
Tracer worst girl

Reinhardt is so big and cute AHHHH

why are there no female omnics?

>unlock Peppermint
>decide to play as Sombra for the very first time
>have average game, spent most of the match behind the other team killing and hacking them
>get message from guy

This chart is missing the Dreidel icon

that would be incredibly sexist

like...I can't even

Why do people get angry at video games. They're toys. Chill out

>Downloads his consciousness on that USB stick
>Reuploads it to a female sex doll, locks his consciousness behind sex doll programming
>Sells her to the highest bidder
>Slowly falls in love with her owner but the programming prevents her from voicing that
I guess I have my next fanfic idea.

> girls being programmed to do things

>rek an opponent so hard he actually wishes cancer on me
Oh man, that fuzzy warm feeling won't go away for a while. Better than hack accusations

That and it was my first time playing her. I don't get why he wasted his time to message me.

>futurama lucy liu,

brings back memories

Why don't girls play competitive?

Were you playing in comp or something

No abuse the qt Tracer.
Tracer is for loving and hugs only.

>10 christmas lootboxes
>always only 1 blue

Love it.

>Not spending 5k hours in practice mode with a hero before playing it in QM or arcade

God the shitters in this general

because then they would have to use mic

They do, they're just stuck in low ranks.

Trust me.


What other duo sprays do we have? I know there's Hanoi and Genji, Junkrat and Roadhog, and Reinhardt and Pharah... anything else?

I run into girls far more than any other online multiplayer game I've played tbqh

She is asking for it user, you should hurry

Rein+Zarya arm wrestling

>Run invisible as sombra
>Hanzo instantly kills me
>Look at kill cam
>He suddenly swings around ans stares at where I'm going to be
>'lol ur just salty af'

>those outfits
These would make great skins.

I almost have points for golden weapon, and i want to get Reinhardt's hammer. What skin is the best for it? I don't have coldhardt tho.

because those amazon wishlists get fulfilled no matter what they play.

Apparently Ana and 76 have a matching one

I meant holiday-specific ones.

Quick Play. I'm not going into comp with someone I never used.
I was in quick you fucking cuck ass mother fucker ass cuck cuck cuck.