don't feel like copying the last op
thread prolly wont last
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/fhg/ For Honor General thread three of test 2
I do have 3 invite coeds
Wait, this game doesn't have dedicated servers?
And you people are actually excited for a constant stream of host migrations/lags and will actually pay for it?
Gaming is ded
man, these motherfucking Peacekeepers and their shitty stabstabstab shove attacks are getting on my nerves.
With that being said, game is shaping up to be great!
>go against peacemaker as raider
>wind up the rb+rt heavy blow when she gets close
>she impales herself on it
>1/3 hp gone
>repeat until dead
If someone got code, pls send me i want to rekt some nippons so bad.
ID: DizzyGun
I get wreckt agains fast classes as Lawbringer. What do. Everytime I try to do block to attack they just spam me with flurry of light attacks.
Wait and do the Long Arm or Blind Justice combos to rek Assassins. That's all there is to it for the Lawbringer, just try and counter as much as possible since you will never succeed going on the offensive against them.
I also suggest practicing against a Bot Peacekeeper Level 2 and do that repeatedly until you really git gud :D
oh wow I didn't even think the emblem editor was capable of doing Black Ops 2 type of shit
Thanks, fampai.
Unfortunately, I don't have any codes, BUT! There's an Open BETA coming in January ;D
>playing 4 v 4 brawl
What's with multiplayer games not getting dedicated servers?! Just like with DS3. Fuck off ubi.
I have played about 40 hours of the previous tests
I just played 1 hour of the new one
i am 99% sure that they slowed down the game.
i can't play the warden at all like I used to anymore for example
everything feels slower and more sluggish
also guardbreak countering never works, i don't get why.
i was so utterly hyped to finally play the game again and i just quit after 2 hours playing some new classes against bots to test them out.
my warden feels like crap now.
attacks barely have any range anymore.
guardbreaks either don't reach the enemy or are uncounterable.
you parry a guy and can't get attacks in anymore cause for some reason he is now thrown back super far.
also,please tell me I am not hallucinating: throwing people into walls and stuff does basically nothing anymore. It used to be a guaranteed top heavy attack hit, not i think they just lose their UI a bit and can easily block immediately.
i am having ZERO fun with this. and I was so crazy hyped for the new classes.
Anyone got some spare invites?
ID: Kaitto9
What are the new classes like? I was hyped as fuck for Lawbringer.
Partying was bullshit anyway, if what you're saying is true I'm happy. Nothing slows a duel down more than some faggot who refuses to attack and just spams parry into counterattacks. Fucking faggot strategy glad they nerfed it.
No knightbros with invites left?
Also bump bread.
it does feel jank now user
I tried touching it yesterday and it was not enjoyable at all
>depth to the combat is bullshit I wanna be able to just press left and right click until I win
is there any way to get rid of this annoying af watermark on the screen
getting some FUCKING crazy freezing/stuttering here
>playing lawbringer against a pretty good kensei
>goin back and forth somewhat even
>a couple rematches later I decide to try peacekeeper and he goes orochi
>he gets all tryhard and starts trying to lame me out
>I start stomping him and he alt-F4s
when did people become unable to deal with losing in what are effectively friendly matches
Probably PoE player.
how do I do peacekeeper's gimmick? I've been practicing against bots for a bit and have seen her weapon flash purple and gotten counters but I cant tell what triggers that
>got rid of all the best emotes and executions
>watered down the emblem creator yet they still dont display on your armor to other players
>removed a bunch of colorsets including my two favorites
why does ubisoft hate me
The fuck are you on about all the executions and emotes are still in, and who cares about the emblem
stabs on guard break (3 hit link, can't mash)
deflects into dagger hit (dodge in the direction of oncoming attack and press RB)
side and forward dodge attacks
>who cares about the emblem
russians out
they got rid of the warden spin execution and most of the arms-wide-open taunts for all the characters
Emblems on armors are great idea.
>they got rid of the warden spin execution
Wait, I'm pretty sure it's in game.
Also anyone got any invites left? /v/ thread is being spammed with beggars and my bro still shares an account with me.
If you're talking about the one where he decapitates with a spin, it's still in
I mean the one where he places his sword on their neck and spins around them to slit their throat
Yea that one is here too.
I'm lookin at the list right now its not one of em
>Emblems on armors are great idea.
they already let you stick them on a piece of armor on each character but what's the point of that if nobody else can see it
Yea lol, what's the point of making sick emblem if I can't show it off on my shield to other peepz.
>there's a movelist on the menu now
fucking finally
Anyone need an invite? I have 2 left and one pending.
not him but this guy's been asking all night
Pretty please?
Wasn't there one last alpha? Or do you mean something else?
I dont remember seeing one
but maybe I just never looked because the first 6 classes were easy enough to figure out without it
If you're still here
I think it was in the same menu as the class tutorial videos.
>tfw mastered the peacekeeper bleed attacks
>tfw perfecting every duel now
Anyone feel like starting up a 4 man group and doing domination all night?
I would but my carpool's about to get here
>try going Valkyries jump stab in PvP
>it never works half the time
>do it in AI mode
>it works flawlessly 24/7
>try blocking in PvP
>doesn't work
>works fine in PvE
What is up with this game and its fucking shitty servers? This is just as bad as the fucking Alpha during the summer.
werks 4 me
>try blocking in PvP
>doesn't work
>works fine in PvE
Just fuck my shit up .
>peacekeeper does the overhead lunge from full screen
>hidden stance, free double light combo with bleed and advantage
This will never get old, it's impossible to condition people here
you think you're tough, punk?
Anyone has an invite to spare?
fucking agreed.its stupid slow now and not as fun as it was. the whole throw range increase is fucking stupid. I get pushed from like 15 feet and still fall off the cliff? also throw range increase from items is also fucking retarded. geysers are stupid and putting in more bridges is fucking dumb. i waited 2 months for this? no thanks no preorder.
>tfw peacekeeper is ridiculously fragile and low stamina but scrubs are still gonna whine to ubisoft enough about the bleed that PK will get nerfed to shit by launch
I added you, enjoy your key
Do you have any spare key?
Thanks user
sorry mate, it was my last one. Try in reddit.
Welp have fun m8s
game is fucking ruined
slow,sluggish, everything was changed to shit
piece of shit game by ubishit now instead of a day 1 buy
fuck i hope these developers die of aids along with their pathetic playerbase
It's not even that good. The Alpha was pretty fun but the Beta is even slower and clunkier and more unresponsive than the alpha.
t. babby who got fuckin owned
this right here
alpha was god tier fun game, beta is a slow as molasses piece of shit, that eats half your inputs, has no balance and your character can't move properly anymore at all
they ruined it. great work ubisoft
i have 50 hours in the alphas
i quit after 3 hours in this piece of shit beta
but you know what,enjoy your game now
i'm not gonna pick this waste of my time up anymore
recomend me a character for new players please, I'm getting stomped hard
just quit, the game is broken and shit now
play Let it Die instead
The guy on the top right, he's easy and op as shit.
Warden, Kensei, Warlord.
Valkyrie is fucking OP and easy as absolute shit to use.
I started as lawbringer. I'm totally shit at blocking and parrying but I have to learn this shit sooner or later.
Does the technical forum works? It keeps throwing me back to the login screen.
Why was the NDA not lifted in this beta when it was in the alpha?
The watermark is fucking annoying.
yup works for me
>p2w randomly generated souls ripoff
No thanks
probably because it has all the classes
I showed you mine, now show me yours~
How do I Warden properly?
Bait up attacks
Can you not parry Orochi? He keeps top attacking spamming me and I keep light parrying top, I see the orange glow as if I've succeeded, then the blade just bounces off as if I've just blocked.
They wouldn't attract the weebs without a broken class
>being surprised ubisoft lobotimized another game
what are the boxes in the top left
What boxes
next to the currency, there's also a box symbol and some kinda star encircled by some kinda wreath
>tfw Nobushi with faster revive passive
feels so good man
Prestige and something else iirc
>being a faggot
It's a damn shame, because the game itself is solid. I don't know what the fuck ubi was thinking.
>playing any weeb class
Ave profligate
Only shugoki is anywhere near acceptable
I play duel mode almost exclusively so it's really no problem.
>want to play berserker
>can't with kb+m
>suck with controller
feels bad
>being a weeb
Viking or bust.
>staying locked-on or in guard mode
>not unlocking to dodgeroll behind or run around the enemy
>or straight-up sprint and guardbreak + throw their turtling ass
Being aggressive and toggling on/off guard mode is really fun, though if they're locked on they can probably follow you easily. though, I rarely lock-on in the beginning of a fight, it's all about maneuvering around/dodging the first attack and getting a cheeky swing or two in before the enemy turns around.
it'd probably really annoy me if someone did this to me with a faster character, though - any of the assassins and nobushi/valkyrie would probably be pretty annoying.
Nobushi can pretty much hit me no matter what if she's locked on and I'm trying to run around her, anyway. fuck that reach on the stab she does, and fuck the fact that it can't not hit a moving target.
>start playing with keyboard/mouse, toggle to guard mode
>plug my controller in
>guard-mode now unexplainedly requires a trigger to be held down
>get my shit slapped, not knowing what's going on
I mean, I can see why the settings are different for keyboard/mouse and controller (holding alt down would get really annoying), but it'd have been nice to have been told shit was gonna' be different, lel.
At least you can change it in the options. toggle guard best guard.