/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #879

Couldn't Protect That Smile Edition

>Schedule for December:
11/30 - 12/8: Between Frost and Flame
12/8 - 12/12: Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
12/14 - 12/19: Gripping Freedom (Rerun and Renewal)
12/18 - 12/25: Christmas Guild Wars
12/26 - 12/31: ??? (Special Quest)
12/31 - 1/8: Scenario Event

12/12 - 12/19: Surprise Ticket
12/25: Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Please rerun Celestials in January.

fuck off this game is nothing but re-runs now as it is


Sakura Taisen rerun fucking when?


>get Altair to lv95
>do a Colo
>def down, atk down and water res down miss

Great character Cygames.

This, I need another bar.

Beato is unironically the best DPS in the game.

If you get an extremely rare unticketable summon
MLB it
Farm 3 MLB copies of an extremely rare drop
From an event that only runs twice a year
Put together a whale pool that can help you nearly hit capped auto-attack damage
And are in a raid that has constant DT3 casts.

Ticket her today!

>tfw no Christmas free draws.

How do you even change your country to usa, there isnt an option to do so

>b-but the 5 max level draws!!!
All characterless Rs

When will we get dark SSR Phoebe and Morphe?

>Do challenge quest first try with zero issues whatsoever


Should I ticket light Jeanneor Juliet or dark Jeanne?

Challenge quests are generally easy. There were people complaining about struggling when they given fucking YODA a couple events ago too.

Djeanne, you fucking mong.

>/gbfg/ memes on bea forever
>people do the challenge quest and now people are talking about how good she is


Well your light team needs a SSR way more. You dark team is more or less fine.

Get Juliet.

DJeanne or Juliet
don't let your dreams be memes

That's my kid in there

Light Jannu

Do you think Forte would like the act of holding hands?

How good is Veight in Baha HL? I'm tempted to ticket the little fag.

>Beato's weapon is basically enmity - the sword
>her skill set have nothing to do with it, other than the fact that the usual "damage" stance will probably kill her faster than usual
I actually think that Delta Clock is a very interesting idea and I enjoy using Bea every now and then, but I will never understand this decision, or the decision to give an actual enmity-based skill set to her SR version.

Veight is godly if you have RNG on your side. Also if you like his banter with Vampy.

But Six, Vira, DJeanne, Naru or even Beato with the right skills would be more consistent.

Just an inferior Six. Six is so broken he invalidates 90% of dark attackers.

who /ticketedsummon/ here

>Baha HL
Baha HL is a meme and performance there doesn't matter. A chance at a gold bar is good and all but aside from that the only thing you're getting out of MVPing Baha HL are MVP screenshots for you and your shitter friends in Xiei's discord to masturbate over and spam thinking emotes.

Don't use Baha HL as an end all be all guide to viability.


veight is dark's 2nd worst unit after dark saru global nerf

I have him, I'm looking for alternative party member to accompany him. I'm bored of using the same team over and over again.

That's about the only fight that last more than 5-6 turns.

>Don't use Baha HL as an end all be all guide to viability.
what should i use then?

Whatever content you're spending the majority of your game time on. It's probably not Baha HL.

Garbage gimmick character

>cerb is so forgettable this user didn't even consider her


Well it's not really "enmity - the sword" it's something that can adapt to whatever situation Beato finds herself in, which is what her skill set kind of does since she can be a psuedo-tank, a suicidal attacker, heal herself or become a one-man killing machine.

But then they released her Halloween version and it was basically "Enmity: The character" so what the fuck do I know.

Still mad she wasn't dark but at least she can be in the same party as Zeta now, in game banter when?

While backwater makes sense, I think a passive that makes embrasks effects stronger the less hp she have would be the better idea, say the lower hp she has the higher data up gives 8, higher def and less atk down from 4(ougi gen down is cancer and should be removed from the game), and higher atk less def down from 12 or give her the h skillset.

veight is still worse

Beatos 5* will save dark.

The game will be dead by then. Vampy's 5* is what will save dark.

Can someone briefly explain to me what makes Juliet so great? All the SSR tier guides in OP seem out of date and don't have any info on her.

Read her skill 1

/gbfg/ only know how to use s.zoi

Next month.

NTR memes

strong, fast, easy, cute

She does a lot of damage, her ougi hits hard and she has good synergy with Lights best unit Ferry.

>light up buff for 5 turns
>applies light defense down on the enemy
>hardest auto attacker in light with her shrouds up
>600k extra ougi damage with shrouds

Why is Romeo so lackluster compared to her? Fucking cunts

guess which ones gets the privilege

Her first skill is an extremely economical button, both buffing you and debuffing the enemy at the same time. It also lines up perfectly with Ferry's buff. When she's shrouded she hits just as hard as Amira while transformed, and she gets quite a lot of bonus damage on her ougi too.

Most people don't use her second ability cause they're damage racing, but its actually also really, really useful if you need the survivability. Usually in an HL if someone gets knocked down to half or low health and you're worried about them getting hit again, you can just drop her shield on them and carry on, and that'll be enough to keep them safe while the Panaceas come in.

He would have been godly with fenbows and his original trial version.

So he becomes core with his 5* in 2 years

>tfw want to ticket Korwa for her skillset, but don't want to become a korwafag

nah he only had burst, juliet has self-sustained damage and also buffs the party, not even close

too late, you've already put the dress on

Give in fag, you know you want her


You think that's bad? The only reason she doesn't outshine him even more is because they shoved her in Defense for no fucking reason other than to cap her stats lower and to prevent a Cosmeme boost to her DA.

Should have been Balance.

Embrace your destiny

Wow, that's pretty awesome, she sounds borderline OP. Thanks for the info, guess I'll get her over jeanne/amira.

>tfw rolled Juliet when she came out but have no other light SSRs
I don't want to farm chev swords anyway, but maybe I'll make a light nebu just in case.

>just a normal princess
>no martial arts background whatsoever
>gain stand power
>now she's core

>a trained knight
>also gained stand power
>still weaker than juliet


>You forgot
>One is a Waifu

Its obvious what was gonna happen.


Paris SSR when? Maybe then he'll actually get the hostility up that he so desperately needs.

>Uncap story Katalina
>Get Walder

How could this happen


Rank 52 babby here, I know celeste omega is a good start for farming dark grid. What's the alternative for light grid farming?

SSR Soon
>evolves ssr version
>this happens

>>gain stand power

Jojo reference?

is he kill?

No, it's a Diesel reference

Forte-mama is best mama

The same happened to me but with Sig instead

>Every character is Walder in disguise

Does Viramate have a way to sell more than 20 piece of shit normal weapons at once? At this point I'd risk a ban for that function.

More context here

And then Gran/Djeeta was a Walder

>not feeding to your guild ships

Probably severely concussed. People are hardier than you think.

500 more gunstones for my 3rd nebuchan

I am but a rat in a cage.


I now know why he's called yoda when I finally used him in the event. Damn the triple shroud is brutal.

Oh and sophia is there as a clear support too I guess.

die teenage lady grey

>did the 3, 1, 2 thing with Beeto
>but I'm dirt with dirt grid and summons so her damage still sucks
>she dies early in round 3, Eustace doesn't land a single paralyze for some reason, skull is dead weight as neither of them make it into break
Is this fucking mission just designed for dark players and supposed to be 'Beeto and her backup?'


I main dark but have a nearly complete dirt pool and I completed it using my dirt pool with Tezcat/Yugu.
I noticed the quest characters barely deal any damage and Bea hit harder than Eustace and Skull at times.

just git gud

debuff/purge the bosses

do big ougi damage with dog and bear

challenge quests don take into account youre pool, they are special charas

The only time I will willingly use satan as a main summon. (on...one more dupe to 3*)

>first ever baha weapon

N-News soon?

>Suwabe isn't doing the Archer voice for Siete


Use grande

No. Fuck you. Dumb mutt.

Is the anal priestess actually worth ticketing or is she just a meme?

I need to fuck Juliet. No love, only sex