/utg/ - Undertale General

Best Family Edition

Previous timeline: Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Demo





-Steam Group





*fucking murders you*

I fucking killed him


Threadly reminder that I'm eternally looking for more people with rare or extensive Undyne image collections, preferably including images gathered from twitter from the earlier half of the year.
If you'd prefer not to share publicly let me know and we can try to work something out.

Is no one going to fix the space between the writebin and the fangamebin?



I forget, is that where the discord link used to be?

Brace for embarrassment

i did some shitty crossover art

I'm interested in anything anyone wants to share.

Do you think your favorite would be a cuddled in bed? Would you put up with it or make them scoot the fuck over?

I love this goat!

Aight. It's really shitty though.

I hope so

>put up with it
>not wanting to be cuddled by a giant fluffy goat monster
baka desu

Cuddler. God damn.

Doesn't look too bad to me at all.

I don't know. I've never been cuddled before and that question implies I ever will be.

I haven't either, but I like to hope.

Hope is fleeting like an abusive relationship. Always here for the good times, never the bad.

i dont get a choice in what he does with my body

Give in fully to hope.

I will when I'm dead.

Do you think Undyne sometimes h8des in Papyrus' ribcage and when he wakes up, pretends to be his consciousness and tells him to do deplorable activities like go to her house and maturbate all over her clothes and into some bottles so she can have some delicious ecto-juice later?

I can't deal with how shitty this general is nowadays because of posts like this

You sound boring and uptight

are you drunk

Papyrus ain't got no dick.

because I don't enjoy shitty out of character shit posts? You got me. I'm sure you also think those ~hilarious~ shit posts about how terrible Sans is are also funny, don't you?



No, but I recognize a joke post when I see one.

Looks like two sock puppets kissing

Do you guys think Undyne sometimes hides in Papyrus' ribcage while he's asleep, and when he wakes up, pretends to be his consciousness and tells him to do deplorable activities, like masturbate all over her clothes and into bottles so she has some delicious ecto-juice later?

>its a 'joke' so that makes them less unfunny and shitty!

>tfw no younger goat clone
>tfw you will never be your own mom

Stop spamming.


Larger image
Why a tiny twitter repost?

There's a difference between going "wow this person has terrible taste" and "what a silly user"
No, not every retardedly OOC post here is funny, but I don't go shitting on others' fun.

I really wish I could be cuddled

I've never been cuddled before

I bet it feels nice to have someone who loves you




I would cuddle every single user desu

now that's an adorable skeleton

You wouldn't cuddle me

okay fine, i'd cuddle every single user who wants me to cuddle them

It's not that I wouldn't want to be cuddled.. You just wouldn't cuddle me..

I'd cuddle with a goat

I'd cuddle you and hold your hand



you wouldnt no one would

I would snuggle close to him and never let go.

Shut up already.

>tfw feel like shit tonight
I wish I had a goat to look at me like that

ok im sorry

ill just go back to lurking

Man, no wonder the Underground has such trouble with reading and writing if
"I want to be destroyed the barrier For everyone" is accepted as A+ material.

so kawaii desu..

You still wouldn't be happy.

I want to give him a smooch

Do you think Undyne filters her tea through Papyrus' socks, to get that milky bone flavor Papyrus has?

Yes. I'd love to snuggle with her

Someone makes this post 85% of the time that picture is posted

We fucking get it, haha he misspelled it XD so fucking funny


Do you think Asgore filters his tea through Gersons' pants to get that earthy flavor Gerson has?

You're right of course. I should really just hurry up and kill myself so I can do everyone a favor and stop existing

Do you think Sans filters his ketchup through Grillbys' dish water to get that shitty soapy flavor Grillby has?

Is that goat dual wielding teddy bears?

Goat siblings that fell in love! Goat insest!

Different user, but I'd be terrified of what my fave would think about my life and about the scars years of emotional abuse have left on me.


You will find no solace in death.
They would abandon you like any rational person. The mind is not fit to put up with other's negative emotions. Empathy goes both ways.


Being dead would be better then living. I'd rather take non-existence over the shit that is this life. No matter though since the option will be out of my hands soon anyways. I'm excited

post more


I warned you.

motherfucker's grinding up his Cuddle stat like you wouldn't BELIEVE




Whats the point of these posts? To make people feel more like shit then they already do?

To be edgy and receive (you)'s

incest is ok if you're a different species

You guys want some work day doodles




The most helpful things to tell people tend to be the things they don't want to hear.

I wouldn't mind

Do it!

am I the only happy person here

Is it just Asriel and the skeletons? If so then no I really don't

yes because I feel like killing myself right now


Pic Related
Yeah I'm a piece of shit and like to draw this little dude to help me destress at work.

Sorry, buddy.

It's like they don't even love the goat.

post more asriel please

its really cute