/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Synthwave Edition.

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this would make great map location

You might have more "fun" at 7.0 with the 10.5 Tiger and 229. The matchmaking is identical thanks to most 6.7 games getting sucked to the 7.3 slavic clubvoid.

third for russian bias


playing as kraut i'never understood how's that op ??

pzgr goes through mantlet and turret ring without probs

The problem with 105 Tiger is the horrible stock ammo.

Once you get past that it's pretty good, with the capability even to frontally penetrate some post war tanks.

Also aside from 229 you can bring the Cannonado. I prefer taking the 262 over Horten desu just to troll bombers.

>6.7 games getting sucked to the 7.3 slavic clubvoid
is that a meme? i maybe see 7.3 in 1/10 matches when i play brits,yanks or krauts but when i play slavs i always play 7.3 (all nations 6.7 )


Shooting at T29s isn't hard in itself, but the problem is 90% of them are covered in bushes.

Guys I just lost silver lions to a Panther D that I bought but I closed the crew menu on accident when I had to choose it and lost my silver lions but I did not get the tank.

Is the gaiooble support any good?

you have to pay twice once for the tank and once for the crew training you just select the tank and train it to a crew now

most krauts are handheld af at 6.7 and get salty when they have to play against a tank that is very similar to the Tiger II without seeing the irony in that situation

Im a self aware kraut who plays mostly Tiger 2H at 6.7, and I personally always feel like I am in the best tank, I can face T29's and sometimes even bring my Tiger I to 6.7 and I am fully able to play. We kraut players have nothing to complain about

i feel the same
when i got the test drive for the Tiger I P i killed 2 T29s by poking around a corner and firing at their MG port and with the long 88 you can usually even fire through the UFP if you arent hitting the track pieces
or just go for the 200mm cast turret
and when he does anything but looking directly at you jst shoot the turret that will ALWAYS be 127mm at some part because of its shape when he isnt looking at you

>pzgr goes through mantlet
Not when angled.

just shoot the turret then
because of the shape he will ALWAYS show you a big area that is 127mm where you can pen with no problems

is the dev server up yet?

I try to avoid playing Tigers, because Panther II is better at just about everything, except for armor.

The only exception is Tiger 105 just because I love saying FUCK YOU to IS-3s and T-54s

I posted this in the previous thread but can someone have a look at the ki102's 57mm penetration? I'd like to see if it could take out tanks in gf. Thanks

thank you for this OC user
>nazis are the main ones crying about the T29
>when the real ones who are fucked are slavs
>122 can barely pen without APCBC
>85 can't pen without T4 mod APCR
>yet I never hear any slavs whining about it

dev server isnt up and the current 102 only got HEFI

>Probably most amazing "feature" of freshly accepted Panther was lack of safety preventing driver from engaging 2 gears at once, instantkilling transmission in result.

You'd think that the transmission manufacturers would have enough experience making other tanks' transmissions to not overlook that kind of shit

It is pay to win, though. It's miles better than every 6.3-7.0 clap tank.


forgot to add
the 57mm cannon is only 57 x 121R so a good penetration is unlikely regardless of shell

i remember laughing hard when i read about all the bullshit about the first Panthers
its stuff where you cant understand how people could let that happen

is 57mm on brits really better than a 75mm for the 3.0ish tier

Ehh germans get the Tiger 2H Sla

yes it is we already told you yesterday
the better velocity alone is worth it

>it's a last player alive is in a jet and runs for 30 minutes until he wins with tickets episode
So when is Gaijin HQ due to get gassed again?

it acts as heat shell against Ai tanks, takes out med and light tanks, dont remember what it does to heavis

Which is a Tiger 2 with extra tracks for 30€. Don't give me the placebo argument that it's faster.

it doesnt act as HEAT shell its just that AI is scripted to die against anything above 40mm HE

That's a shame, I was hoping it would be good. Thanks senpai

maybe they add new shells for it and also the Ki 45 gets a new gun with 43mm APHE

Because huge player base is Nazis even Russians play Nazis to club so Gaijin does things to please the bigger player base then the smaller Soviet, American, British one.

For example T-54 uses incorrect turret traverse and no one bats an eye. There are 3 useless T-54 models no one even heard of but there isn't T-55 which was bulk of the Warsaw pact.

Anyway apart from constant Naziboo tears about IT-1 is while they fire behind obstacle wit HOT2 without beeing seen even when seen imposable to fired at.

Did anyone checked the new Tu-14T can it dive bomb? And is there any Japanese amphibians lit PTs

i don't remember getting a reply about it i probably scrolled past the (You) my bad

but thanks

reminder that gaijin thinks smoke grenades will tank people's frames even though SPAA/MG spam and artillery already tank the few who would be affected by smoke


russian tanks didnt use it so fuck off

Yeah, fuck you!

It'd make every other nation except Russia OP!

I'm sure gaijin would add the ability for slavs to make smoke screens with their engines for "balance" sake

jap tanks didn't use it either

>put 5 rounds into T-34-85
>still active even though I placed different shots
>he turns his turret and one shots me

DA IT'S OF NO BIAS TOVARISH ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) XAXAXA

learn to aim turboshitter

Kancerblitz moved to tier 5 when

>being bad
>not being good
what would that do again

you wouldn't believe what kind of shit comes out during actual use, that should be obvious.
World famous example was discovery that ballpoint pens don't work in space.

>just bought a joystick
>want to play some wt
>downloading update info

Move it to a BR that actually makes sense for its capabilities

So is there any chance for Gaijin to disable German 6.7 GF until they balance the fucking BR?

bongs at 6.3 can already go through jagdtigers

Yeah, but that doesn't really apply to an already developed field like transmission mechanics, on an already familiar field, like combat

git gud
german 6.7 is better than the others but if you have a tiny little bit of "skill" you should be able to do fine

>a launcher update is ready!
>it's not 1.65

>Flakbus still only 3.7 BR

>P-47D, P-51, F6F still 3.7

Nah, i dont have any so i will cry over all available community sites how germans are op.

>mfw 90 mm APCBC and APCR



stay mad, wehraboo

t. shitters

>krupp stahl katanas
>foldes 10 000 times with PRECISION


the correct term is NAZIBOO, redditor.

low tier germany is max comfy

>low tier germany
>he isn't madly abusing the flakpanzer

Pz III MBT is my tankfu.

well aged meme, like a fine wine

mitchell mk iii when?

right after PBJ with Tiny Tims

its a great tank but o rarely use it in 3.3 matches i usually wait for a max downtier and use the F2 in all other matches
lame af imo
im a scrub but im not that bad that i have to resort to that

You don't "resort" to the flakpanzer for being bad. You use it as stress relief as you pound the hopes and dreams out of budding new players.

but thats veri rood and im not a bulli ; - ;

Pz IV F2 is more than enough for that

Nothing is as good as the Flakpanzer at doing it; it has pen equal to actual tank guns at that tier.

the ZUT is imo the most fun SPAAG for AT duty

>0 depression
>terrible firerate
>way to long reload

Good god fucking no

Is that some kind of sick joke? That thing has turret traverse that makes a Panther D look nippy, penetration inferior to the Flakpanzer at a way higher BR and takes ages to reload every clip.

all posts above are all me

same desu

if you arent playing flak truck you may be retarded

i like it , it has similar pen to the AT guns of the slavs for that tier and the reload isnt too bad when you take into account that you need 2 shots for a kill at most its also decently fast and the -3 gundep are not thaat bad when you get used to it

>i like it , it has similar pen to the AT guns of the slavs for that tier

Are we talking about the same tank? The one with 60mm penetration at point blank range? The same tank that will often be matched with T-34s and Panzer IVs?

I have both N and M in my lineup.
N for urban maps because 100 pen HEATs and M for just about any other map besides the big ones where you at big distances, that's where my Marder comes in.

its at 2.7 and the slavs get the 45mm at that tier with 62mm pen

At 1.3 the BT-7 has more pen than it with it's 45mm

so what

Alright buddy, you do you.

>shooting at tank in the distance
>watching the white dots of my shells disappear right on him
really gets your noggin joggin

Not really, you're just missing. Tracers are a lot bigger than the shell.

Why do you people post stuff like this knowing the only thing you're going to get is criticism?

>sb queues

I feel so irrationally angry now

>Why do you people post stuff like this knowing the only thing you're going to get is criticism
because they want attention

if the tracers are disappearing on him, then I'm hitting them user

Nope, it's just disappearing behind the target. You're hitting them if you're getting the hit cam. Learn how to aim properly and this won't be a problem.

Fucking dipshit

>white dots hit enemy
>they're nuked
>white dots hit enemy at distance
>they disappear

>my tank gets hit by a enemy shell
>it explodes
I though these things were ARMORED vehicles

wat ammo should i be using on the pzivf2

They're not hitting, user. That's the point. Just like how if the enemy DOESN'T hit you, you don't blow up.

Do you get it yet or should I bust out the crayons?

>having crayons and not superior colored pencils
lmao autist

the APHE ofc ?? thats a kinda silly question