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Swedish meatball tank edition

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>where do I look up tanks
>how do I find people to platoon with
join the Veeky Forums chat channel in game

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Catgirls are not furry!

Kranvagn is a meme

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I used to platoon way more, but they stopped playing. I'm so used to playing with other I don't feel like playing by myself anymore. Anyone else have this clearly mental instability?


Never forget

First for Jpanther II a shit


What is the /wotg/ official veredict on the cramped vaginas anyway?

OP? UP? Worth grinding to?

anime is fucking degenerate

I nominate STRV-74 for cutest tank.


kran is broken tier
103b is play for fun tier

Armor is broken sure, but the gun is probably the worst T10 gun.

Not as bad as you think and only 6 less pen than the T57.

Sweden was a mistake

TDs are trash until a rework of overmatch mechanics

The other line is worth a go

pls be a female(male)

I'd like to have at least one tank from every nation but none of the Swede shit interests me at all.

>Winter Himmelsdorf

What server do you play on? Join a clan and make new friends.

I've seen it irl, and I have to say that it is a big tank.

I'm not talking about pen senpai, have you even tried it?

Fuck off you memester.

but it is big you nigger.



I have it, user.

>jpe100 comes around corner
>shoot in his side/track 3 pens
>last shot goes in
>critical hit no dmg
>231 hp left on the jpe100
>fixes track and turns towards me

alright you niggers I quit the game about a year ago and I'm reinstalling to play with a friend. What's the most broken shit these days? I have all Chink tanks unlocked. I was grinding the Indienpanzer for the Leopard and the T-55A medium missions when I quit. I also have T110E3 and IS4. Are we still living in the world of Russian medium spam?

oh man you have all the wrong tanks. get a TVP and a Kranvagn

it's the beggining of the heavy spam, in one week there will be swedish TDs everywhere, go overmatch some with the stalin-guided 122mm

>Are we still living in the world of Russian medium spam?
E5, Kran, TVP, Grille, Arty

t. a furry

>Are we still living in the world of Russian medium spam
Why of course Tovarich. :^)

Leopard 1 is really bad, it's a paper thin [s]sniper tank[/s]ammorack that is bad at being a sniper tank. I would suggest you stop where you are unless you really want the tank.

The 113 got buffed recently and it's now one of the better tier 10 heavies, it still takes a lot of module damage though. All the other tier 10s you listed are still good, I don't remember any changes to them besides maybe getting HD but I don't own them so I could have forgotten a nerf/buff.

[s]sniper tank[/s] ammorack

>This is what I get for trying to be fancy with my formatting

not an argument

best tier 9

best tier 10

prove me wrong, protip: you can't

>not shit

pick one

I would take a T-54 over the E-75 any day famalam.

I'm not even one of the people who hates on the E-75 but it is also outclassed by other tier 9 heavies. With that said, pretty much all the tier 9 heavies are good.

s̶n̶i̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶a̶n̶k̶

lmao is this 2012

those aren't even the best tanks in their respective categories
wz-111 14 > t-10 > emil 2 > conqueror > st-1 > m103 > e-75
e5 > stb-1 > tvp > batchat

10/10 improvement

you can highlight the text you want to spoiler and press ctrl + s

>wz better than T-10
>stb better than tvp and bat
>m103 of all tanks better than e75

balanced, right? ffs wg

>better than E-75


Do you just fucking buy all of your tanks?

are swedes worth playing for a new tree?

>day 1 Tier X

I thought you were kidding

Combined arms of Veeky Forums can't be stopped

>verts and egl
im confuss

thats pretty standard for high tier auto loaders

>I fired my gun 5 times am I elite now


JPZE100 has over 1,000 alpha damage.


Yes I know, where did I say I was elite now?

>can't be stopped

>this implies me and only me

but when did he say he was elite?

you may have the autism

AMX ELC BIS is the most fun tank in the game.
Prove me wrong: streamable.com/o3qo
hint: you can't

You speak of autism, but have you looked in the mirror? Christ.

only 1 of those posts used the word autism.

M5A1 exists

>not knowing how words work
>not knowing NTR

what's with the anti-awoo sentiment?
they have some decent players, right?

No, not a single one of them is better than yellow

that's a lotta boxshs


List and provide noobmeter links to 5 players in AWOO that are better than yellow
protip: you can't

Please stop bullying AWOOs. They are our friends and comrades.

t. NTR spokesman


I see you've given up. That's okay, you wouldn't have been able to do it.

Low tier shitboxes don't make me want to spend money, they make me want to take another 6+ month break again. Bye.

wow I thought it was a meme but there really isn't anyone better than yellow in awoo? this is embarrassing

>got a 1st class mastery badge for the first time

a-am I ascending the ranks of no longer being noobshit?

it was in an su-100y tho

you're cute user! cute!

>for the first time
How many battles do you have?

What is wrong with awoo? Why are they all so bad?


>that one weird guy trying to start clan drama

Don't bully the new generation. They're cute and fluffy and new.

I was trying to strikethrough

overall? 180

in the su-100y? 110

wait no

those stats are old apparently? 236 battles and 132 in the su-100y

Awoo members need to get out, yellows cannot add anything to the conversation.
Out, out, out!

did they not let you in for being to shit?
Where did the wolf girl touch you

I'm too good for them, I'd never apply. That said, they have no stat requirements, that's why it's full of yellows.

I've been thinking about trying to revive GUP. What do you guys think?

>Try to play the new TD line from the ground up
>low tiers infested with nothing but sealclubbers

Fuck y'all

Wow, so not only are you lying but you're also wrong.
Are you Greg?

Of what use are unfollowed rules? Nothing but yellows.

I've seen so many LeF platoons today. Absolutely disgusting.

The quality of teams is all over the place. Worse than x5 events.

lmao yes that is the entire clan
And you're wrong, there are reqs now, so you couldn't get in :^)

The bottom tier of your clan is indeed not the entire clan. You'd be so good if you didn't have reds dragging your yellows down!