/tf2g/ - Team Fortress 2 General

Vintage Meme Edition

Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB (embed) (embed)
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/

pastebin.com/9S37Kk0W (embed)

>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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Friendly reminder that unique > normal > unusual > collector's > genuine > strange > vintage > haunted.

tea eff tawooo

literally LITERALLY why does tf2r log me out every day

Alright let's try this again, 7 chooses.
I have nothing against le ebin cropped porn, but you crop it first you lazy pornposters


rafflehou.se never ever

mfw gottis

haha gottis

ok that was quick


There we go, tried my best to keep the transparent background.

thank you






who /waiting for old nick/ here?

Is that the smissmass guy or the australian christmas guy?

I hope they will bring him back in the comic.

so we'll never see him again

What comic?


Its been too long since i read that comic.
Not going to reread right now and remind myself of what tf2 used to be like.

r8 n h8

>unusuals on sniper

>Painting your loadout to match your unusual


razorback looks cool with some loadouts man

i like how the danger shield looks but i had to stop wearing it with the bullet resistance beacuse i find it deplorable

i dont know it looks like a golden god you know what i mean

reminder to turn off cosmetics

It looks like a loser who thinks cowboy hats are cool wearing a mismatched shirt with ugly and clunky boots.

What cosmetics go with the hat, then?

I missed the /tf2g/ drawing because i've been gone for a couple of months.
can someone post it?

The engineer ones

And then there's this guy.

Looks good on soldier too.

stop projecting you liberal

Yes, but there are no soldier cosmetics that go well with it

What? is the drawing still not done?

>This guy

>Win a game
>Finally go from green to silver in comp
>Next game
>Do really well in the fist round
>Someone quits in the second round
>Lose next game
>Next game
>3 game throwing griefers on my team
>Rank back down to green

what are the colours mean

>ranks other than fresh meat
it must feel great

I don't know, but the reef in you comp rank symbol changes color when you rank up high enough.

literally how? i lose once every 6 games if my board is any indicator. if you don't complain griefers will start playing eventually out of boredom and ironically bots are more useful than most players, who will pocket without leaving as medics, or track scouts with a heavy so well

>Trying to kill heavy bots as scout
True suffering.


you havent played against sniper and spy bots on hard have you
literal aimbot

>Big final exam tomorrow
>Need to unwind, but too much caffeine in body.
>Join a student friend in casual tf2
>Frag some charlies while going over the syllabus with him over the mic
We've been on powerhouse for like an hour, but for the first time I don't mind.
Also I think I convinced a kid to study engineering.

Sniper bots are ez, because there's only so many designated porches for them. Just avoid their sightlines and you're good. Spybots are retarded.

they might be easy to avoid or retarded but if their AI decides that its a good idea to shoot at you, they dont miss

>if you don't complain griefers will start playing eventually out of boredom
That doesn't sound like a greifer
>ironically bots are more useful than most players
No, bots might as well be AFK. One match I had was me and another player vs 6 bots and we won easily as an engie and sniper. Bots are shit.

They do miss. All the time.

Get gud

I'm gud. I can't find a match since forever.

6 bots? yes, absolutely fucking shit, this is true.

5 humans and 1 bot? i would suggest you be wary. bots biggest issue is a lack of awareness, which the humans would support the bot (so you couldn't use those braindead strats). if the bot becomes demoman, heavy, or medic he can be a very good asset to the team and maybe get even 30+ points which you cant even rely on most players to hit

not on expert they dont

just try it yourself
youll know what i mean

I've played against plenty of bots before. They do miss, but they rarely miss on other bots because bots don't understand how to ADADADAD like madmen.

This one actually has a solid answer

put your trip back on

Y = Average player age
X = Amount people who think it's OP

y-axis: how much you wish you had one on your team
x-axis: how many there actually are on your team

I never seen a bot not at the bottom of a leader board, no matter what the class.

>wishing for spies more than pyros, engies and soldiers

>that old

then you are shit at defending them or don't even try

I hope they re-roll my secret santa. He just told me "lmao".

Mine was just "LOL"
At least I made the effort to ask my recipient what he wanted, even though I didn't exactly get him what he was hoping for.

Mine was a real poorfag. Like not-even-have-all-weapons-but-somehow-a-shit-hat poorfag.
He told me any gift would be fine, but that was clearly a cry for help. I'm sorry about his giftee tho.
I bought him a hat for each class, the weapons he was missing, and he told me he really liked pyro, so I got him a skinned flamethrower.
I think he'll be happy.

Is there not a tf2g secret santa this year?

Geel wouldn't let me give more than like 5 things, so I gave him a key and some craft hats. His BP is about the same value as mine, like $150, so it's not that bad. He said he'd be happy with any item signed by me.

No one to organize it, plus no one to really participate since this thread's so dead. Last year was just sad, desu. Mostly 1.33 ref craft hats.

salmon turned grinch mode

Yeah, the storage limit of 5 should have been increased for this, but I guess storage is not cheap with a million users.
I agreed to send him the items I couldn't fit after the event is done. Sort of like a retarded advent calendar. The "secret" santa stops being secret I guess, but whatever.

>no blog update this week


it's over tf2 is done for

Fuck it I'll organize it
there should be a secret santa even if people only give craft hats

The game updates tomorrow, dingus.

i'd rather just raffle a bunch of things on christmas day

Who u? I'm not giving my keys to some who.

I was planning on participating in both the secret santa and making a raffle, but it looks like only the raffle is happening now.

can classic mixup make a return next season?

it's not mandatory obviously

a color who knows a lot about the resident shitposter named viva

Oh. Sup Red. You're cool in my book.

No, they're just retarded.

how do i practice sniper

By playing sniper.

turn your sensitivity all the way down

name and description
name at least 2 words

go go go
make it spicy
no aaaaa, qweryu, or anything related to viva pls

csgo horseshit

What is it about tf2 that makes people still use that stupid meme face

polish turd

name AND description you dummies

boypussi pounder
add me for pony erp

le lenny?

"Cunny Crusher"
"Generous Donation from Dan Schneider"

cake boy crusher :3
horny boys add me ;)

re roll

"Country Crusher (Factory New)"
"Halloween Spell: Exorcism"

Autumb Killer Destroyer

Autumb Falls, night falls again.. But by Celestia, I will kill you!

"at least two words"
"no aaaaa, qweryu, or anything related to viva pls"

viva named this
shout out to my homies!

scratter gun
killsteaks active