Fighting Games General /fgg/

Capcucks said Revelator would be dead edition

Other urls found in this thread:

First for KI

A worthwhile meme from the last thread:

How can we salvage this, capbros? At this rate, the goobers are going to force us to make a capcom general...

>literally starting the thread with bait

Good job.




The day's still young and the game hasn't launched worldwide yet. Wait for Europe and Japan.

who #forhonor here?

Like someone mentioned in the last thread, 1v1 is actually pretty fun, any more than that kinda turns into a clusterfuck

also knights > weebs > vikings

I used to be a regular poster in FGG a few years a go, but I took a break. Now I am back. Do any of the following people still post here?


>caring this much about a taiwanese pictogram board

>for honor

post numbers in 2-3 weeks lol

that's pretty poor desu. this games fucked if its not cross platform

Revelator got announced juast as Sign came out for PC. This time, Revelator will be relevant for much longer which means the PC population isn't going anywhere.

Any news for Mexihop14: Steam Edition?

>Buying PC xrd

now that Revelator has already died, anyone wanna play cummy blasterz or melty blood or skullgirls

>he actually believes this


Why haven't you killed yourself?

>passive aggressive smiley

It's already out in Europe mate.

>Wait for Europe
it came out in Europe 7 hours ago and it's peak time now.

Are Italians white?


Aris talks about this trend:

wich persona would you cummy blast?

I'll play you in melty because I'm not bothered to play Oooops

More importantly, when's P4A coming to Fightcade?

I'll play Blaster with you

Yeah, that's why I kinda understood when people would just let duels finish in 2v2 after they killed one of the other team. 2v1, at least for now, is just not really fun for anyone involved.

Is that a trick question?

Mitsuru or Elizabeth

Sorry the other user replied before, maybe later

>trump elected dec 19
>season 2 starts dec 20

you cant make this shit up

34th for KI

>Mitsuru or Elizabeth
You are alright Brick

did revelator peak or does steamcharts update in increments? i thought we'd be able to hit 2k at least

Thay dough-jin was pretty bad.
Why isn't there any porn of Fuuka's bitch friend getting slapped around by big bully cock?


Next Year after arcade release ;)

>i thought we'd be able to hit 2k at least

I main Yuro in Koff '96


Revelator is the best fighting game on the market. God's Gift deserves at least 10k players.

Sorry sorry the short set Brick, something came up. At least you can cummy blast with user

>PR Rog out of EG

Holy shit, PPD is already clearing house

Don't worry boys, amerigoob here, will report in for duty after i'm done wageslaving

I can play then, what's your steam

No problem

desu he should dump everyone but momochi and ricky.

even justin wong's name isn't worth much anymore.

What do I want for Christmas?

Who is this brown beauty?


can anyone stop these guys from joking about xrd? i really hate these forums because of it :/
can someone tell me why this graph is peaking already? is it steamchart's fault?

tekken tag 2

tfw PPD would be a fighting game god if he ever played seriously

play cummy blasterz

I will cum in jubei


ummmm capcucks?

>play revelator
>anime players are wifi kiddies an this is exacerbated by the lack of rollback netcode
>told to fucking hunt for good quality matches
>drop game

i don't know why people are settling for shit ggpo got right years agol

Wong and KBrad have enough staying power

He just said he's picking up SFV in a recent interview

people who play fighting games on pc aren't real fighting game players.

There are very few good games outside of Fightcade that use GGPO.

I would if anonymous hadn't dodged me

cummy brown

God's Gift, Metal & Lace

Fuck that, gimme some Clark
I love me some Clark

Maybe he went to play since you were already playing

Why is MvC3 beating KoF in viewership?

how do I play taokaka

That is a stupid question

Who watches these dead games?

Isn't this supposed to be a big day for GG?

>week later
>ghost town like xrd

Business as usual.

ive had better experiences playing sfxt, sfiv and even sfv with it's wonky rollback than revelator

delay netcode with a small primarily wifi using playerbases is always garbage

same for kofxiv

also why th hell woul I buy revelator on pc when i have it on consoe

you guys don't have common sense

Boy, do I hate twitch with a passion. All this flash shit just to have some spergs pay for insanely stupid emoticons.

if i buy cummy blazters will she be there?


>for GG

What the fuck is a kr

wtf i hate discord now

>306,000 dollars



cummy brown is in cummy blasterz

damn you must suck at the internet to not understand twitch stuff

what the fuck is a cummy blaster

those shoes trigger me jesus christ

Something that blasts cummies


I already have sign, do I save money by getting the deluxe bundle? It's cheaper than the standalone deluxe optiopn

A meme sniff posters made up to make sure even less people buy nitro blasters.

It's the American word for pooter.

you should pay as much as you possibly can for god's gift

im definitely too revolted to try it now


I'd love to try it but I don't have a good PC or an Xbone.

Can't you also get the non-deluxe bundle for cheaper? Pretty sure you can.

yes but I want deluxe

dumb ghost girl poster