/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Just like make game edition!

> Play Demo Day 11

> Next Demo Day 12

> Play Dinosaur Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


First post for Rin

What should I model for practice, /agdg/?

Third post for Amazon Lumberyard

Amazon Lumberyard


How much experience do you have?


ideas for non-zelda-like room transitions in a zelda-like?

Very basic, I'm terrible at organic models.

The filter list should be added in the OP desu


Well, it sure is a game, but someone already developed it...


Can we please leave the /dpt/ memes in ?

holocaust tycoon

which language is the most practical to start learning? If i learn C is there a huge difference to C++ (as i see most game engines use the latter.)?

Done, but I would like it as a standalone instead of a mod.

do we really need another fantasy game?


C++ adds classes, but most of the syntax is almost identical. The biggest change would be the libraries you use, (cout vs printf), etc.

classes are pretty damn good for game programming though.

C# is similar syntax and great as well.

>classes are pretty damn good for game programming though.

How passive aggressive can one jew get?

So Aseprite was updated recently and they finally implemented mirroring. I really want to like it, but why is basic functionality still missing after so long?

Eyy, it's yo boy user with a fix for his stupid water.

how would u make a crpg without classes? checkmate

* mirroring on a single pixel

are you saying object oriented programming isn't useful for games?

that's what I meant

sometimes I think I should add ">" to the filter.

Did she die?

>testing out Blackjack minigame
>get blackjack on first try
I wish my luck was actually this good.

Good on ya. When are the airbubbles coming?

gimme ideas for fun spells please

oh fuck, I like this, I don't have any ideas though.
How did you recognize the shapes being drawn?

What's with all the OOP hate in agdg? A meme gone too far?

lightning bolt
poison cloud
horde of rats

go away shitposter

all the letters of the alphabet should all be symbols

>Not going for VR gesturing support
Think of all the money!

Rooting your enemies in place / beanstalking them into the sky.
Swarm of insects to distract.
Summoning a semi-lewd decoy.
Inflating enemies' heads so they fly away.

Japanese katakana could be useful for spell shapes, they're very simple shapes to draw, and there's a lot of them.

>look at him go
Code progress only : Tree behavior is finally implemented.

Everything is configurable and I just have to switch the modules around to create new behaviors. Even adding modules at this point will require very little coding.

>why did you make something that complex for a fucking placeholder slime?
I have no fucking idea but this slime is going to wreck shit

*- procedural generation base done, just need tweaking
*- destructible terrain done
*- battle mechanics done
*- AI done
Finally, maybe I'll take it easy for the next days and just code fun and useless stuff for a change

>please kick the following people in the genitals for me if you happen to meet them: Rami Isreal, Zoe Quinn, Robin Arnott, Phil Fish
Believe it or not, but most of the devs in the industry never heard about gamergate or any drama related to gamers angry about something. Among my 470 Facebook friends (most of them are devs) I can't even find someone criticizing No Man's Sky. I even go so far as posting the steam score and asking what was the problem, to get other devs come and tell me everything was fine.
Though this one was so big, we talked openly about it a few times.

I'm spending more time reading comments than reading news, so I know well about dramas, but that makes me a rare exception. Most devs (even the ones who come to professional events) are actually scared to talk to gamers. They say that's not their job.

When it comes to top indie devs, the feeling is really close to top news journalists. They are really convinced there is no problem in the system. And they think that if there is a problem, supporting the system is better than changing the system.
When you tell them any opinion from a gamer, they just answer "I never heard of that, from which press outlet does it come?"

I spent hours trying to convince french devs than some people really believe in social justice, but they just think I'm crazy to even think such people can exist.
By the way in France gender theory is not supposed to exist, so gender theory believers are considered as a kind of a myth.
You are accused to be a fear mongering intolerant if you say that gender theory believers exist, they say that you are making up imaginary extremists to make left values look bad.

I kind of give up trying to explain what are social justice warriors and what they want. They just say that it's one or two idiots on the internet, so none of this is real. Nobody believes me. I feel like someone who saw aliens and who tries to explain they are real.

stop blogging

thanks weeb

fuck off

>When it comes to top indie devs, the feeling is really close to top news journalists. They are really convinced there is no problem in the system. And they think that if there is a problem, supporting the system is better than changing the system.
>When you tell them any opinion from a gamer, they just answer "I never heard of that, from which press outlet does it come?"
That's fucked up and explains a lot.

>They just say that it's one or two idiots on the internet
But they actually are the minority when it comes to games.

I wish I was surprised, but I am really not.


i like to start with simple, pure things, so if it isn't absolutely useless, i'll probably start with C
i was just worried there would be too much change when i move from basic programs to a game engine


>where do you get the money to travel to all those events?
This one is just one country away (from France to Switzerland). They will take care of the hotel room, and maybe the travel expenses (I'm not sure about this one). I paid all of this by myself last year, it cost me around $500.
I still don't know if I will go to some US event, it would cost me more like $5,000 (or even $6,000).
Ludicious is a contest, so you get free stuff if you are nominated, contrary to events which are pure festival and you have to pay a lot to have a stand.

>Did you ever create the "next video" inside the big cube?
I intended to make a self repairing enemy ship and you had to make a bit of a parkour map inside it in first person to reach the next point.
But when I saw the hype caused by the project, I told myself I should put more work i the base technology, or risk deceiving people. 6 months of open alpha later, I switched to the puzzle game project to make the DNA / electronics technology stronger.

>Well shit, I guess you're banned then. Only amateur game devs allowed. You're on your own pal, good luck
It's true I'm less and less of an amateur. But as long as I just like to make games, I think everything should be fine.
AGDG is actually the english spoken community where I got the most feedback.

>most of the devs in the industry never heard about gamergate or any drama related to gamers angry about something
Honestly I don't know anything about gamergate or all of that drama. When it first started I just ignored it like all the other drama gamers always make. Then it just kept getting bigger and bigger but I still had no idea what it was about.

To this day I never bothered to really look into it. Is it still something that's happening?

>Gone Homo still asking for 20 dollaridinosos on itch
Holy shit.

Mouse positions are converted to an array then the array is compared to preexisting shapes and whatever has the closest match is picked. Its far from perfect atm but its good enough to test with.

I was thinking about doing runes or something, but the problem is its difficult to draw them in a smooth motion.

I was thinking about putting in voice support since that's pretty easy in c#, only problem is it won't work on linux

weebs pls go

Once you have the syntax down, the only thing that you need to learn when it comes to engines is the engine's API, as in what functions to call when you want something done. That's just a normal part of learning any tool though.

good luck

why do you follow the "games industry" like its fucking oil futures?

It was free last month


>when an idea gets stuck in your head just enough to bug you but not enough to provide actual motivation towards making said idea a reality
>This compounded with a complete lack of knowledge on making games
>And depression
>And not having the spare cash to buy the system I want to make this game for (Vive)

I want to die.


Warioware but in VR

>Is it still something that's happening?
Only as much as the Korean War is still happening.

>Is it still something that's happening?
No, but occasionally people will write retarded articles about the evil goobergrapers around every corner. Like how one bitch wrote that we "Elected Gamergate to the White House" after the election

It's just another boogeyman like the Patriarchy at this point

Ah, fuck me. I'm tired of getting too caught up into details and lofty ideas and end up nodeving in the end. I'm churning out shitty clone games now, I don't give a shit anymore, I just want to make games.

how about this original idea
Warioware but in VR

You really have to work on your English, dawg. I hope you're getting someone to revise the English text in your game. This advice extends to all other foreign devs in AGDG myself included

we follow it like it's fashion, important difference

+ = Heal / Decurse
D or 3 = Bow
L = Sword Slash
I = Lance
S or N = Lightning
. = Vanish

Gimmick, won't last a month.

That's pretty good, I can see it having above average success.

Genius, you've done it again Molyneux

I don't, I only play games from 10+ years ago.

>D or 3 = Bow
>L = Sword Slash
>I = Lance
Those aren't spells silly

>mfw want to filter "source" but it nets an amazing amount of false positives
>mfw guy-who-creates-Source-OC-and-then-samefags-"wow disgusting"-100-times-every-thread-for-years won't fuck off

Please post "artists > programmers" images.

I'm farming (you)s from my programmer friends on normiebook.

The solution is easy. Filter the md5 of the images they use.

but user programmers > artists

I bet you could farm (you)s with CS students or Girl Code vs Guy Code.

its tape

He keeps making new stuff / minimally changing the pictures, though.

Life ain't easy. You have to choose between false positives or having to occasionally update your filters.

Veeky Forums filters are regular expressions, take advantage of that by filtering common constructions rather than individual words. You can test them here: regex101.com/

>can't find solutions to my WebGL problems anywhere
what do

Stealing this idea for an android game

Guys, what about a moba that you make your own character in, instead of choosing from a pool of premade heroes?

Would anyone be willing to play my boss and let me know what they think of the difficulty? I'm trying to balance it, but I'm just one person and I tend to make things easier when I suck and make things harder when I don't. I can't seem to strike a balance.
I think I have the boss pretty close to good balance, but I'd like some opinions.


No install, just the .exe. You'll start in the room before the boss which has some equipment that is practically necessary. Since you're not playing the stage, I'll tell you that you can hit projectiles flying at you to destroy them. Also let me know if the font shows up like in the picture attached, since I don't know how it'll react on systems without that particular font installed.
Controls are arrow keys, z and x. R restarts the game and S toggles the experimental shader that may or may not lag your game


Good thing it only takes a second to click "filter image" with 4chanX

would it be possible to apply reverse image search / image matching tech and filter any image that is similar to source?

Dota's ability draft?

It's not often obvious that it's Source. Sometimes it looks like normal progress. Lately he's been making new ones every couple of days.

explain your problems rather than talking about them

whats the problems?

I always thought it'd be neat to have a moba where you have to figure out what skills your opponents have.

It'd be like that shit from anime where you don't want to show off your ultimate until jussssst the right moment, lest people figure out to counter it... Of course that'd never happen if said moba featured heavy rubber banding

This. Filter shit like "progress haha" or "lol, just lol".

That's great user. How much longer are you going to be posting about this? You talking about him while he's not around is just as shit as when he is around.

Previous anons weren't me. I just wanted to participate. Please forgive me.

I'm wondering if I can lump objects shrinking with distance into the perspective matrix, the same matrix which I've got stuff like near and far cuttoffs in.
It'll clean up my code a lot, and I want to see if it inherently solves the more major problems I'm having before tackling those.

Love you, user. Let's go make some progress!

trying it now
so far I am getting used to controls and no air-control
projectiles may as well be invisible. you focus on the top orb moving down into attack range, your eye naturally watches for that one and then you just get hit from small orbs shots from the lower ones.
since the boss is pretty much always moving out of range you really just have one likely line of attack

*hic* ha *wobbles drunkenly* look at this cool game i made *throws up some blood* wow what progress *battens door against police action* isnt this such a cool game *phones up rotate*

Huh neat link. Bookmarked!

a-user are you ok?

It helps to ask other people when google/etc fail you! If not just to get the correct keywords to search for.

thats pretty cringy

>there was a ""person"" who thought this was a game