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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2389

Spiral Wave Edition

Last thread: ● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/baj95caex5si0n3/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy.exe
YGOPro (Mac): Shit outta luck
ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project (High Quality YGOPro images)

Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Pendulum Evolution (December 23rd)
●OCG: Tyranno's Rage (Feburary 25th)

●TCG: Pendulum Domination (January 20th)
●TCG: Raging Tempest (February 10th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.

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First for Spirals are shit. SHIT!

xth for Poseidra

cardfu goes here


>V-jump says Spiral has another stronger evolution in MACR
>Field spell prevents you from summoning effect monsters if you activate its effect
Bravo Konami, let's see how you make this work.


>both Archetypes are currently shit

Coincidence? I think not.


>loses to Spiral Serpent
How can Atlantans even compete?

I bet it's some gemini retardation

Does second normal summon for Gemini counts as normal summoning a normal monster or normal summoning an effect monster?

Google translating my way through this shit.
>"Stop it with seriously errata and put out with trash Fuck konkomai"

They could also make a high attack effectless ritual but that'd be dumb because then you wouldn't be able to activate the trap cards.

>KONMAI "Sell the twelve beasts yet"
KoJ confirmed just as bad as KoA



Perhaps a clause like White Spirit Dragons that treats it as a normal monster everywhere but the field.

>Normal monster
They just need to shove counter and Union there.

Excuse me?
If Poseidra fought Spiral Serpent, then that was before Abyssgaios, and Spiral Serpent is not around anymore by that time.

what about tokens

or was dracossack ;^) enough for tokens to not be a joke mechanic

The field spell already summon token.

>Spiral Serpent bullies Poseidra
>Poseidra gits gud and becomes Abyssgaios, fucks up Spiral Serpent's shit
>Spiral Serpent is wounded and evolves into neo new Spiral Serpent

>this is not a Sea Serpent

>cards that say a lot to do so little

>Poseidra gits gud and becomes Abyssgaios
You don't know jack shit about their lore, do you?

Also Abyssgaios doesn't have a trident in its tail, so it's clearly Poseidra.

How is Konami going to errata this?

I'm not a furry, but

>Hard OTP: Shuffle your deck

I'm not a furry, but

How can we improve this for imaginary format?

She's hardly furry
>Only has a purple skin tone + sick tatoos, no fur except for the one in her bra
She's Lv. 1 furry if anything, the only animal feature she has is probably the feet and even then, those are just boots and there aren't Lion Ears anywhere seen in her mane anywyas. And if YGO4Realmen was still around he'd say something like this
>Manly Sword and Wrist Blade that can attack twice and destroy sissy summoned monsters
>DAT 3500 atk

So, what's the verdict on Zarc? Is he trash like every other extra deck pendulum monster except Clear Wing Fast Dragon?

>This card's OCG and TCG rulings contradict each other.
That means ruling reversal soon in TCG side.



Yeah, i know that feel.

Neither of these are furfag tier
Someone post the chart

Gotcha fampai

What else do you want to see in Maximum Crisis?
We've got:
>Most of the True Draco/True King stuff
>Spiral Serpent/Umi dek
>Buster Bladder trap
>Yusho's performapals and the left/right hands
>A Digital Bug monster
>Zebra searcher+void seer in grave
>Lyrical Luscinia
>More D/D support that reek of Hikokubo and won't be played in any competent deck
>Predaplant Rank 3 engine that can search Poly
>not!Underworld Resonance - Synchro Fusion
>ZARC+the first ever 0 and 13 scales

Or at least i knew that feel before Kaleido Chick rolled around
>Implying you can chain something after i banish that bitch.
b-but i negate it
>Implying i didn't baited your faggy dragon
>Implying i'm not sobbing after you SS Artifact Scythe


Buster Blader field spell

Betting it's going to be the armory where he keeps all the swords the whelp brings him

>3 is just a recolor of 2
>2 isn't furry.

Wind Witches

Meanwhile, my Crystal Wing killed by a fucking horned rabbit.
Fucking why.


Because CWSD only gains ATK with lv 5 or higher monsters.

Oh that's a cool idea
>Hard OPT you can discard 1 card from your hand; equip 1 "Destruction Sword" monster from your deck to one "Buster Blader" or "Destruction Sword" monster you control but destroy it during the end phase

- OCG staples
+ TCG staples

Like? Aside from stuff like Raigekiii and shit

Does this look good for a main deck. YGOPro is whatever but I got to some 1790 just spamming this in singles.

I've had x3 Solemn filler in case you hit a dead wall so you can clear/potentially attack directly.

I'm not a paedo, but

Could you tribute 3 of your opponents monsters to summon Winged Dragon of Ra sphere mode, then activate this card to get Sphere Mode back on your side of the field straight away?

One, its pedo.
Two, aren't those things bait for whatever spider or other insects in the background?

you're directly skipping to the next turn without going through the phases

if it allowed you to go through phases I'm sure there would be some cheeky NicoNico video with double battle phase

>"Pyro Clock of Destiny" will only affect cards that count turns.

>you're directly skipping to the next turn
So I can activate OPT effects again?
Can I normal summon again?

>It will not affect "Goblin Attack Force", [...]
>Based on the OCG text, "Pyro Clock of Destiny" only affects the turn count of one card.

Who is the Sam Hyde of Yugioh?

show me your dick /dng/

Step off seppo.

Poseidra bounces all of Spiral's equips and field on summon and nukes his ATK.

Way to miss the point.

(You) ya happy
fuck off already

>Two, aren't those things bait for whatever spider or other insects in the background?
No, they're cute semen demons who are into femdom and want you to feed their pets and them.

>chain Whirlpool

2 is more Monster-girl than 3 but yeah, i think this chart is better

percival please add new zarc things

Truly the same shit as TCG then, besides how the cards are way cheaper there.

So Zarc isn't worth running at all over just playing more rank 4s, right?
Post optimal magician dek

3 of each new magician, 3 astrograph, 3 tune, skullcrobat, wisdom eye, zodiacs
It's really not hard

You're going to get an assload of Magicians in your Graveyard as fuel for Zarc if you go Rank 4 spam, anyway.

Astrograph should already be used at high numbers because he lets you get more Magicians off the destruction of your old ones, so there's no reason to NOT run at least one Zarc. The R4 pool isn't good enough to fill your entire extra.

You don't have to change anything. You should already be running Astrograph, so when you get it into the field and have every orica in the grave just pull out Zarc.

It takes up extra deck space you could be using on more rank 4s and synchros.
Rank 4s alone won't fill up your ED, but rank 4+zodiacs+level 8 synchros will.

There's your problem.


Why would you not be running zodiacs in a rank 4 deck with destruction floaters?

>needing zodiacshittery in pendulum magicians
You'll get better mileage without fucking your consistency with non-Magicians and filling your extra with useless monsters.

I say 'useless' because Drancia is the only one that'll do anything, the rest are just for Xyz Mats/getting more rats out, and if you're playing Magicians properly you can Rank 4 fine and use that space for better monsters.

Zodiacs also can't make Startime, which is your most important Xyz in the first place.

Because they all do that themselves anyway?

Because Magicians are stronger than Zodiacs, you're just making the deck worse by adding them.

What are worthwhile synchros to play in the new magicians?
And should you still be playing Sky Iris?

EnPal, Omega, Ignister, Scarright, Fast Dragon. Beelze and Moonlight Rose are good options too.

If you still run Odd-Eyes/Odd-Eyes Fusion, Sky Iris is great since it lets you get additional destructions and protects your scales. A lot of people are running pure Magicians though, so whatever floats your boat.

Ignister, Crystal Wing if you play the old Tuning Magician, Omega, and Crimson Blader is a nice tech, and don't forget about your old Clear Wing.

What are you even running that's worth recycling?

Why don't more rank 8 decks use this guy? I mean yeah it targets but its non-destruction removal that goes back to the deck and can prevent them from top decking

No reason not to run Ignister since it's so easy to make. Omega is a good option since it puts whatever you synchro'd with Tune back into the grave for Zarc.

Can someone explain the point of these Supreme King cards for me
Are you supposed to combine them with Magicians somehow?

Isn't Amazing Pendulum a pretty great card in that deck?

The magicians are substitutes for the dimensional dragons and are a lot easier to get out

Pendulum Call, if you still run it.
Amazing Pendulum.
Twin Twisters.

Keep in mind that EnPal still has a highly potent burn effect, it's not only good for recycling spells.

Win more and dead turn 1

>dead turn 1
Nigga what?

Iris is the only one that can pop itself.

that and it has 2300 only, sure, 3200 DEF is no joke but i'm sure R8 decks would rather use Cipher or whatever galaxy faggot dragon xyz. Oh and Habringer

So I can't be the only one thinking that the Pendulumgraphs are actually terrible right

Shit man, do you even card advantage?


no, you can't be the only retard

They're basically blank cards in your hand until you actually go off, and if you do go off all they do is replace themselves.
Why not just play more pendulum monsters instead, since that's basically all you're doing anyway?

Why not just play more Warriors instead of running Reinforcement of the Army?