PlayStation 4 General #391 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

Old Thread: Soft and Fluffy Edition


>Sundered second trailer, latest details

>Torment: Tides of Numenera launches February 28

>First look at Malicious Fallen

>Valkyria Revolution coming west for PS4 in Q2 2017

>Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours PS4 physical edition launches March 30 in Japan

>Touhou Genso Wanderer ‘Survival Guide’ trailer

>Fate/Extella launches January 17 in North America

>Persona 5 Haru English introduction trailer, voice actress interview video

>Gundam Versus adds Guncannon, Gouf, Kyrios, Tallgeese, Barbatos

>Musou Stars adds Darius from Harukanaru Jikuu no Naka de

>God Wars: Future Past delayed to spring 2017 in Japan



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

Other urls found in this thread:


Post your profile.

So I could friend you.

I still like you, even if you're a bully

I saved this from last thread. Maybe it helps when people ask about the pro.


its out!!

Touhou has a ps4 game nerd

Literally in the news you fucking retard.

>Touhou Genso Wanderer ‘Survival Guide’ trailer


>deleted out of embarrassment
Fucking pathetic.

What was it?

YNA a cuck

>his face right now

>half the thread deleted again

>still playing U4 of all games

lmao, sure is broke Brazilians ITT

What are some games where I can fuck my mom?

>game gets new content
>"still" playing

>free CO OP update that adds 50 waves with multiple difficulties up to crushing, you can play it solo with an AI buddy or up to 3 real life players, you also dont need ps plus for it

sure, the MP might be shit, but im a u2/u3 veteran and i cant leave it behind, plus i have a big love for third person shooters

this update is amazing

I have a Pro.
Should I trade in my CUH-1200 for an Xbox One?
I really wanna play Forza Horizon and Gaylo Collection and it works cost much more for an equivalent PC.

Yeah, why not, unless you have a better use for the money.

I don't want to be an asshole but how the fuck is the playstation 4 general supposed to help you with your money if you buy anything that isn't playstation 4? It's christmas soon, give it to one of your family members as christmas present or fucking sell it.

Im finally buying a ps4 pro.
What games should I get? Iv eonly played F4, and beyond two souls on ps4, what games should I get?
Currently: Overwatch
Dragon quest builders
elder scrolls online
skyrim remastred
How does transfering games and save files work? is it just a hardrve

Buy Lukas game!

Threadly reminder that attention whores are ruining /ps4g/ and they should kill themselves. This includes:

>elder scrolls online
Do not get this. It's boring without any friends and is a huge grind fest

That's one fat patchy.

Any of you fags try Trove? I played for like an hour last night. Pretty addictive. I got to the Elite tutorial world and then the game crashed and it was time for bed. The framerate is complete shit though and the collision/hit boxes are kind of stupid, but hey its free.

Addy hasn't posted here with a trip for over a month.
The person spamming his PSN isn't him.

Do two of those actually posts, or do they just have people posting their shit constantly to garner hate? Granted they'd be hated in the first place anyways.

If I post with a trip can I become E-famous too?

Most likely. Especially, if you say you're a girl.


Not relevant
Easily filtered
Filters are your friend.
Probably the most irritating of this list.

CItrus is some redneck girl posting vocaroos, she was no one a few days ago. But since she posted vocaroos, she became popular and decided to get a trip because she's an attention whore.

Then who is the last one?

Some guy who keeps posting images named xx=-xx

You can wake up now

>this is some wet water

What else do they do then?

(can't wake up)

Not sure about project diva. isnt it just singing and dancing weeeb tunes?
I like me some weeb but i aint into that.
Good to know.
Whats the deal with Playstation VR? Im thinking about getting some VR, Vive or PS4?

I think this image is too lewd

It's a rhythm game. If you don't like the music you most likely won't enjoy it.

Was Patchy fat originally?

Oh hey I just fapped to a doujinshi of this chick getting fucked by her clothes like 10 minutes ago

Oh i getcha.
Probably would be cute but not worth the purchase.

There's a free demo caleed "Project Diva Future Tone Prelude" which comes with two songs, many people think the arcade models look shitty though.


Do we have to put momgen in the title? What if my family see that?

The only good ones for her are the two lovey dovey ones she has.

Then they will know you're a mom like the rest of us


don't you mean what if your mommy sees that? you'll get your dick wet user and feast on some of dat glorious mompucci

Good night /ps4g/, have this while I'm gone.

>tfw dropped another 50 euros on loot boxes

send help

Can you drop some $50 psn codes?

I mean I could give you 5 or 10 euros I guess, but I don't even know how to buy na psn cards

sent :)

Just send it here


enjoy my man, also add me on psn, my username is RoboAddy

this has to be the seventh time you said that to me

not only will I reply to you I will also reply to your wife's son

Is her game out in English yet?

January 10th. You can try out the demo on the JP store if you want to check it out before that.

KYS cuck

How is Watch Dogs 2 compared to the first?


much better

Though Aiden would've solved shit so much easier than Marcus did.

>play U4 for the first time since I got the platinum trophy
>launch survival mode
>get put into wave 35 match
>all these fucking bullet sponges, even when I shoot the heads
>the panting soldiers who grab you from the regular multiplayer modes are enemies
>the AI in general

Significantly better but still not great.

Kill yourself attention whore

any plans for christmas and new years baby? wanna be my gf for a week, I'll pay you and everything

What did you fucking expect?

Yo I'm dead for 3 months and some new trippo shows up? Who's this Citrus meme?

Nigger game

Some twink faggot

Wait for more switch info then make your decision

meant for

Way more fun to play but the plot and characters are equally shitty, although for different reasons entirely


>oh boy they finally added co-op Uncharted 4, finally an excuse to get back into the game
>30 FPS cap
>added 25 colours for EVERY outfit that unlock INDIVIDUALLY so it will literally take years to get everything, and you will never get what you want
>co-op move is just waves with no story at all

It's amazing how lazy they are now, I guess when you're at the top you don't have to do much anymore.

Hello, you should get FF XV and the last guardian. Also world of final fantasy and dragon quest builders are very good. If you liked beyond, get heavy rain and Until Dawn

Tfw there is serious amount of shovelware released physically in europe. I mean like:

>n.e.r.o. nothing ever remains obscure

>all these new games
>Last Guardian, FFXV, Watch Dogs 2, Stardew Valley, Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, etc.
>mfw all I've played for the past week on my PS4 is fucking Dark Cloud

There's something wrong with me

Buddy, I'm back in last gen playing fucking Ni no Kuni instead of working on my PS4 backlog, with two games coming in the same week next month.
The pile grows.

>not waiting for ni no kuni 2 which will be bundled with the first game

Odds on the Flash Sale being this week?

I've own the first since launch. I still had my filed from June 2013, actually.
I don't know. Star Ocean 5 let me down and I wanted to play a JRPG I already had. I'm getting really hype for 2 now, though.


What's the flash sale thing about, is it going to happen this month? Should I hold on my shekels?
I was planning on getting a month of psn and Xrd Revelator for a total of $25

Far Cry 4 Vs Far Cry primal ?

Never played any
I like the prehistoric setting more but gameplay is more important to me

Is there any game on the PS4 that is as comfy as Persona 3? I doubt Persona 5 will be all that comfy although I am still getting it because it looks pretty cool.

The uncharted 4 co op update is great. You can play it solo too with an ai buddy. Worth the download, trust me.

primal is decent and they do what they can with a prehistoric setting as far as gameplay mechanics go. they take some liberties though and you end up with an owl familiar that is like an AC130 gunship/predator drone which is hilarious to use. Complete with airstrikes thermal imaging and coordination of ground attacks from a loitering holding pattern.

both games are very very similar though so it really doesn't matter. get both since they are cheap, just don't play them one after another because it will get repetitive.

It can happen or not, usually at the last week of the month

