/nosg/ - nostalrius general

Ya boy asmongold edition

>What's happening?
Everyone is waiting for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie and run by the original Nost team. We're currently waiting on server release.

>When is the release?
December 17th, (18:00 GMT+1/12PM EST) for the OLD server. 3-4 weeks after the NEW server will be released which we will be playing on.

>OLD NOST PvP and PvE(Name: Nostalrius PvP/Nostalrius PvP)
These will have all your old level 60 chars for nostalgia's sake. Will be released on Dec 17. (No one will roll here)

>NEW NOST PvP (Name: Elysium PvP)
Brand new server, will be released 3-4 weeks after old nost. (We will be rolling here.)

>What faction are we rolling?

Horde discord: discord.gg/WPF7uMP

Alliance discord: discord.gg/tZZ6Qg


>Server homepage
>Vanilla WoW database
>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: wpsg vag wowg world of warcraft


Other urls found in this thread:


Dark Lady watch over you.

Not until he's dead

You'd better


Xth for reminder based yarrick will raidlead the horde guild on new nost along with aspergerlord and BWG

friendly reminder to message one these people for an invite to alliance discord.


Assume you were living in Azeroth

What zone do you think you would settle in? Also think about each zones problems/flavors such as food, conflicts in the area, culture etc

Are there any actually fun tanks in vanilla?
Last time I played nost I played warrior and was bored to tears, and went back to play WoD

>its a you used your token on an unverified account and you never get your verification email episode

here is a taste of what the alliance guild is like

>tfw im on that roster 3 times
>tfw all of those are spy accounts and i wont even roll on there
>yfw the horde roster is 3x this size

Just be yourself :)

Santa Clause here, you better stop

or ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

probably more fun than the horde guild if it's anything like horde retail
I'll take degenerates over teenagers pretending to be mormon any day

Dun Morogh.

dude are UDs biggest cucks? They are dead humans ruled by dead elf. What the fuck is this shit?
I always wanted to belive that UDs are the Scourge, not some fucking gay rebels.

God i remember when that 'meme' came out. can we all agree /krog/ had the shittiest memes? Even shittier than nosg desu

are you excited for nost?

thinking about making an orc hunter

no fun allowed was best guild

I got to meet him this morning but he was afk and didn't respond but still it was nice to see someone from here.

If you could only use 3 add-ons from now on, what would they be?

Enjoy the constant "girl ecks dee" drama you dumb nigger. Ironically, nihilum was full of underage kids



Okay I will

It's literally 2 pm in America.

Is this on the old PvP or the new PvP?

Im going to make my own guild with blackjack and hookers.

one good thing about /nosg/ is it never really had a consistent raid guild. all of the shit originates from Veeky Forums guilds. alliance Veeky Forums guilds especially, at least the horde guilds can be friendly without the cancerous shit.

That was my idea. Don't be rude. I'll let you be a female orc hunter if you want, but only if you roleplay as my wife.

damagemeters, dpsmate, swstats

gotta make sure I'm at the top


Ok rogue , ok mage, ok whatever BUT how the fuck is warrior the most popular class? What the fuck seriously? Why? So boring class the most popular??

Is there explanation for this fucking phenomenon?

a damage meter, threat meter, and superinspect

Lowest skill ceiling.
Easiest to find a dungeon group.
Strong in pvp.


I've been in the salty dogs discord for a new weeks now and if you arent part of their 'clique' you're gonna get told to shut up and fuck off. Its why i keep quiet. Its sad tbqh because some guys in there are nice people but they get overshadowed by obnoxious attentionwhores. So yea there are shit horde guilds too.

It's a culture thing maybe. Think about all the films and books featuring warriors as main characters.

Get slaughtered and raised as an undead army for the Lich King, break free from his chains,Band under the only living former high ranking member of the living hoping to rejoin the Alliance but the humans are too brainwashed by the Scarlet Crusade to accept those that regained their own will. Forced to live in exile forever forsaken by your undeath. The Horde sees potential and is in need of a stronghold on the Eastern Kingdom recruit the forsaken into their ranks. If only the humans weren't so fucking stupid this would have ended well for the poor Forsaken.

>AQ available at launch fags getting BTFO

fucking kek

it's sort of the default class and the go-to for a lot of people when they're not sure what to roll. then they're the only viable tanks + you can use fury in pve.

Come in HQ!
I've confirmed enemy presence with my Eagle Eye!
Proceeding to rendevouz point and laying my trap with a Goburin Land Mine on top of it!

Permission to use Aimed Shot and get a crit on the dumb idiot warlock, over!

>Could use a single email for all my accounts on Nost.

>Only 1 account per email on Elysium.

Rip all those characters, I just can't be fucked.

>America is one big time zone
okay bro


>When AQ comes around even the best PvP gear will be obsolete. You gotta do it if you want to be competitive.
>Warlocks also have to get shadow resist gear as well so they're able to tank Vek'Lor

Guess I should just give up then, I just wanted to PvP. Maybe I should reroll on the fresh server, I'll have more time there.

It has 3 major timezones

Work isn't over in any of them.

This can confirm that the horde discord is basically be a well known memer or shut the fuck up and only laugh at other peoples shitty memes. I'm hoping it'l change when servers hit live but right now discord has already been set in a pattern of the same names, the same memes, all day everyday and anyone new eventually just gets pushed aside or ignored outright.

Thing is alliance guild has an awful reputation from when they ran /krog/ it seems like joining a vg guild might just be a stupid decision unless you enjoy pandering to people to get anywhere.

Yeah i mean ive just joined the discord in the OP and the memeing seems pretty calm,granted they still talk about mobas but theres actual discussion happening here

If I have a girlfriend, a social life, a job, and DJ on weekends, is there any chance I'm actually going to enjoy vanilla?

As the drop gets closer, I'm growing more and more aware how little time I'll have to hardcore devote myself and I hear that's what vanilla is all about.

>All these salty horde cucks talking shit about ret

>not part of glastons clique
>a literal who to most people here
>talk to everyone just fine and have never been told to "shut the fuck up" because im not part of glastons clique
in this entire discord the only person thats obnoxious is grimlic

No you need to give up atleast three of those things.
Not even memeing.

You can totally enjoy vanilla if you live an active life. You just can't quite keep up with everyone else.

Day 3, I've successfully infiltrated the gnomes, they've finally accepted me as one of their own. Time to set my plan in motion.

don't forget snack

There is no 'glastons clique' because glaston is never fucking on. His fagbuddy chicken took like 30 mins to ban that nigger anoka too. Not to mention theres still snack who literally ignores other people in convos and makes 'funny memes' . Guilds fucking doomed buddy.

Have fun playing nothing during the comfy Christmas holidays freshfag

>is there any chance I'm actually going to enjoy vanilla?
yes. it's an mmo, there's no objective.

That guy used to be servers best Field Marshal rogue, what happend?

This is indisputably the best 5-man composition for leveling through the whole game with as a group.

>Tank - Warrior
>Support - Shaman
>Healer - Priest
>DPS - Rogue
>DPS - Mage

The Armour requirements are spread out over all plate, mail, leather and cloth so that there is the minimum conflict when rolling for loot.

Mage utility like portals and conjure food are great and combined with rogue's sap we have at least 2 CC. Rogue lock-pick is good to have as is Shaman's reincarnation incase the whole group wipes.

Although I would like to have it so that the DPS are both either ranged or melee so they could benefit from the same shaman totem. But I suppose the only way to do that while fulfilling the armor loot constraint would be to replace the rogue with a balance druid.

What do you guys think?

best tank, best dps, presses a lot of buttons in pve (this matters to some people)

>tfw 2/3rds of the autistic trifecta (grimlic,anoka) cant be obnoxious attentionwhores anymore

Now we just need to bully snack out again like we did last time. Maybe talk about his family or something? Anyone got ideas?

He messed with the wrong person.

you dont need a bunch of time to enjoy vanilla, you just wont be like server first 60 or w/e, which isn't exactly a big deal

>I'm actually going to enjoy vanilla?

Depends on who you play with mate. Solo MMOs aren't much fun. It's why Legion is such SHIT.

>the guild is doomed because glaston is never on when he isn't a leader anyways
>the guild is doomed because a mod took too long to ban someone
>the guild is doomed because someone spams the discord with his memes
not an argument. the original post was about how you can't even speak in that discord unless you're part of the clique. i post all the time and i'm a literal who.

You'll be fine, dood.
It's very easy to find pugs for Molten Core, Onyxia and Zul'Gurub. But you won't get beyond that if you can't dedicate the time.


Anoka is based though

what's crabs actually like?

make sham your healer and replace priest with warlock

You'll literally have endless content. NEETs cap out quick and raidlog within 1-2months of a server, normies always have a goal to work towards

this is vanilla, the warrior and shaman will be rolling on rogue loot too

please don't gank me mrs master hunter >.

Relax, its just an observation. These guys obviously know eachother a while (just like the ally nihilum clique) just wish theyd be a bit nicer to everyone.

They're all traumatized psychos. I wouldn't trust the zombie scum. Put them out of their misery with a swift death I say!

Warrior and Rogue are the only melee classes in Vanilla. It's why they're so popular.

Also if you play Rogue that means you unironically have the gay.

Soothing voice, friendly fella, fucks ugly chicks so his friend can score with a hottie, best warrior I've seen

AQ20 is pretty easy too, isn't it?

Thanks for the responses. I imagine raiding will be very hard, but what about grinding honor and PVP? I imagine that is much easier since I won't need to stick to a strict raid schedule or meet mandatory guild requirements?

Just be yourself :)

This. The utility of warlock like soulstone and summoning is too good.

dude i have no life and am in the discord for like 18 hours a day. i have never seen anyone from the glaston clique be a dick to someone that wasn't in the clique for no reason. if you want the opinion of someone whos not a crybaby and trying to push a personal agenda i think that the salty dogs core is full of pretty nice and personable people, snack is really annoying at times but hes still super nice.

are professions even worth the time investment at the start of the fresh server? the only thing that even remotely makes sense is skinning, fishing, cooking, and first aid.

>grinding honor

Honor farming isn't a thing in Vanilla like it is on live. Only people with no job can actually get anything out of it. It's really poorly designed and has no correlation with skill whatsoever.

Can't say you will "grind" alot. But to be fair reaching level 60 takes 8days played if you focus. Just fuck around there, it''s less schedule required.

Honor grinding is retarded at r10+, but if you just plan to get the blue set and discount then you're fine.

Aight sorry, guess im overreacting though; again this is my personal observation ymmv.

Raiding is easier than PVP
What usually happens on P servers is premades dominate PVP and neets poopsock and don't leave the Q EVER.

look man enjoy the questing and lore, and try to do some raids but if you can't farm gear then the other user is right you probably won't get to AQ and definitely not NAX.

that being said if you know a pvp premade that don't care you can't play as much as them go for it.
honestly you sound like you've got your life together so stay the fuck away from mmo's.

I don't understand the difference between the OLD server and the NEW server, someone help me out here.

The OLD server comes out on the 17th, and only people who originally played Nost can play that? NEW players can't play until 2017?

Nah you can join alright, just no one is going to roll there because ur gonna get ganked by 60s and be horribly behind in gear.

The guy was born to be a savage

yes, take skinning, nothing else. herbing/mining actively slows you down for no reason while leveling since the leveling herbs don't make much money. at least with skinning you'll have easy extra vendor trash. then at 60 grab the correct profs and grind them up with a mount.

Fuckin' right on.

New players can play on the old server if they wish. It's just not very wise to invest time into a character on the old server instead of waiting for the new one.

The savage himself and his guild got wrecked by grim tho

Fair enough, so I should hold off until the new servers in 2017? Everyone will be fresh then?

The problem with fishing is that almost everything that's profitable is only used by level 60 chars

>tfw no raid guild wants a deaf person

it's not good to post about yourself cobe