/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

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Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

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>F13 beta is possibly just 3 days long
>My shit internet means all of day 1 is gonna be spent downloading it

>trying to play killer
>get DS'ed 3 times a game and called a camper for not leaving a hook people are swarming around

this must qualify as a form of torture somewhere
I'm a machinegun myers with IG1 and nurses calling so I'm no saint but god damn, can't keep a hold of anyone

>and called a camper for not leaving a hook people are swarming around
I love how the people who make those claims against killers have no self awareness.

it's madness, gates are open, I've been doing badly all game and they attack me for trying to secure at least ONE kill, at least current killer attack speeds are retarded with the meta perks so I can swing wildly during unhooks and down potentially both the unhooked and the unhooker

>get into game
>2 d/cs so the killer instantly gets all those points
>Proceeds to face camp 1 of the 2 people left.
I want to take pity of the state of killers, but then faggots do shit like this

Dead game, F13 can't come soon enough. DBD has potential to be good, but the faggot devs handle their product horribly from a technical standpoint.

>No servers just shitty P2P
>highly exploitable easy hacking thanks to P2P
>Awful game balance (killers are scooby doo villains trying to catch shaggy teabagging inside a palette)
>Release buggy dlc to gather more jewgold before game dies
>impliment report system and threaten to ban people for camping hooks while there is literally a perk (insidious) made with camping in mind.
>survivors can camp palettes without recieving the same treatment.

How can they make the only current game of its kind, then fuck up their opportunity this bad? They even have the support of a real horror ip and they're just running it into the ground. Given they've had this long to make changes its not going to get better, even after they get their wakeup call when the other franchises take over. They should just sell the game off to a company who cares.

Burning a swamp offering should be considered griefing.

The devs have stated multiple times that they won't be banning people for camping no mater how much they are reported for it. You're right on all other points though.

>EW1 insidious camping myers
I can't breath, this is to insanely pathetic.
>got two sacs
>didn't even safety pip

Don't forget user. They're adding in infinite hooks, so if you get caught once, unless you try to struggle, you can't die from being hooked until hooked again

F13 has dedicated servers.

>Only things missing from making my myers full meta are IG3 (have IG1) and Brutal strength
>need to level trapper some more to get BS

so close, it's not so bad already but not being slowed much by pallets sounds amazing

Leader or enduring off the shrine this week?

Hey guys! I'm just wondering when DbD will be recieving an LGBTQIA+ survivor to represent people like me. Frankly, in this day and age, I think it's basically homophobia to not represent the LGBTQIA+ community in games, and I'm hopeful that we'll be able to have an open, positive discussion on inclusion and diversity within the characters.

Also worth mentioning that there are no Asian/African male/Latino characters, but there are plenty of white characters. Maybe consider representing more groups as well, so that all gamers can play a character who they feel comfortable with. This is a major issue with the game, and I hope it will be resolved soon :) I wouldn't want to have to associate your development staff with white supremacist Gamergate bigots, but you guys are making it difficult not to.

This b8 is about as subtle as a gay day parade.

Laurie is already in the game.

Did you just assume the currently available characters' gender?! You take that oppressive mouth of yours and leave.

I'm going to play this qt in the beta.


>flashlight stun a decloaking wraith
>shrugs it off and is on top of me again in 2 seconds
Cool. The blind lasts longer

>Not A.J. Mason


Object of Obsession is probably the best pick of them all

I highly doubt she'll be in the beta.

If she isn't i'm gonna be pissed.

I think they're only going to use 4 or 5 counselors, probably the ones who have been shown the most. That would be the preppy guy, the athletic girl, bookish girl, head counselor and maybe the flirty girl. Likewise it's only one map, Higgin's Haven (the third movie with the barn) and probably only one or two Jason skins.

dont worry user, she's being teased along with a few others as being in it. she might not be playable at start though, you may have to earn her

>Not being able to play the music junkie that is probably gonna fill the mechanic role.

>Meg will never sprint burst into your arms

Aj is the stealthy character, or is that the flirty girl?

So if F13 is shit are we gonna form a suicide pact


fuck off this is a Friday the 13th general now

AJ is the stealthiest character having high stealth and composure stat. The mechanics are probably the edgy guy and the male nerd, though I don't doubt others are good at it too.

They're both trash.
Can't wait for that game to bomb hard and all you niggers to be back here crying about it

we still have Last Year til that

Are you the Dwight dev?

everyone can do everything just others do it better

No, it isn't, go make your own general

Yeah, but I imagine the differences will be pretty stark.

>believing what op says
>current year
read the thread newfag

Hmm, I didn't see much about A.J. so I made assumptions that she's be the tomboy mechanic.

So how long into the loading screen do you assume it's not going to load and have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE your way out of the game?


Generally around 3 minutes, but I stopped playing due to the issue getting so much worse. It used to be relatively rare.

I haven't been able to get into a game for almost an hour.

I hate this fucking ship.
I hate it so fucking much.
Why is it a thing

No idea. Meg is obviously Hillbilly's girl.

>not using CTRL-SHIFT-ESC

She's my girl you twit. BACK THE FUCK OFF

Is there a more useful shortcut than that one?

Alt-Enter, alt-tab out of the window and manually close the window I guess (specifically for closing the game after it locks)

The context I read was that "face camping" was reportable and accounts caught doing it often enough would be temp banned. But "patrolling" was okay. The fact theyre trying to punish people into playing the way they want to, rather than adjusting the gameplay is just silly.

I didnt even know about that, at the very least it might keep survivors off of gens a bit longer. I get that they want them to have fun and feel good about themselves. But matches right now are hardly spooky, we both don't have time to do much skulking around, and palettes ensure I have to stop and wait each time, or give them 1000 points while they teabag in front of the next one. Survivors aren't scared of killers, especially in swf. If a survivor is literally going to stay a foot away from me jumping back and forth over the same palette or window, I should get a bonus toward breaking/crossing obstacles the longer they're in close proximity. A movie murderer wouldnt deal with that bullshit.

I know that chucklenuts, I'm offering praise for F13 in that regard. Its DBD frogs that fucked up

>maps are as useless as they are rare
What's the point?

I'm sure F13 will blunder in some completely different way from DbD. My guess is that its relative lack of grinding and non-"competitive" nature will make it get very old fast even if it's actually a better game.

then they need to introduce some healthy grinding, like dota 2 hats or mmr, and also some competition where you can sacrifice other assholes to Jason in classic horror movie fashion.

they won't do that, though, so RIP.

Wait F13 won't have multiplayer?

As I understand it, F13's leveling is completely linear. Get exp, unlock stuff. No leveling up specific characters and I think most of the unlocks are cosmetic outside of initially unlocking new characters.

8v1 isn't nearly as interesting as """""""8"""""""v1, is what I'm saying.

It's 7vs1, actually.

You're able to kill jason and win that way.
I'd bet money that once people are comfortable with the game, bullying jason and winning that way well be what does it

I doubt that will be as easy as it is in DbD.

Why is dwight so bullyable

As long as they know they have to keep things interesting then it could work out. Survival games need goals for both parties outside of winning. Whether thats unlocks or rank ups.

Would be great if it was just tons of unlocks like different weapons.

Its also possible that they could introduce new maps with their own themes and mechanics. But i think above all theyre just trying to emulate the movies and make that kind of spooky experience. I think itll have a big early turnout, then settle into a similar community size as this one. Since everyone will have a better game to play after all. Like does anyone really care about rank? Do you feel better than everyone sitting at rank 1 only to lose it a match or two later? If league of legends has taught me nothing else, its that competitive is addicting but pointless.

Its better to have a game with potential to have a huge variety of fun and different situations than to compete for a number ticker going up and down a few points.

As long as it always employs a good amount of risk im totally fine with that. Ideally there should be incentives for survivors to seperate, so we don't end up with 6 people surrounding jason with knives. There needs to be countermeasures for the killer to succeed. If you're outnumbered as the villain you should feel powerful and threatening.

>ante up
God damn, even at level 1 this thing is strong as fuck.

>Ideally there should be incentives for survivors to seperate,
There are. The escape methods don't accommodate all players and tend to require getting multiple items and materials from around the map. Only four people can escape by car, for example.

>no Asian characters

You didn't even fucking try. What, was it just too difficult to go through two whole paragraphs and edit them appropriately after you copied them off of wherever you got this?

I agree. I could really go for a
futa bitch imgur.com/a/E5iVo

Anyone else just going to screw around in cabins and the lake and pretend there is no Jason for their first match?

why don't you make a general and talk about it there?

f13 =/= dbd and talking about it here is off-topic

Fix the fucking loading screen issue instead of posting here.

>friday the 13th
this is a porn game, it has to be
all the boys look like dudes straight out of a porn shoot and all the gals have wide as fug birthing hips
play the game and tell me it's not a snuff fetishist wetdream

We agreed months ago that we'd include F13 and Last year since they fit in with the theme overall, and we'll call it /assg/ Asymetrical Slasher Series general.

Oh I forgot we were the devs let's get right on that

A nice acronym.

>f13 =/= dbd and talking about it here is off-topic
you must be new we were gonna make this general /assg/, /ssg/ because there both oh idk horror slasher games

It's hard as hell to actually kill Jason and it probably requires calling the cops so they can shoot him to pieces. Then after they all get murdered he'll be weak enough to actually beat.

>It's hard as hell to actually kill Jason and it probably requires calling the cops so they can shoot him to pieces. Then after they all get murdered he'll be weak enough to actually beat.
>assumptions based on 0 facts

Nah, the police are a method of escape. Killing Jason probably involves dealing large amounts of damage to him and then luring him into some sort of environmental kill. There are voice lines ripped from the virtual cabin that are triggered by knocking off his mask according to the names of the files.

Adding on to this, the police arriving just creates some sort of escape zone, you aren't going to have police NPCs roaming around the map fighting Jason, at least not at release. Maybe once they implement bots they'd do that, but I doubt it.

Who ever makes the next thread, remember it's not /dbdg/ now that we have the beta coming out for F13 it's /assg/ or /ssg/

>trying to learn survivor
>keep falling for the unhook trap with rank 20 killers and survivors.
Like... 4 games in a row where someone is found right off the bat and no one gets any gens but me, and then I gotta feel like I need to be a hero and die

Here's an idea. what if you got survival points for losing a killer without getting hit?


A good name. A good future.


>Get a map
>put red twine and a green stamp on it
>kill myself because this this shit now.

Why do they keep adding new female survivors when they reached perfection the first time?

Claudette looks nothing like her concept art.

meg looks kind of bitchy

I guess that would be in character.

>snuff fetishist wetdream

That would be pretty faithful to the movies.


exactly, they obviously go running in the morning for starters

That would explain why billy is so fast when he wants to be
I approve of Meg x Billy


I can only assume this was a case of "pretending to be retarded".

Use a medkit

they confirmed that players can't walk much closer actually, they're too scared

That sounds like it would make it impossible to enter certain areas. More likely it just raises your fear level by crazy and lights you up like a Christmas tree.