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the death of triple tank edition

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Zarya best girl

Stay with group is live for consoles, though.

>finally starting to git gud at aiming

Shiiieeet McCree is really good isn't he

who the fuck doesn't link a thread?

now shut up

Not played this in like 3 months when Zen was a God, what heroes are OP now and is Sombra good?

>Playing Hanamura Winter Mystery.
>Get Toblerone on attack.
>Meh, I'll die and get someone better.
>Basically wipe the enemy team near the gate.
>Setup turret above B.
>Stomp point.

Pretty sure they were retarded but it was still stupidly fun watching a turret rek shit.


Sombra is the worst flanker, but Ana is good now

You take that back

>what heroes are OP now
Soldier. Does various character's jobs better than they do.

>and is Sombra good?

What's the average K/D on D.Va? Is it like 10 or something?
What the fuck?

Why does Reaper have the best skins?

>Though this is more a major flaw with CP maps than with symmetra, the generator is easy as fuck to take out on other maps since you can't place it without being somewhat in the open.
So the problem is really with the worst maps in the game? I'm not surprised.

are we hyped up for the mlg vegas tournament?

Because he's secretly the true hero of OW and Tracer is a red herring.

>tfw bought this highlight and got POTG afterwards
Thanks Blizz
>tfw no qt blueberry to step on me and tease me in French

I check my stats on overbuff it says I'm in the top 1% of weapon accuracy for mccree and soldier but I swear I can't hit dick most of the time.

>>symmetra ult is the only support ult that lasts forever till it's destroyed
Yea, key point, destroyed

Does anyone have webms of Zens highlight intros with his Nutcracker costume? I want to see how nightmarish they are.

I wish they had a Match History list so you can see how your previous matches have gone.

She doesn't fucking die, that's why she has a high K/D.

Breddy gud. Add some pink hair and I'd bang that blyat

Is Mei Chinese? Because she has white skin. I don't understand?

Let's change lucio ult so it doesn't drain automatically.
By your logic it's completely balanced, all you have to do is shoot to drain the sound barrier away.

I played 1 game with her and got an 11 k/d ratio, and it wasn't even top 95%

hanamura's recolor makes it look like a silent hill scene. strangely appropriate since the map is so hellish to play on.

>Pharah is annoying
>Soldier can't kill her
>McCree can't kill her
>Ana can't kill her
>Have to shoo her off or hook her as Roadhog

Even if you miss all the time you're probably still in the top 1% if you can hit anything.

Most Asians have white skin do they not?

>If I compare this to something different it makes sense

The dispenser is super easy to kill

>low gold widowmaker mains

>*laughter stops*

I average about 20-30, some opponents hunt me down out of mech, some prioritize other targets

Only the decent ones. Brown skinned asians are disgusting. Unless it's just a tanned white skinned Asian.

>cherry blossoms with snow

99% sure blizzard employees don't go outside because anyone would notice cherry trees don't blossom on the fucking winter.

If Lucios ult was only 75 shields and went away when you killed him yeah that might work.

We at /feg/ have zero tolerance for bullshit.

I know what you've been doing to us and we will repay the favor a hundred fold if you do it again. No one crosses /feg/

They say Dva's asian, but lets be real here.

I want to kill myself, jesus christ what the hell is happening with competitive, this is fucking dogshit man getting teams unranked and fucking trolls/afk each game.

And Jeff kaplan said "MUH REPORT SYSTEM IS GREAT!" yeah sure the trolls are still there and nobody is gonna change that shit. Thanks blizzard for making me go from 3200 to 2800 in one day.

tfw you're high elo snowballer

I'm out of the loop. What has /owg/ been doing to /feg/?

Can anyone show off golden Yeti or Nutcracker? Preferably webms

Does Sombra ult destroy Symmetra deployables shield?
If yes, how do you manage to persuade yourself she could be OP?

Worst corean with plastic surgery like 90% of their whore women

U wot big boy?

he's just a feggot

>drop down from 2700 to 2100 in 2 days
I wish I was kidding.

Just fucking end my suffering.

Where is my Otherkin hero blizzard???

as an apology ill let you suck on my mom, shes into it

What the fuck is a /feg/??

He's been here the whole time you egg

>no sexy xmas costume to spur on new art

Blizzard you cocks you had ONE FUCKING JOB

>drop from 2300 to 1700 in one session
back in season 2 though
>tfw I'm at 3060 now

I don't get it, why is symmetra and torb supposed to go well together according to you people?

Whats are all your longest comp win spree? I am on a 16 streak 120 points per win game is easy

Fire Emblem general. Probably just some faggot trying to stir shit tbqh.

>Got Mei's Christmas legendary
>Twice in a row

75 armour + 75 shield = 300 hp tracer.

Armor and new shield stacking is tremendously overpowered.

75 armor from torb
75 shield from sym

Are you in bronze?


Why live


I was a 400hp Reaper earlier. It was obnoxiously OP. Just walking right up and 1v3ing.

No diamond

Fairy-Mercy in Spring?

can you heal it or both last until broken or something?

Shield + Armor stacks to 150+ health on all characters, and the combo makes the armor last longer as well in long range fights before the brawl begins.

Personally I don't see it breaking the game so far, maybe I'm just not in the right matches, but it is strong on defense.

I want lingerie mercy in feb :(((((

If you're too retarded to figure it out yourself you're probably in silver.

Bunnygirl Easter mercy

She already got an epic and a legendary. If I had to guess that's what most characters are getting per season cycle, so probably not.

Shields protect the armor and they recharge.
Armor reduces damage taken by a little bit and can be replenished by Torb.

Your shitty secondary bait waifu got a skin last season

you can heal the shield but not the armour.

blizz should just jack all of farbelina's designs desu

Shields regenerate if damaged and only go away when you die.

>DEFEAT shit comes up
>I'm still penalized for leaving early

I am so fucking sick of this baby ass fucking game. If the match is over then let me fucking leave. Holy shit.

She will get a Love-Angel epic skin on valentine

why won't SJWs allow it? ;_____;

I am 100% sure blizzard know this is a waifu game by now

Zarya is mai waifu. I wasn't referring to Mercy in particular.

Did you play the PTR? Torb + Sym shields and armor is a nice stack. No Limits with 3 Torbs and 3 Symms was ridiculous.

Fill in the blanks /owg/!

_________ likes anal
_________ likes doggystyle
_________ likes missionary
_________ likes cowgirl

>throws a pissy fit about having to wait 30 seconds
>calls it a baby ass fucking game

Are you trying to be ironic?

Hana will get the Easter Bunny legendary


She fucking better

me [female (male)]

If I had a dime for every time I have to solo kill Phara as Zen because my McCree or 76 is too busy shooting into a Defense Matrix I'd be a very rich man by now.




But user, Zarya probably won't get any more skins for Valentines Day unless she's one of the gay ones, in which case they will give her the best skin in the game as they loudly proclaim her gayness from the rooftops.

Why is it when an enemy Sym puts up a shield generator there's no warning/promt/ANYTHING? Shit is so annoying.

If I had a dime for every time I have to solo kill Phara as Dva because my McCree or 76 is too busy shooting into a Defense Matrix I'd be a very rich woman by now.

this is by far the shittiest pairing in the entire game

most forced by tumblr too

>that feeling when bastion will never fuck you

Zarya already has the only skin I need with her. Blond hair, red powerlifting singlet, weight belt, plates on the gun. Perfection.

I wish skins in general would be a little sluttier. Zero suit Pharah, summer Mei, etc

Do we even know if there'll be an event for Valentine's Day or even Easter? Shouldn't we ask Blizzard about this?

Blizzard likes money.

There's no way they let the opportunity for lootbox sales go to waste

We don't know, but it seems likely that they'd have one event per season. I assume it'll be Valentines Day or some non-holiday-themed spring event because Easter is pretty religiously charged.