/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

Please discuss Ilexa edition

Latest patch: dota2.com/700
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Group: steamcommunity.com/groups/pottisdefenseforce
Discord: discord.gg/gxGqKkH
Cosmetic simulator: dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/ (formerly yasp.co)
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/



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Pugna still best fuck off shrub

Purest Maiden buff when

new radiant loli is better

30 posts early.
not a dota image.

can the mods do smth

lmao this isn't /a/ there's no moderation here for shit like that

>mods on Veeky Forums
half this board is softcore hentai

How would you buff Lina? Make animation better and scale down Fiery Souls to compensate?

Even if Laguna is her signature thing when people think about her, I feel like it could get reworked and be a more spammy ability. I don't see why people want it to be like 20 second cooldown like Lion Aghs.


Give Ahgs Laguna the range bonus back
Fix the auto attack animation at high attack speed
Make her boobs bigger


Play with me plx

I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Luna. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Luna pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Valve create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.

I need Slardar in my boipucci. NOW

They've been going about her Aghs all wrong.

Should give a big increase to Fiery Soul's stack cap so she can get it as an all around useful carry item. If she doesn't do so well earlier in the game, she can still be a supportive hero.

>tfw no 20 inch horse cock to pleasure Luna with

that is a big condom

that's a big condom

Why did they nerf me after seeing my glorious 42% win rate across every single MMR bracket in v6.88?

>taking some shitters 15 win streak

guess his buddies couldn't carry his ass

For you.

imagine her putting it over her head haha
i wonder if she could breathe haha just curious


new update dotards seems to have UI updates


thanks reddit spy

>CM is a slut poster is dead
>Luna poster replaces it
wew lad

>K/D/A and LH/D are now to the top-left of the screen. No ALT needed.
We did it Reddit, we saved Dota

>>CM is a slut poster is dead
I'm actually a little worried. They haven't posted since v7.00 patch notes were released.

I don't even remember the text they always posted ;(

They nerfed multi-power shot, which is kinda weird because screencap this shit now they will remove the reduction down the line. They buffed solo hero power shot.

The reduction makes absolutely no sense, its one of those "negative impacts on yourself" abilities like Slardar Sprint used to be. Except its not that great by itself anyways.

Remove the reduction, so she can clear waves without Maelstrom effectively. Add new functionality aka the arrow hitting the ground is a shackle target shit that was posted a few days ago

>shoot powershot, it lands where you click, arrow gives minor vision like 150 ground
>its a unit like a tree, hero or creep that lasts for 10 seconds
>can be a shackle target
Gives her shackle target potential where trees aren't reliable/predictable and instant powershot- blink shackle moves.

what if they're just the same people?

I just started and I was wondering if there are any heroes that are garbage and not worth playing? I don't wanna devote time to a hero that is absolute shit.

>CM is a slut poster is dead
at least now we know CM is a slut

also, her level 25 talent needs to be "Ult reduction reduced to 0%" and give her a new Aghs. Carry WR Aghs is the most absolute core item of any item in the game for any hero.

Techies because Icefrog hates him and he only exists out of legacy. Aside from that every hero ends up viable some time or another.

anybody have that monkey king guide that was posted here?

Seriously who keeps posting those NSFL webms, man? The woman who had her face shaved off by cartel members, the one where the dude gets sliced open by a ceiling fan. Goddamn.

>floating in the top left of the screen
it's shit

is this what they spent all day doing?

yep, sounds good. Now we just need this information to be on a front page reddit thread so IceFrog will do it.

Which dota 2 hero is a Dindu?

Meepo and Earth Spirit due to being newbie unfriendly and overall shit. Windginger and Necro are pretty bad too unless if they get buffed.
Lich is a good go-to hero for new players.

game not dumbed down and made easier enough for you?

So how good is the monkey king, gulag?

>dotabuff™ hero meta statistics
>can't filter by this week without dotabuff™ gold
the jew strikes again


Chen literally lives in a jungle

Nature's Prophet - Can be lots of fun, but it's really hard to actually win without a lot of experience. Also has a sub-40% win rate in all MMR ranges.

>attack speed indicator
thank FUCKING god
but what's up with having everyone get used to the shop/courier and then switching them after literally nobody asked

Blizzard have literally forced 3rd party tournaments to use one of their rules. The rule is that teams must play on pre-decided matches in the series. In a game like cs go, teams 'draft' maps by banning and picking. This has numerous benefits

>teams don't have to practice like 14+ maps, meaning that there isn't really a chance for a team to really show off their strategical / tactical talent on a map because they are too busy practice for like 8 others they otherwise wouldn't;t pick
>bad maps get banned, in cs go when nuke was released all teams banned it because it's such a fucking shit map. There are genuinely terrible maps on overwatch,as is with blizzard games, teams are now forced to play them

FURTHER MORE, blizzard literally didn't inform one of the tournaments that the rule was mandatory until literally like the day before it was meant to be played, so participating teams literally didn't know what maps they would be playing until like less than 24 hours before hand.

Blizzard is probably the second most incompetent esprots dev in history, only seconded behind ID who should have had massive success with quake if they didn't fuck it up at every possibly avenue.

So is he a chink or a dindu?

>want to see heroes stats
>have to look at bottom of screen
>want to look at kda/cs
>have to look at top left of screen
>cant move cursor over stats while spectating because of the fucking replay bar popping up
valve is so shit it's actually amazing.

Amazing, 24 hours of work just to render a rectangle in the stupidest location possible. At this rate the UI will be fixed in a month.


the new ui is good tbqhwy doturds
kda/cs is something you look at out of combat anyways and we're already used to looking there for networth when watching pro games

how are you gonna spend your dotka money /d2g/ if you ever go pro?

>24 hours of work
This is what retards actually believe

i think it's ok desu, i'm only looking at it once in a while anyway. Would still be better like to the right of the inv tho


>VN translations

I would retire after 1 major

>finally get to play monkey
>go treads, echo saber and basher
>can literally 1v1 any hero in the game

How is this nigger balanced?

Can't wait until this company just fucking dies. One of the proudest and most stubborn gaming companies ever.

Shouldn't you be in china right now rtz?

my guy

>can literally 1v1 any hero in the game
because Dota 2 is a team game

What's the best talent, item, and ability build for Axe now?

Is jungle good or is laning with him much better?

Is he good or bad vs Monkey King?

>Speed Burst
TA courier confirmed

its to get shitter "mainers" to cough up shekels for his arcana

then when they get their sales, theyll nerf him back to balance

>still no STRAGIINT
How the fuck is this even acceptable
>health/mana bars below

Is voker playable? is he support now?

>>still no STRAGIINT

we need this

>health/mana bars below

don't care about this desu

atleast it's getting there

>smoke into enemy jungle and perch upon a tree overlocking bounty rune spawn
>wait for some poor support to waddle in looking for ez gold

Here's what I don't get. Is this empty space THAT valuable? It only feels like you can see more, but these two small windows are so pointless and that space could be used to show stats on screen all the time.

Also why does it have to change size when looking at a unit with more icons. FFS I don't want a whole extra window but why can't they make it consistent.

>Health Bar still on bottom
>Performance is still shit

What's the fastest you can jungle boots + blink dagger on Axe now?


TA is pure for FREE MMR hero she is NOT for lewds. Thanks

Do you use a microphone? Yes/no/when you aren't tilted


When are we getting the goodkind courier dotards?


I used to not to, but now I do. I feel like it makes the game more enjoyable and I have a bigger impact.


Yeah I don't get it, they seem terrified to put anything there but it's the most convenient location to display information and make it easy to glance at everything without looking around the entire screen.

>NOT for lewds
I disagree

>tfw ranked anxiety
>tfw unranked anxiety

What am I supposed to do dotards, play bot games all my life?

get a smurf and play whatever on that

nobody will ever know who you are

Stop giving a shit about unranked

>unranked anxiety
why those games are meaningless just like ranked

i only play custom games

why do you need those though?
all the values they change besides magic amp are right there

>CLQ does a 3 hour real voice stream
>is a whiny bitch and whines about college being a scam, entertainment being brainwashing shit, water being poisoned by the government, and how he hates playing dota despite doing it all day every day


>pick tidehunter with monkey king on my team
>we ult on top of each other
>teamfight won

great synergy, i recommend it

>Team Names / Logos and Match Counters have been added to spectator UI for Tournament Games.

>There is a Meepo autist on the enemy team
>Get a Battle Fury on Riki
>Everytime Meepo dares to show on a teamfight press R
>Enemy team explodes into gold

Wish me luck guys. My behavior score is 2400, I couldn't get a single match without peruvians, feeders or abandons. Not a single one. No way to escape because you get reported for everything even if you don't say a single word.

There's no way to enjoy it anymore. Not even ooga posting, the games are just all awful and unfun and any wins require so much effort there's no fun to it. 3600 hours, 4.6 MMR at my highest, could have been worse. But I can't even queue a game anymore without feeling genuine dread at the time I'm about to waste, and it made me realize how little I enjoy this game and how it's only gonna get worse.

I used to be one of the people that said "lol see you tomorrow" but here I am. I'll prolly still watch though but the desire to play is totally and 100% gone.

how did you get to a behavior score tier that low to begin with

lol see you tomorrow

>My behavior score is 2400,
nothing of value was lost


just had a game where our invoker was trash and then ragequitted and our meme king only gotgud in the late game by that time it was too late because we were 4v5 its always fucking invoker.

Guys... /v/ told me the Chinese are the reason why DotA3 don't have Frostival anymore.

Is this true?

yes we're having a Chinese new year event again enjoy :)

>Tfw you aren't a low score sub-human

Feels good man

Git Gud