/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous:>[Grand Time Temple Solomon]
Raid during late December, must clear Babylonia to participate

>[Babylonia Release Gacha]
- From 12/7 to 12/31
- 5* Enkidu (Lancer)
- 4* Gilgamesh (Caster)(Bride)
- 4* Medusa (Lancer)

>[Babylonia Gacha Part 2]
- From 12/14 to 12/31
- 5* Quetzalcoatl (Rider)
- 4* Gorgon (Avenger)
- 3* Jaguarman (Lancer)

>5* Demonic Buddha
50% NP Charge, Increase Overcharge by 2 (1 time)
>4* Room Guarder
Star Attraction +300%, reduce 300 damage
>3* Seeker of Miracles
+15% NP damage up when equipped on Divine Servants

- 1/2 AP all Orders
- From 12/7 to 12/21 everyone is getting 2 Golden Apple per day
- Fate Project TV CE (+50 Mystic Code EXP)

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- FGO Special Anime will air on 12/31. TV Project series confirmed for next year.
- Da Vinci-chan Code event Japan only



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Extella spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Shiki.


Grand Saber when?

Guan Yu 5* when lads?


Every thread until Ere-chan

Nobu a CUTE.


Wonder if they would talk in Chaldea
>Heard you are a fan of death
>I'm pretty big fan myself


George Ruler when?

Nasu has confirmed she'll be unplayable.

Remember that the heroine is the key to the final battle, max her out

Last gold you rolled passes you a note:

>Do you like me?
>[Yes] or [No]

How good is Emiya's bond CE?

Happy Birthday, Nero!

Who's that guy from the streams that always looks disgusted? What's his role and why is he there?

Can we set the record for fastest /fgog/ to the imagecap?

Do you kill yourself when Nasu tells you to?

Top cutie

Leveling her right now


Oh shit I just noticed that white feathers falling around Enkidu. Did they update that in? If they did, did they at least make him good?

>Caster Gil


Best boy.

Her event had the best battle music I just loved the theme of it all.

> Karna
No. Fuck him.

He's in charge of the sprite animation team iirc.

"CCC will be the last thing I'll write about Fate" - Nasu

No, but you should probably go do that soon.


>Top Tier
>High Tier

I never use it, personally. The stars aren't enough and the NP damage doesn't amount to much with his NP gain being what it is. Better off just using an LB'd CE that can give him more attack as well as effects that make more of a difference.

I got golden sparks from you and was disappointed, only because I already rolled you before. Yes.

>last gold was Enkidu


You're right, Drake is trash

30 min
one snake jewel
kill me now

Here it is /fgog/.
Been killing boars for a while now, and now can confi that the droprate of these things is: 6%.

Good luck with those skills

Not with that card art

She's not going to be playable. Get over it, waifushitter.

Cute Santa

King Hassan is not good.

I'm doing a no gold challenge playthrough, what should my team be?

>fourth copy of Stheno
I most certainly do not.

Lord help me.

Wouldn't Knight's Pride be a better option for him? Or Brave Elizabeth or Joint Recital?

What's the best CE for Enkidu?

Posting best Rider!

I understand that this is a shitpost, but it reminded me of something: why is Ilya so bad when Kuro is absolutely nuts? I grailed her to 90 and she's way better than Artemis/Orion, in comparison to Ilya who feels way worse than Sanzo.

Zouken. :^)

I prefer her older self

The king Hassan we had was np 5 too, I don't think he would be that good at np 1

Tell that to the butthurt tiamatfag

How can a spooky skeleton be best girl?

>Caster Gil

Kiyohime, Kotaro, Robin, Ushiwakamaru, Cu, Andersen, Leonidas, George.

Not that guy, but I'm not at all convinced that Nasu can say anything about the future with certainty. He's changed his mind about so many things so many times that his word isn't exactly worth much, I'm afraid.

Posting evil

Might also be worth reexamining the Lion King's comments about the Babylon singularity and grail leading to Solomon's temple. Maybe he needs us to resolve the singularities to reach Chaldea.

NP5 at lvl 90 with 50% buster up hits for 100k outside insta kill on a beast

That's honestly nothing

No she isn't.

This is a niplist from the previous thread, but the premise used for the "useless" tier means that their role can be done just as well by something in a lower tier (less unit cost)

Serene Moment, Imaginary Around or Sumo. Depends on your playstyle and what you want to do with him.

Even greater evil

So now that we know we'll have to deal with beast class, who's planning on getting the bond CE and grail their Angry Manjew?

>b-but she has this one niche that's never going to be utilised!
I will be laughing my fucking ass off when I see you pitiful Medbfags with Stockholm syndrome crying because Solomon ends up not having a weakness to Riders, being a supposedly strong raid boss and all.
He may even end up Beast class, who knows.
Says the one whiteknighting for a useless potatowhore.

Source please.

Caster Cu, Kiyohime, Boudicca, David, Jekyll, Geronimo, Bedivere, Jaguarman.

So, everyone you get from the Story. Exact team composition is up to you.

Have fun.

It's the same number as any other single target buster np (1000%), genius.

what's your sample size?
nip spreadsheet has it at 13.6% chance per run off a sample size of 338

>muh power creeped waifushit :^)
Maybe you'll roll a better rider someday

The ultimate evil. Do not open

>Carmilla back in the Halloween 2015 event rerun


I've been doing it since i've gotten him without caring what it does.



I said it also had the 50% buster buff that comes with King hassan's pupil of the night skill

100 of course, will keep doing more

We don't really know enough about King Hassan to be sure. If his abilities are in any way related to MEoDP and the lines of death, there's definitely going to be a sense of understanding between them.

Hopefully when he comes out, he'll at the very least have a My Room line for Assassin Shiki that explores this.

ah, that makes sense
good luck user

No, I burned him long time ago. Couldn't give a shit about him. Never liked his character and the fact that he's useless gameplay-wise doesn't help. I don't need him to deal with Beasts.

Cutest evil.

What are you listening to while grinding, /fgog/?

It's the same damage kintoki/cu alter NP5 would have done

Do a 10-Roll in Fuyuki. The non-golds you roll are yours to use, along with Mashu, and any non-gold you use as a story support. That's it.

I still don't have him despite trying to get him since he came out.

Maybe he is similar to Void Shiki

so without that buff it would have done far less than 100k


Im talking about them with a 50% buster up too

Maybe. But there's a lot of "maybes" around him.

>the fact that he's useless gameplay-wise doesn't help.
Uh no? He does base damage that doesn't get affected by Defense buffs. People used him to beat Nero's Siegfried

> Shiki and King Hassan sit around pointing out interesting shit about the Lines of Death they can see on people
> Scat always sits in the corner moaning about how impossible it is for her to die
> the two of them just smugly look at each other

Let's be friends, we can even be like a family

Why does she have that sick mentality of making children happy?

Shiki and KH need to hurry up and get on that.


Giving it some thought, Tiamat might be able to get summoned as a Servant in a similar fashion to Altera. What is summoned as Altera in GO is pretty much just a backup brain of the giant Sefar. Femme Fatale was described in similar terms, like a sort of secondary brain to Tiamat. The critical difference is that Altera was recorded by history as something closer to a human existence, as Attila the Hun. Some workaround reasoning shouldn't be difficult, though.

That's why is cool to talk about it