League of Legends general - /lolg/

Skii Champion Twitch edition

old >>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

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How do I build Sion, what items should I buy on him?

>Heater behind me
>Snow Day Graves skin
>Winter Map and Music
>Plate of Pancakes

who maximum fucking comfy here?

>You will never body-slam someone from orbit with Moya again


What's /lolg/'s dream meal?

>have ekko on our team
>he builds tanky
>mfw watching him nearly one shot a tanky bruiser
>mfw watching him 1v9 and nearly die
>mfw watching him ult and go back in finishing what he started

>grits hashbrowns bacon
>black coffee
>root beer float

Yea, Ekko is real fucking cancer

>play with decent yasou otp
>jungle doesn't gank him after once cause he yas diden't ult
>rest of the match yasou was only by himself split farming and never with the team for fights
>lose, report him, 3 mins later I get the message saying someone i reported recently for unsportsmanlike conduct has had action taken against.

>no qt spider waifu champion

its gotten to the point where i want to publicly castrate people in my games 95% of the time

Place yer bets

So people hate Yasuo because of him seen as powerful in the enemies' team, but weak and annoying in their team?

I wish the snow map had the login christmas theme instead but it's still pretty good regardless

Top, Jungle, or Support?

All in on that Orianna jungle. I have strong faith in that working out for em.

If it's a loss, I'll put up a $25 RP card.

sweetened condensed milk!

he is a huge pain to lain against

is this vgs

Not him, but top and support

>Popstar Ahri
Kill it, user.

Is winter rift not on ranked?

hold that bet friend


she was the only competent player

jungle orianna

who will win, i wonder

also, hextech annie, we have some serious spender on lolg

>just got snow day syndra
>it's literally the only skin I've wanted the past six months

Couldn't you just a champ that counters him?

It's a great skin and I don't even own syndra or like her in general.

>sweetened condensed milk
Is this supposed to be a lewd metaphor? Because I totally fuck with 油条 and sweet condensed milk. Would always eat it when I was younger, using the milk as a dip.

>tfw no mina equivalent in league
>tfw no artist champion like zeri
I heard that Riot hired the team behind Dawngate. Do we know if they've worked on any of the champions yet?

>Is this supposed to be a lewd metaphor?
no, i just like it

why do you have so lewd mind


Xth for chileans are subhuman scum that suck At any aspect of the game

>tfw no adc gf

figured out my five

post em and rate em

Great job. Having an Ahri in the team equals a team loss.

Sweet, I won! Orianna saved me from spending $25!

>tfw havent been able to play cammy


>Play someone that's not cancer

>win the past 8 ranked games
>been getting the best teams full of positive supportive players than can win lane and rotate properly and listen to shot calls

ive been blessed by the ranked gods

feels REAL fucking good


>top and jungle are duo
>they're doing pretty shit
>thankfully mid and bot (me) are doing well
>because top and jungle are trash they start 4-5 manning bot
>top and jungle complain that we're not warding
>"ward and you can't get dove"
>tf ults us while we're mid skirmish
>gp ults
>vi jungle dives us while we try and run to our turret
>top and jungle bitching again about wards
>my support and i use all of our ward charges while they're mid dive
>we then said "wards aren't stopping the dives"
>jungle and top start sperging out in autistic fits

>fucking hilarious

No, kill yourself attention whore

Hey! What a great "Artist"! Good thing she included the copious amount of cleavage in all of her "Art"! I'm sure she spent lots of time working on this "Art"! Her cleavage is so "Inspiring" and "Creative!"

Thanks for showing me this nice "Artist" and all of her works of "Art"!

Post your top 6 champs, then say something nice and something bad about the previous and your own post

>Half the champs are based
>The other half are cancer

tfw no reverse cowgirl mf

tfw no vg vs vg


>these are the types of sjws we have to deal with
>the same ones that asked for quinn to show less skin and lucian to have a bigger bulge

good shit lolg, why did ironstylus leave again?

>people bitching about not being able to use winter rift on ranked
>when custom skins exist

implying making a good costume and make-up is easy

posing for photo is a kind of skill too, like some people can do it well and some don't

Kill yourself Nigger


think i got flashed under tower like three times

>people genuinely think this flat broad without an ass is good looking
Explain yourselves.

B-because of your picture. Thought you meant it to be related to your post. I-I'm a pure boy, I promise!

she's literally broken

shes permaban unless someone on my team can firstpick her
not everyone is into asses, user

its fucking normals man

if I could play blindpick without her getting picked before me I would but my computer is the shittiest on lolg

Ezreal is so baby faced. I am also not one of those people that hates pretty boys, I like vladimir, but Ezreal for some reason I don't find attractive. I mean, he is good looking but I don't find him sexy.

What am I supposed to do to get my 'friends' to actually take what I want to say seriously.
I want to complain and be angry about the way they treat me in the group but I know they won't care.
I just wanna play league of legends with them and have fun, and not get shafted like this.

>not everyone is into asses

Yeah, irishmen and eunuchs are an exception

>People building crit MF and doing no damage
>Build her armor pen and rape everythings face in


I'm not an SJW, I just think that featuring this ugly attentionwhore on the site is stupid as shit. Especially the way they make her out to be an ACTUAL artist and comparing her to people who actually have a skill that's not "having tits"

>Losing to an Ahri
Time to pull the Yasuo, user and redeem yourself.

Make a scene then leave the chat

Sorry to not have fives I tend to stick to my main three especially Jinx, there are others such as Nautilus but I wouldn't consider him main status yet.

eww, Sion is redeeming though. 2.5/5

>Lu Bu
Easy 5/5

im going to be saving up for lucian, do you guys have any tips for speedy colored guy?

So ahri is smurfing bronze, congrats.

then play meme picks
or git gud

no one builds crit mf

only people that are just playing her for one game and didnt bother to look up her build

making cosplay is difficult, looking good in it is difficult, youre just a salty little faggot that wants to see more tumblr nose and graves + braum on the front page rather than something heterosexual

>patch 6.24
>armor pen existing

who won?

i dont see why you wouldnt be, but some arent
she was fucking mental
ive never seen such an aggressive player in my life
i had no idea what to do
she just kept diving me and the rengar didnt give a flying fuck
i dont care

i play this game to have fun
and a broken champion stomping my team because no one knows how to play against her isn't fun

>its fucking normals man
so what? you think people enjoy being stomped by a broken ass champion just because it's normals?

those who do play blind pick

You can still find him cute at least.

All on red

>tfw addicted to aram
>over 700 games played

Have I become some kind of normie freak

>caring this much about normals

are you a competitive aram player as well?

fucking faggot

>she was fucking mental
>ive never seen such an aggressive player in my life
>i had no idea what to do
>she just kept diving me and the rengar didnt give a flying fuck

Guess you can blame the jungler for not helping you that much. The Rengar could have help you counter the aggressive playstyle.

I dont mean to tell you your business but you cant tell people what to find attractive


i play
to have fun

playing against a broken champion
isnt fun
i would love to blame the jungler but was probably more an issue with my play than anything else


So Camille ended up being as disgustingly broken as I thought. No idea what Riot was thinking overloading her kit with all that shit. An AoE damage slow that also heals her? What the fuck?


The red team has camille so they won

Whew lad

>having a really shit day
>get sick and grandfather dies, have to go to funeral and miss over 4 days of work
>get paid less
>can't get snowdown skins
>decide to practice to see if I can improve a bit more
>go pick graves jungle
>early game is meh
>camp the illaoi top for poppy
>viktor and udyr snowball out of control
>varus and shen somehow lose to lux adc and morg support
>trying to play whole map at this point look for objectives
>can't get towers because of udyr
>can't get dragons because of no pressure
>try to deward
>get killed
>team flames me
>I get super depressed
>udyr fucking just takes everything and has the blue build so he's usain bolt
>enemy shit talks
>try not to cry

Holy fuck. Maybe I should take Warlord's instead of Thunderlord's? It wouldn't matter anyway because I'm still fucking shit and can't improve worth anything.

Could be. Just try to ping your jungler next time for help if you're under pressure.

Her mobility is just disgusting, it's literally 2 arcane shifts and CAN FUCKING AOE STUN.


silver surfers

I would be fine with the mobility if they removed the healing, true damage, and stuns from her kit.

>champion has multiple abilities
>said abilities do more than one (1) thing
>aaaaah overlooded reeeeeeeeeee

>camp the illaoi top for poppy
No point in doing that
You should have just abused the bot lane or done something yourself. Leaving illaoi alone is fine since she can't actually all in unless she hits literally everything. Which in that case your top was just bad. Let poppy naturally scale into a super tanky POS and make the rest of the map safe.

you forgot
>% max health dmg
>unavoidable 4 second CC
>20% max health shield
is there something she DOESN'T have?

Okay explain to me why a super-mobile fighter needs CC that also heals her and deals %HP damage?

Nah, you just like Battle Royales more than overdrawn chores dressed up as minigames.

You'd probably fall apart trying to play Anarchy Reigns online.
On that PvP it was Fuck or Be Fucked, and it'd be the best thing either way because of how over the top everything was.

You do understand that it's a slow ass ability that takes up precious seconds she could be using to AA her enemies, right?

Even if you max W, it still won't be any better than the 10% lifesteal item.

Guess the sub lv 30 champ

Prepare to go on a 10+ game losing streak

>play poro king
>pick A.Sol

whats my buildpath on camille? I cant seem to get it down

>champions kit is clearly overloaded
>if I act like a retard when I say overloaded it doesn't count anymore!

O-oh. Didn't mean to be rude. When you said Ezreal was baby faced, I thought you meant that you found him too cute to be considered attractive / sexy.

Kayle. If not, then teemo.

You're right about that, I noticed that after the end of the game.

My only defense is that Lux and Morg were playing with sticks up their ass. Everytime I'd go bot they'd just move back and I'd clear a ward.

Viktor was ungankable because he was against kat so he was staying back 70% of the time.

Illaoi was my only option. Altough it wouldn't have matter what I did, I'm still autistically bad and can't do anything good.

>when a fiora main tries to argue his champ is balanced
>trying to say max hp % true damage is balanced