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Jackals are Back baby

You better be downloading that patch Senpai.

Is it going super slow for anyone else? I normally have no problems downloading patches, but this one is crawling.

>6gig patch
What are we in for?

If i get gas instead of iron one more time...

Are they three times the Jackals they were before?

did the banhammer kill someone here, for real?

My PS4 just lost connection while I was talking to space hitler. I'm still good right, since I was in the waiting area?

Motor psycho and Stingshroom makes Crowley a joke. EZ

My best fighter just fell into a seam in the floor between two buildings or something and is spazzing the fuck out
They're up on the 31st floor too
Fuck me

What is floor 23 Goto weak to?

I've wasted two retrieves fighting this guy being greedy on my Kawabe runs, like 'oh well im doing great got lots of healing and an invis, theres a scoprion here how hard could it be'. Turns out he goes apeshit at half health, so not going to fuck around this time

still got 25 hours on this download
hope they roll out some mad apology rewards

Going through all the effort of putting the yotsuba in the image and not giving uncle d Veeky Forums shades

yes. maybe 150kb/s

No, snailshroom makes Crowley a joke. His only attacks without his elements are (ironically) the fireball and his jump slam bullshit.

Of course I post in the last thread almost immediately as it's switched over.

Could someone who was actually around for Jackals explain how they work? Is the timer a global timer for that area based on how big it is? Is it started when you enter the level or when you kill everything? Or is it started when you kill the Hunter/Hater of the level? When you leave the floor and come back does the timer reset or are they still farting around there? Can you idle on a floor as long as you're near the elevator/escalator or does that trigger them? I know some people here said staying near the escalator doesn't seem to make them spawn, so maybe that means the rectangular entrance area is a safe spot for them spawning?

This honestly just seems like a way to get you to rush through a level not checking for anything and letting your guard down. Getting stamps and comics must be a nightmare.

hey are you moose from khg

toss a few RAW sting shrooms, when he gets HONGRY HOMBRE he'll go out and try to eat em and go straight into a wall!

At what point can I level my fighter past 25?

not really slow, but I'm starting right now and it gives me 45 minutes left

Different user but please respond. I'll be quitting this game if this gay damage sponge can only be beaten by grinding weapons eternally.

>6 gigs
Surely there's more to it than just a "Delete" button and some bug fixes.

This has been addressed already. Not it's not, they couldn't hotfix the issue to they had us redownload part of the game.

I think it's just random when they spawn.
Some people claimed they would spawn 3 minutes into a floor.
For me I got a Jackal 9 minutes of being on a floor.

I think they despawn if you leave the floor and come back to it, but I only encountered them once.

Floor 11. You'll get a whole new set of fighters which you can level past the grade 1 cap.


Surely you know nothing about what you're saying.

There's a hidden timer that starts as soon as you enter a floor. The timer has a minimum and a maximum value that's most likely based on the size of the floor, and they can spawn anywhere and anytime after the minimum time has passed.

The maximum timer on a large floor seems to be around 20-25 minutes, but the minimum timer is insanely low on some floors. I've had them spawn in, like, 90-120~ seconds, which is fucking annoying.

They disappear if you leave the floor, and they do spawn near escalators so you can't idle. The only safe place to idle would be the premium elevator, but there's not much point in doing that.

I do not. Which is why I am wondering. And now its been answered

Bring stingshrooms from Maka-Tsutsumi and Ukongaoka. You can farm scorpions and pillbugs there for preparation.

Make sure you don't get greedy when attacking GOTO, when he turns red you throw a stingshroom on the ground.

Then you can wait until he hits a wall and start wailing on him.

Steel Axe S rage move will take chunks out of his health if you can get them from the enemies that roam around in the third area.

Make sure your shit is upgraded and toss a raw stingshroom onto the ground when his aura is up. You can also eat one yourself if you really want to hurt him, or you can play it safe and use a crushshroom for the attack boost. When he gets stunned, go to town on him with your chosen implement of murder.

what's at the top of the tower?

Is there any way to tell where they are? You know how with Haters they scream and taunt like idiots, do the Jackals do the same? Or are you just going to die from a mile away without even seeing them?

Once you've seen the cutscene that introduces them, can they spawn on any floor at that point? I've yet to see them, however, I've mainly been farming 1-6 for Coen's and JIN-DIE'S drops and other assorted mats and BPs while I level up my new guys.

Please, anyone, floor with slowmingus....

I found one on 27... just one...


a big thick juicyshroom

I want to get to floor 35 to unlock rank 5.
Is there any route right now that I can just run to without any bosses in the way?

Aside from that one twitch streamer, did anyone else also made it to the end?

They'll attack anything in the area, and I think that's you're only real warning if they're not already ontop of you

They will spawn on floor 1 if your luck is just that shitty, and they're not currently in the game anymore thankfully, gives me time to loot like the motherfucker.

why isnt this game available everywhere?

Slowmunguses are rare and aren't floor specific. Sometimes they'll just pop up in the third area and you're lucky if you found one.

PSNProfiles lists two people who got it, not sure if either of these are the streamer.

Spoilers for the final boss name obviously.

I noticed when sneaking up on the pistol Jackal, he was humming, so that's your warning.

It wasn't very loud though.

nice idea

>finnish character
>use pepe


He's called 404 boy, you fucking garbage weeb nerd.

God damn how the fuck do I get to floor 23?

I can't seem to find the correct path.

do it yourself or die, senpai

>tfw have to wait for the day to roll around the new tower layout for both goto-9 23 skip and gold snails
>tfw cant progress because of this

the fucking money costed to go to these like 3 floors before floor 23 are fucking STUPID

Its more than two people, PSNProfiles only lists people that actually used the site, if you're not registered or never typed your ID in there, you'd simply not show up.

No you're thinking of EFG you idiot

Oh I know, but these people would actively be going for the trophies and it at least gives you two names of who did it. PSN's stats just give you a generic % of who did it rather than an exact number of people. It's for sure more than two people.

Little boy with the green hair and four pony tails, I know what a 404 boy is, efg just wears the meme mustache mask. fuck off.

I also noticed at least a couple achievements I got earlier than some people on the leaderboard and I wasn't on there even though I checked my profile, I think the list may only include people dumb enough to pay for that shit.


So I uhh....

I encountered a treasure goblin in a trap room.

I hit it twice with my rapier and it fell over with no HP, but I had to stomp it to make it die.

Dropped a golden chest.

I opened the chest.

It had Knight Leggings S with most of the durability gone inside.


>reading about update live at work
>I naively think it will download and implement itself before I get back at late o clock
>start up PS4
>just now starting the download

33 minutes remain.
I was really hyped up to climb the fucking tower too.

what does VIT do?

It makes you read the OP.

How many floors are there?

holy mother fuck. Pay attention to the tutorials. If you're too stupid to do that, read the fucking pastebin.

Read your bible

It gets you (You)s

>The game is currently only available in the following countries: United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain and UK.

The fuck?

I'm interested in this too.

It's weird how half the characters sound like they are badly dubbed from Japanese, despite it not actually existing in that language.

yeah join the club, m8. I cant play it either for whatever reason

sucks because it looks really fun

calm down autist

way to single out my reply, faggot. learn how to fucking read.

Will the game be released in more countries in the future?

You should probably quit playing now and save yourself a lot of trouble.

if it becomes popular I'm sure it will, but cant say for sure.

It may be some weird legal issue we're not aware of.

It's most likely related to the servers.

I doubt it's going to be as popular as it is now. Eventually we'll have to let it die

>Finally save up enough for the Sniper Bp at the secret shop
>The fucker left

At least I got the sengoku helmet haha hah hah

tfw found the blueprint in a chest a room before him

feels good

So i just had my first anal fuck by this gem.

>I'm sure
>cant say for sure.

It has been hours... 17 estimated minutes left to download.

>DAYS of fucking preparing for crowley
>Farmed materials
>Upgraded gear
>Finally time to go there because I can't wait any longer
>Scoff down six fire/lightning/poison immunity shrooms
>Immune for 12 minute
>Eat two invisibility shrooms
>Eat two time slowing shrooms
>Eat four stingshrooms
>Six lightning rapiers +1 ready so I can do most of the fight without breaking all my weapons
>Go into the fight
>First the hater room only draws one solitary hater, its a guy from my friends list who hasnt' played since launch
>One-shot the single level 1 hater in the room
>Boss jumps in
>Shred him a new asshole before the time shroom even runs out
>Literally did the whole fight without losing any health


wait, do all mushroom effects stack with themselves?

How do I grill the shockshrooms? They keep disappearing

With themselves? Like do they get more powerful the more of a shroom you eat? No, but the timers combine, they don't override, so how many you eat, that's how much time you got, so you don't have to keep refreshing in battle.

oh, awesome. thanks. I am much more convinced of shroom power now

How do they keep disappearing? The only way that'd even be possible is if you were some kind of a retard and throwing things at the fire to grill them.

It gets better.

The effects don't disappear through area transitions.

Do you know what that means?

Let me tell you what that means.

You know inventory space?

Yeah, fuck inventory space.

Upgrade your storage, store like 50 roasted invincibility shrooms in there.

Then when you reach the boss floor, go your waiting room, eat all that shit in the waiting room, than go back up to the boss room, you can stack way more shrooms for way longer time if you utilize your gaint (if you were using your death medals right) storage instead of your tiny ass inventory.

>5 minutes remaining on download

Uncle Death is counting on me.
Let me climb.


first of all anyone could make that mistake

Can you get to floor 30 without fighting any bosses? I just beat crowley and everything hits like a ton of bricks again, I'm thinking of grabbing a metric shitton of revive shrooms and a throwaway max level 4-star defender and just rushing it.

>no dodging quest
>2 haters show up and don't fight each other

>First of all
>He doesn't make a second point
Might actually be retarded...

Wait, so you were actually throwing them at the fire?

shut up it's not like I'm the dumbest guy in the world.

your friends would hang out with you and say wow he's an idiot. they'd hang out with me and say he's a pretty intelligent guy.

>first of all anyone could make that mistake
>Wait, so you were actually throwing them at the fire?
Both of you retards are retarded.

>Damage control

I still have duped decals that I never sold.

Am I going to get fucked if I sold them now?

>grind 23 GOTO
>the two floors afterwards is ass raping brutal time

Joke's on you, I don't have any friends :D
