Happy Birthday Takumi Edition
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Made for Camilla's pussy
>tfw Henry and Peri will never be able to support
>people actually crop out Takumi's legs from that one image at the beach
Kind of sad that some waifufags feel the need to do stuff like that desu
Hello, we're in here now I guess. Birthday boy thread.
Camilla a best!
friendly reminder that we are currently at war with the dragonball guys
arm yourself to the teeth, my friends
And here we are.
I'm bored
My best guess is that the other guy got banned or whatever. Have this cute Marisa
>birthday thread
Quite honestly foaming at the mouth
Now this is more like it.
>caring this much about the OP post of /feg/
>Literally a few fps off of 50 on PAL Radiant Dawn
>Audio cracks horribly because of this
Man, fuck this shit. Using LLE just makes the game run like shit, and still doesn't fix the crackling.
>they went through the trouble of making all classes unisex
>no Wizard class with silly accompanying hat
>Con +5
God fucking dammit.
Also, why the fuck does it have to be the thread with fucking Takumi on it? He's one of the biggest reasons I hate FE14.
God I love this support to bits.
Mad Mode is one hell of a drug
Some of us like Takumi tho. Also it's his birthday
Who triggers you more, Flora or Takumi?
Of all the things wrong with FE14, you blame a single character (that isn't Corrin)?
How do I get the best possible Morgan, stat wise?
Its his birthday, let him have one day of the year at the least
Forgot Image
This. Self-inserts are what's killing Fire Emblem, with waifus right alongside them. And yet instead of directing his rage at characters that deserve it and everyone hates anyway like Corrin and Azura, he focuses it at Flora and Takumi instead. Makes no fucking sense.
I like Hana
Why do memers love to insist fire emblem is dead or its dying
nigga its more alive than its ever been stfu the waifs dont take away from the gameplay that shit is still there and still good
>literally NOT *MY* FIRE EMBLEM
While Marcia goes North, the other CRKs go South
Enemies are quite a bit more durable here than in Part 2
Marry the avatar to a good 2nd Gen unit, like Lucina or Owain. Depending on your avatar bias and what you want morgan to do you could investigate for a better partner.
>The gameplay is still good
What fucking games have you been playing? Certainly not the 3DS titles.
Well the hair and eyes look pretty nice actually. The real trick won't be the hair since I just have to edit the bangs and add the hair band. The clothing is what's gonna get me. Seeing as I need to change it entirely rather than just add a few details like the Vanessa/Syrene edit.
>CamillaAnon's first post got deleted with the purge of shitposts
Danved goes up the ledge to assist Marcia as the advance continues
I deleted the old post because it was an early thread. Look at the post time
>Silaskek got MODDED again
Feels good every time.
>instead of directing his rage at characters that deserve it
Wat. They're fictional characters. And they're (almost) all written terribly. If you want to direct rage, direct it at the writing, not a few specific characters.
Even the waifus would be tolerable if they were written well. Comparing the romance in FE14 to fanfiction would be an insult to fanfiction writers.
I can hate the writing and still like the game. I'd be the last one to tell you that Fire Emblem is dead, I just wish the writing was as good as the gameplay.
Tana and Cormag was one of the best supports desu. Ephraim trying to decipher L'Arachel's autism was also top tier.
In his defense, Takumi is a prick.
Hey Takumi, sorry about beating you up hehehe
Go to Serenes and fiddle with the mod calculator.
No, he's not *that* massive of a problem, that was just me being stupidly hyperbolic.
But I still despise him.
>Waaaaaah Takumi doesn't suck my avatar's dick right off the bat I HATE HIM BLAME TAKUMI
Makalov and Astrid actually be useful for once and block off these Soldiers from advancing
What kind of low-effort excuse for bait is this?
Corrin isn't really much of an avatar desu.
But I actually like Leo. It's possible to be a rival character and a straight man without being a twat. I'm only getting one side of the story though in all fairness, so for all I know Takumi could be better in Birthright and Leo ends up being the dickhead.
Nice meme. When looking at Japanese sales figures (ie the only audience IS gives a fuck about and don't even pretend otherwise), Fates or Awakening still never touched FE3's sales figures.
Wow, I wonder who this guy could be...
>instead of directing his rage at characters that deserve it and everyone hates anyway like Corrin and Azura, he focuses it at Flora and Takumi instead.
So your problem with me is that my hatred is directed at something different from the typical circlejerk? I'll admit that MU and the whole Valla bullshit are all infuriating, that's simple. But when I think about FE14, they're not the first things to come to my mind. Flora and Takumi are.
we heard you fucks were trying to start some shit with /dbg/
our autism rivals the stars
you stand no chance against us CaCarots
Leo is actually great in birthright
Quattro Bajeena
Well that's nice to hear. Honestly Leo won me over from the start with the collar nonsense.
I'm pretty sure Leo gets sad after you fight him in Birthright. He doesn't kill himself because he hates you so much like Takumi.
Corrin isn't even a self-insert and neither is Robin, Kris or even Mark for that matter. None of them allow the level of control over their actions and personalities required, nor the customization. But that won't stop Delphikek from bitching about how self-inserts are somehow ruining Fire Emblem. You know, the ones that don't even fucking exist.
They may not have the level of player control that WRPG protagonists have, but that doesn't mean they aren't power fantasies for the viewers.
By that logic, every Lord in the series has been a "self-insert" you moron.
Calill begins to do some long-range work on the boss as Geoffrey and Kieran move up
I didn't call them self-inserts this time. I called them "power fantasies".
he came here to laugh at us
It's the famous pilot, Quatro Vaginas!
So then how do they inherently negatively impact Fire Emblem? How is this a new phenomenon when, by your definition, they've been in the series from the start?
I don't really fantasize about being a clueless, barefoot fuccboi with two families fighting over me. Too much attention desu. And if they're going to let us self insert they'd let us pick classes of our choosing right out of the gate instead of being forced into one and having to change later.
now you sound like a whiny sjw instead of just a fag, sasuga delphicuck
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
I've never watched any of the Gundam series. I've never considered doing so, either, since I have an unnatural fear of watching anime.
Cute Tana
sounds lie you just have shit taste desu
Go the fuck back to /dbg/ and tell whoever is starting shit that they're an insufferable little shit.
>And if they're going to let us self insert they'd
It's not a question if they're letting us or not. They made their intentions perfectly clear: youtube.com
We won't be seeing Geoffrey for a while after this, so before he goes Kieran runs up and loots everything valuable from him (Brave Lance mainly)
And that is the chapter
Good on you, anime will fuck your sister and shoot your dog, any self-respecting /a/non will confirm.
Cum in Cormag
I came here to laugh at you
Yeah I know, and ones intentions don't always have the intended result. Just ask Lyon.
It doesn't matter what you think. FE is huge and the casual playerbase views Robin and Corrin as themselves and uses them to as a bridge to bang anime girls. Every time I get a streetpass I get 9 MU's named "Steven" or "Alex" married to their favorite anime girl.
Skip to 1:17
Robin was kind of nerdy, and Corrin had their sheltered, naive personality; if they were just fleshed out more, I don't think people would think of them as self-inserts.
Power fantasies are kind of inherit to any fantasy setting. Are you saying that Robin and Corrin being overpowered is ruining the story? I'm not going to say that's not at least partially true but you'd need to change a lot more than that to fix the story I think.
Back with the Greils, it's finally time
The Awakening website labels Robin as YOU for fuck's sake.
Pretty sure the intentions of the writers overrule your own personal headcanon or personal feelings on the matter tbqhwy
There's no goddamn way I can keep that village safe without immediate backup, so I had Yumina Rescue Marth over without visiting the south village.
That's your perspective. From the perspective of the people who made FE14, as well as how FE14's narrative is written, the game is made for people who want to fantasize that "they're secret royalty whom everybody loves and can do no wrong, and whenever they do something even slightly questionable, it's only because the world around them forced them into having no other choice but to do so".
As did Japanese promotional material for Corrin, like the video above. It's just a shit meme from Westerners who don't like self-inserting as male characters that aren't testosterone-fueled muscle-bound homoerotic fantasy-bait, because that is their ideal for masculinity/heroic male personalities.
good thing his wife wasn't around hear that
Hello. Watch your back in this battle.
Speaking of "it's time"
Not in the slightest. Corrin is just another character, and I have no more attachment to him than I do any other character. The consumer's intentions ultimately outweigh the creator's feelings. Alas I'm just an individual, and others probably do project onto Corrin. I can't project onto someone when my input has no actual bearing on the outcome of the narrative. Corrin is nothing like me Corrin is too nice and I'm kind of an asshole. Also fuck the theater scene, that is his personality and general demeanor and that breaks any immersion that a self-insert character would typically seek to establish.
Hell I identify more with fucking Shura than Corrin.
And I finally have my endgame archer.
Hey, I'm just really afraid of trying anything new. Plus I'm in between replaying this, FE5, and Final Fantasy: Human Revolution all at the same time, while occasionally playing Team Fortress 2 when I'm really bored.
>Corrin is too nice and I'm kind of an asshole.
Crown Gatrie isn't going to be the absolute best unit we get, but he's plenty strong to assist
He immediately pays off next turn by proccing Luna
And thus the most luck-based part of the earlygame begins.
If you can't project onto the MU, then it means that the game devs utterly failed in what they set out to do.
It doesn't mean he's not deliberately made to be projected onto, it just means you're too mature to fall for that bullshit.
Well, I guess I can't really argue with the intentions of the people who made the game. I still don't think Robin's and Corrin's identity as a self-insert is what killed the story though (which is what I /think/ the original point was). They have just a little too much personality for that.
I don't think there's really one big change or inclusion that made the story worse, I think it was just shitty execution, probably due to deadlines.
The problem is when you say things like "if they're going to let us self insert they'd do this"
You don't have control over their intentions. If they didn't meet your expectations, that's your problem. That doesn't change the fact that they did in fact design them to be self-inserts. There's no "if" about it. You don't have to like it.
I love Cormag
Eirika and her wonderful non STR gains.
Typical game of Fire Emblem.
The BEXP gimmick of this map is that you get more for each Crimea unit that survives
People sometimes complain about Elincia's AI on this map, but it's actually Geoffrey's AI they should be complaining about since Elincia is programmed to follow him and Geoffrey just rushes into everyone like a retard
This chapter is just "it's time" the map
Which ship is considered the best in the FE: series?
>I still don't think Robin's and Corrin's identity as a self-insert is what killed the story though
I disagree. Given how much effort was undoubtedly put into revolving the entire story around the MU - not least of which creating scenarios specifically to keep them on the moral high ground at all times - I think they can easily be given a good chunk of the blame.
Mine seems pretty alright