/nosg/ - nostalrius general

Piano Edition

>What's happening?
Everyone is waiting for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie and run by the original Nost team. We're currently waiting on server release.

>When is the release?
December 17th, (18:00 GMT+1/12PM EST) for the OLD server. 3-4 weeks after the NEW server will be released which we will be playing on.

>OLD NOST PvP and PvE(Name: Nostalrius PvP/Nostalrius PvP)
These will have all your old level 60 chars for nostalgia's sake. Will be released on Dec 17. (No one will roll here)

>NEW NOST PvP (Name: Elysium PvP)
Brand new server, will be released 3-4 weeks after old nost. (We will be rolling here.)

>What faction are we rolling?

Horde discord: discord.gg/WPF7uMP

Alliance discord: discord.gg/tZZ6Qg


>Server homepage
>Vanilla WoW database
>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: wpsg vag wowg world of warcraft


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/nosg/ has 89 IQ

newfag here
out of the big addon pack which are the most neccessary to use?

all of them

Some threat meter

Atlas loot enhanced can be useful while levelling. No need for any other until max level.

Freshcucks BTFO!

Your addons aren't finished until you play through a 10x10 pixel gap in the middle of them

Where to download the game? All the links on elysium are broken


can't verify but it's first thing from google

the client is fucking everywhere, if not here check feenix/wow-one or kronos or someshit.

Merry Cuckmas faggots

I need a good minimap and world map addons.

want shit like coords, maybe opacity on the world map, instance maps if possible

cant wait to fuck around on my 2 60s for a few weeks before starting fresh.


/our guy/

I use simpleminimap for my map.

instance maps I'm not sure about. I usually use old vanilla sites that haven't been updated, or my bradygames guide because fuck you I paid for this shit.

that moonfire spam

Cobe just confirmed in SD Discord that he isn't rolling with SD. The guild is dead so it's time to go Alliance.

Daily reminder that retail fags are still sucking blizzard's dick and getting butthurt about vanilla being back.

>Grow the fuck up, and stop this silly "spoiled brat" behavior

Wow I hate Nostalrius now.


can you please give credit where credit is due and not just use my material flippantly?

fuck you


So will my old 60 character be available or is he gone forever? Gnome mage btw. Cute one.


Is or w/e coming back and if so with a new name?

I think we should call ourselves

where can i get the most current version of atlas loot for vanilla? mine is giving and outdated error everytime i log in.

Yea lets avoid making an issue out of religion maybe? Thanks.

Fuck off glurf you fucking commie scandi.

You're not going to find members being racist

When will they learn.

What class should I roll? I like melee but don't mind healing, keep in mind I also have mild autism but that shouldn't be an issue


I like , What do you guys think?

Sweet! I had pally in mind anyways. Me and my friends from the clinic have already applied to the horde discord and look forward to levelling with you:) we've all got some minor form of speech impediment but I'm sure you'll learn to tolerate it

definitely paladin. it caters to everything you just mentioned.

>he's lucky I don't have Dash at level 26

Why is /ourguy/ so based?

based roids

I hope I get to tame takk the leaper

>level 25 feral without felines wiftness or feral charge

holy fuck how is he this bad? even if he went for furor first he could still have charge or 1/2 feline swiftness

Reminder that Druids are for shit players with no skill and retarded assburgers like our friend, Nodad.


hes objectively right, you fucking commies
>waaaa blizzard won't let me have it for free cause I want it waaaaaa

>Being this buttblasted

You don't have to be wrong to be a big ol' faggot.

Besides, these people are wanting a service that Blizzard is refusing to provide anymore. Supply and demand. It's not that we don't want to pay for it, it's that we want something else entirely.

no you can call a spade a spade, its people getting ass blasted that blizzard has the audacity to do what they want with their intellectual property, and because they won't give you what you want you stole it.

I'm still gonna play it cause its free, but this sense of entitlement that people have over it is what sets people off.

>I personally dislike blizzard
>they deserve this because I personally dislike them

Nice bait. The only assblasted person in this context was clearly the blizzcuck in
and you.


I could care less that nost is opening back up, im gonna play it cause its there and its free. what triggers me is the entitled commies that think they deserve it cause they want it. And I don't have to hope itll get shut down, because it will. you think american money isn't good in russia?

>muh vanilla pvp

>playing a solved version of a game
>there isn't anything there you haven't done before

Well I can't speak for everybody. I want Nos or whatever they're calling it now because it's a game I want to play and modern WoW is not. The two are so drastically different that the kinds of people that want one most likely aren't going to want the other, meaning that you aren't going to have any statistically significant amount of people switching over just because it's free. There are plenty of other free servers that more closely resemble the modern retail game which will have more crossover because they are free which Blizzard should have more of a problem with, but they don't.

I'm not saying Blizzard doesn't have the right to control what happens with their intellectual property, I'm just saying they could have not exercised that right without negative consequences. Just like how you have the right to free speech, you don't go around insulting people for no reason, right? Blizzard could have made themselves look good but instead chose to dick over people driven by passion for no other reason than they could.

>I'm burned out on the game, and I don't think its fun anymore
Guess what advice have to you my friend, get out.

This. I assume most nostalrius players didn't play retail vanilla that much.

I will never understand why people like that guy cares so much. It has literally zero impact on him whether Nostalruse exists.

Get good.

>for no other reason than they could.
nah its because of the Chinese. Blizzard has made it abundantly clear that they don't like people making money off their games, and rightly so. They won't shut down or care about anything of their until some chanks start making bank on it, and if that happens again with this server, people selling boosts and gold and shit, then blizzard will shut it down out of spite.

Every game they have out now is made to be as anti china as possible, I think the d3 ah was their last straw at trying to be fair and open. China ruins everything.

>then blizzard will shut it down out of spite
That's what I mean.

But yeah, fuck China. Let them fucking suffocate themselves with their smoggy bullshit.

>I think the d3 ah was their last straw at trying to be fair and open.
LOL. Face it, ActiviZion Blizzard simply sucks. D3 is still an unfinished product and now they are even doing shit like character DLC's.


Because Nostalrius existing makes their accomplishments on retail seem worthless to them. It would be like admitting their game is a shitter version of what it once was or something.

Personally I don't give a shit what they do with retail or anything, people can enjoy it as much as they want. I just don't want blizz to ruin vanilla for everyone. Vanilla is something really fucking special to me and a lot of people.

Anyone with any sense knows all of this, but I don't think turning this thread into an argument is gonna do anyone any good dude. All it does is make us depressed.

Instead, post happy funny shit from 2005 era and get hype about Nost.

This is how I played back then. Almost makes me want to go back on my old monitor for nostalgia shits and giggles.

>Tell me a time your WoW skills helped you IRL
Pic very related


Here's a classic.

I still play in 1280x1024 even though I have a perfectly good 1080 widescreen.

It just feels wrong playing vanilla in widescreen to me. Sadly my real 4:3 monitor is back at home, but maybe sometime in the next year I'll be able to boot it up.

>only 2 days to sync my sleep schedule with nost release

it's like you hate XP

Is everyone here seriously going to wait 3-4 weeks for the new one?

I don't know if I have the willpower to wait that long if theres over 5000 people online on Nostalrius

Simpleminimap for minimap, cartographer for world map.

I'm going to be playing on the old PvE server until a fresh PvP server comes out. But I was never a part of the old servers - I'm not sure why you'd want to wait if you have a character you can transfer.

You need to transfer him

I rather level on Kronos 2 then until the fresh one is out. Seems to be decently populated. I don't know what all the kronos hate is about.

there are a lot of bugs (not that nost doesn't have any but it's relatively fewer), and it had REALLY bad stability in the past. They also have donation mounts and gave a bonus XP week ages ago.

>is everyone going to wait a month for the fresh server

I expect some people will. But I'm pretty sure most of those people will at least roll a trash character on the old servers in the mean time rather than wait.

Personally I don't care how far along in the timeline it is really as long as it's decently bug free and populated enough to do BGs/instances.

Okay then. I still see more reason to have an alternative somewhere, however.

Is it normal to be kicked out of the game when you tab to your browser or desk? Maximized window mode doesn't help either. I have that on Kronos. How is it on Nostalrius?

should i level as ret? or spec consecrate to try steal those tags when 50 people are camping a spawn?

Holy first to get consecrate, then generally yeah rets good.

Kronos auto-kicks you if you idle for too long, along with some other weird things like a delay on how much you can /who

I don't believe Nostalrius had those issues, but it's been a while

Wtf I hate Kronos now. I unironically won't bother then as I'm accustomed to frequently tabbing out of WoW.

>unironically using the word trigger

Please kill yourself newfag.
