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if I roll a new toon on illidan will tgish accept me? :3c

rate my mog noobs

>guild drama that I don't care about inc


Do you have a cute bp?

I don't have a cute anything but i'll play any role >//

>tfw you're a really good healer but you don't have any people to play with so you try to be a DPS instead to make doing things alone easier

I haven't had a close group of people to play with and hang out in voice chat with since Cata honestly

Anyone from wowg can join

shit crossbow
the helm is not the mail helm from Nythendra Normal

shit taste/10

kys faggot
>NE female

Get on area 52

Does tgish need any class in particular :o

Join and ask Gruxx for Helya Upskirts

>samefag forcing his garbage guild again

Spriest mostly, any exceptional DPS too

>we couldn't think of any interesting bosses so here's a GIANT PURPLE SCORPION LOL

PvEfags will defend this

You will not be a part of the main raid team and don't expect heroic carries.

>heroic carries
i'm not a shitter I just want to play with the /wowg/ bulls

Same, wowg is autism right now.

On a scale of 1-10 I rate it Not even Helya upskirt level.


sounds like a pokemon name


All Arcanocrystals come at a price...

>we couldn't think of any interesting class balance so he's a GIANT HAMMER OF JUSTICE LOL

>right now
when has it not?

Nost won.

>when you create some absolutely horrendous class balance but your playerbase grasps to the last straws of their bran loyalty

>Won't help guildies gear up at all
>Wont run Heroic Raids or Mythic+ with your guildies
>Wonder why everyone hates you and you can barely maintain 20 raiders

>4 months later there is still literlly no reason to not to pick Hand of the Protector

Cata was way worse than this tho

Cata was the last good expansion.

>not Knight Templar

Bet you play a tauren you lala homo faggot


Reasons PvP is better than PvE:

1.) Class balance is actually better, contrary to popular opinion. This is assuming you compare high level PvP (Arena) to high level PvE (Mythic raiding).

2.) It has, and always will take objectively more skill to master. While raiding only requires you to have a cursory understanding of your class in addition to the encounter at hand, PvP requires you to have full knowledge of not only your own class, but every other class in the game, as well as the maps AND team compositions that are the best currently.

3.) There is never a shortage of content, because PvP does not require additional content to be made on a regular basis to keep it from becoming boring. This is actually a strong argument for PvP gameplay just being superior as well.

4.) You don't need to follow some nerd's strict schedule in order to have fun. Even high rated PvP can be done while maintaining a life outside of WoW.

5.) You are the strategist. You create your own strategies for the most part if you participate in high level PvP. In Mythic raiding, you are still only using a better guild's strategies and hoping your guild mates stop being retarded for one attempt so you can down the boss.

6.) PvP movies can be fun to watch. PvE movies are boring as fuck.

7.) All the story of WoW can be seen in lower PvE difficulties. Mythic mode Archimonde isn't even canon, for example.

8.) World PvP is objectively the most fun experience in WoW potentially. Hillsbrad vs. Southshore in vanilla was absolutely incredible.

9.) It's an (MMO)RPG. Roleplayers almost always prefer PvP with roleplaying to PvE.

10.) PvP titles have always held more weight to them than PvE titles. No one gives a shit if you're a Defiler's End. Almost everyone respects you if you are a Gladiator. It is a surefire sign that this player is not to be fucked with.

What did they win?

do we have a tier list for classes in terms of how fun they are?

post some thicc elves

My heart.

This is what minigamers actually believe

I like Tauren Females in the World of Warcraft

The rest

Post night elves.

>Playing anything but fembelf prot paladin
>Unitonically picking knight templar for any mythic boss that isn't odin
>Tanking odin as paladin in the first place


BC > Vanilla >> WotLK >>> MoP >= Cata >= Legion >>>>>> WoD

post good mogs

you're way too easy

>trying to prove me wrong only to make a typo

Heh, better luck next time, kid.

I have a tauren female and she doesn't look like that..........

Stop playing Legion.

Oh shig

Fuck you got me good this time
I'll get you tomorrow you fagget

>vanilla above MoP

For specs that depend on crit, is the tauren racial worth it? In terms of scaling.

>go holy for a chance to get a trinket as healer
>forget to change my loot spec
>get a legendary for holy

which lock spec is most fun

post goblins

I want to rub her belly and give her some rawhide chews.



You're not the boss of me.

>teeming necrotic



What happens to Emerald Nightmare after Nighthold releases? It's going to be "content" which every new character is going to skip, just like this. Especially now that none of the raids contain essential gear. Everything comes from emissary caches.

Are you really happy to play WoW now??1

>another fagging bitching out demonic empowerment

Essentially Blizzard should'nt have released EN at all. It's filler content as everything else before Legion. Blizzard is a sad fucking company.

i havent seen a single good non-legendary piece of gear from emissary caches

It's practically the easiest combination.

Think of Wrath during the nightmare days of Gearscore faggots

Sephuz is good.

It's been like this since WotLK, and people seem to love that clownfest of an expansion.

>Teeming necrotic
>Get HoV+7 from weekly chest

your mum + my dick is even easier

Did you literally just wake up from a 7 year long coma?
Go back to sleep

I would stop playing but I have spent too much money to stop now. It's a snowball effect. Not that I'm broke or anything but I could spend it more wisely. FFXIV at least doesn't make previous content completely useless but too bad the characters are god awful.

when did that even end? when average ilvl became a thing? one of the reasons i quit at the end of wrath was the gearscore faggotry

>Not having the highest gearscore of your class on your server

Are you a casual user?

Emisary will always have lfr gear

but then you remember that most pugs wants 880+ to do normal EN or even ToV, because they lack the proper intel to do the bosses mechanics

blizzard exhausted whatever the shit they had in their pockets to do wrath, from cataclysm and onward it was mostly shit for brains to keep people playing, but it failed.

>It's been like this since WotLK

You raided Molten Core at level 70 during TBC then?


anyone here in need of a paladin to inflict righteous justice?

What is this shit?

Withered Jim sucks.

i think his point is when a new raid is released the earlier ones become completely useless

in wrath you could just gear up for icc through heroic 5 mans

anyone know if spamming dungeons is quicker than questing has an autist ran the number yet?

>he doesn't transmog his bracers

Sporadically for Thunderfury :^), we also ran Naxx weekly but the idiot me didn't think of saving any of the loot I got in the bank.

No, but at least in BC you saw guilds recruiting with all kinds of progression, guilds that were progressing SSC co-existed with guilds progressing SWP. And then Vault of Archavon and separate difficulties happened and it all went to shit.

Only after ICC patch. You geared for Ulduar with naxx, and for ToC with ulduar. Even during ICC you went back to naxx/ulduar/toc for certain pieces

from 100-110 that is

Just got my shield, getting to 110 and delivering some Deus Vult to the Horde shortly

WOTLK was fun, but goddamn it was a mistake

i would give anything for blizz to go back to BC and try again, branch development

Questing is 100x faster.

How do you guys get Nightfallen rep so quickly?

Questing. Dungeons don't give barely any xp.

However the end of each zone has a dungeon mission, do those.

>tfw all alone in the priest hall currently

>Log on my paladin
>Literally hundreds of people there


hunter flightpaths and eagle feathers are the best class feature in the game tbqh

>grown men paid money for this
Or they bought it from the AH.

git gud sun.


>post yfw Niuzao temple, Brewerey and Setting sun

Just do dailies evey day, do every Nightfallen quest every day. Farm mana for the nightfallen training when you unlock it. When you get exalted with one character you wont need to grind it ever again. It'll take few weeks still though.