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first for second



Do you think Widowmaker had any children with Gerard? Could our blue smug be a milf?

Xth for Make Overwatch Great Again

Festive Pig!

I stopped playing relatively quickly after the game came out because I got bored of it, I've only started playing it again in like the past week.

what did they mean by this?


I finally got this fucking spray.

Should I open boxes as I get them or wait and open at once I heard the chances of getting something good go up the more you open in a row is this true?

get fucking going hiroshima



Only open them in numbers of 11.

Trust me my aunt works at Blizzard

Captain America, great spray

Is that a secret one or something? Never seen that before. Marvel partnership?

found the redditors

>It's another "People have never seen the thumbnail glitch before" episode


found the redditor

>tfw no smug vampire to step on me

>milf blue

>placed at 1750
>drop to 1600 over the course of a 7 game losing streak
>my games now are less fun than the 1750

does it get better? should i just wait for season 4 and try again? This is the first placements i finished.

Why are ranks so inflated this season

Anyone else having graphical errors since the update? Didn't throw 200 dollars at my GPU just for blizzard to fuck it all up for me in one patch

Grumpy ass mother fucker

But all of you hump the GAY GRANDPA idea


Just got done playing a Mystery Heroes match, Mei is fucking broken.

>he has a $200 GFX

So you have a console?

Symmetra's anus is ravaged from all of the curry shits.



I just wanted an honest answer

>200 dollars at my GPU just for blizzard to fuck it all up for me in one patch
>$200 gpu
You might as well be a fucking console pleb.

Why is D.Va literally the cutest thing in the history of our universe?

greedy ass motherfucker

he's scrooge

found the redditor

Here's the honest answer:

You're retarded for believing in old wive's tales like this

Wew lad

I placed way lower than I ended last season. I was already pretty low, but dang.

I expected the lower placement but I ended up playing support in my placements... Bad choice.

Delicious brown!

korean master race genes

and cameltoe

>Didn't throw 200 dollars at my GPU
So you bought a console?



Whenever roadhog hooks and kills someone instantly, he is teleported back to the spawn.


Caramel is SUPERIOR


>Mei will never get a sexy skin


who /badanxietywhenplayingcomp/ here

You say that like it's a bad thing

>not just buying a new $200 gpu every 3 years on black friday
You are literally retarded

>m-muh bleeding edge

season is new and it will take a while for everyone to settle into a rank range. It's still better than S2 where high plat has such a huge spike of players the games were just random as hell.

I'm sure we will see a whole lot of master tagged player back down in low diamond high plat by the end of the season. They just boosted up too quickly.

Her model isn't designed for it, man. She always has to be wearing something bulky, or else her hitboxes are going to be fucked up.

>Maybe if I try and make excuses for my toaster it'll make me seem less stupid!

>Captcha: Walnut Parking

I mean, you can stay gay if you want to...

cringe my nigga

>not liking fat chicks makes you gay

Okay, pham.

>think the achievements sound a little tough
>got all in the first game

Are there any good emotes or something? Only really interested in two skins and I got one from my freebie


What really happened.

She isn't fat, dumbass.

What rank will I end up at if I lose all 10 placements, if I was master last season?

Already lost 3 and drew 1 out of 4 games lmao

would racemix with

Oh, I'm sorry. """""Big boned"""""

That made me laugh way harder than it should have.

upgrading a 770 to a 1060 is pleb? Anything else would be fucking over kill, even with two monitors.

But you guys can stay retarded I guess, go shill more money.

Does the agents of the NSA or the FBI enjoy all your waifuposting?

>not liking thicc

shit taste

Depends on how high in master. If you were high master you'll still be master but if you were closer to 3500 you'll end up mid or high diamond.

Has Sombra's ult always hacked health packs?



Have fun fapping to Satan then.

What did he mean by this?

>Anything else would be fucking over kill
>graphical errors
Should have bought a 1080 you fucking retard.

>pat, pat, pat!


holy fuck I flinched

Maybe. Who doesn't love waifus?

Mei is Satan. Not exactly breaking news.

>The NSA has watched me respond to my own posts like I was someone else.



I recently came from PS4. ________
Why can I aim well with Widow and Tracer and McCree and everyone else other than fucking Soldier?
I have by best accuracy and crit stats with Soldier on console. And now I can't do shit with him.
I don't understand.

Like I'm doing right now.

And a "Heil Hitler" to you too, friend

>why can't i aim without excessive aim-assist

>Hook goes through the entire front line and grabs me at the back.

This only happens to me when I play Zenyatta.

Why is this brawl so fucking bad?

>tfw I will never be good at Widowmaker

because it's mei

>he can't be aroused by the dark one
Landing that guaranteed icicle to the head after spraying M1(salt button) is so good.

Imagine if they made an even more generic hero than Soldier 76.

Limited ammo, gotta pick up ammo from dead players and health spawn points or respawn base.

No ultimate ability, just normal cooldown abilities.

Able to pick up and use scattered weapons from other dead players.

>6 Meis vs. 6 Meis

Your guess is as good as mine, bro.

Why would that make me have trouble with him but not with any other character?

Do Winston and Zenyatta even have unique voice lines for their ultimates?

The entire brawl is basically doing nothing for 5 minutes. It sucks. They should have made it a point system or something.

I like the Brawl. Why do people dislike it?

Surely you aren't bad enough to get eliminated right away?

I hate these event sprays so much
They're always so cute, but I'm too autistic to use them outside of the holiday they're for

so COD?

Tracking versus flicking. The sensitivity of an analogue stick versus the mouse will be more noticeable when you have to track your target continuously.
