>What exactly was the point of creating an automatic transmission?
Was it pure laziness from the engineers or the consumers?
What exactly was the point of creating an automatic transmission?
>Was it pure laziness from the engineers
>What exactly was the point of creating an automatic transmission?
To make an easier to use transmission?
Normal people dont usually consider knowing how to drive stick a point of pride, user. Its just a useful thing to know.
My mechanical mind can't process how lazy people are.
Normies (and most burgers) have problems with a manual transmission.
What is that?
Although most are boring and sluggish, some units especially double clutch, change gear and save fuel in a much more efficient manor than a manual ever could. People are lazy, why would they want to do more work?
Also when affordable autonomous vehicles come out, people will eat that shit up because normal people don't care about driving, just snap chatting and being constantly drunk.
The innards of a turbo encabulator obviously.
Technical explanation here:
Most people can't process taking the extra effort to learn and drive stick when things like rush hour traffic and auto transmissions exist
Only a fool would suggest anything but an auto for a DD unless he lives way out in Buttfuck Nowhere, Clapistan, where traffic is a myth
It was a thing they could automate. Just like EFI replaced fiddling with your carb on cold days.
>pure laziness from the engineers
Nigger have you seem the inside of an auto trans? Shit is witchcraft.
>responding to bait in the first place
A hydraulic valve body, it controlls conventional automatic transmissions
I deal with stop and go traffic regularly with a manual, it's not hard. You play the coast-along game or just deal with it, it's not like every car has a super stiff clutch.
>or just deal with it
Most people dont enjoy having to Just Deal With things. Especially with things they pay out the ass for.
Because its convenient, and some instances better.
Normal slushboxes are perfectly fine for soccer moms who want to haul their kids to and from school, and normies who commute in traffic everyday.
Dual clutch boxes are incredibly fast, and well suited to track driving.
Manuals give good feel/control for the enthusiast who wants to go for spirited drives
Each type has a purpose
Consumers, not the engineers for sure. Engineers do not have to program manual transmissions, and they are much simpler to make.
Hope they don't stop making them.
I mean it's not something to necessarily deal with, it's just a different way of operating a car. I don't know about you but my daily has a hydraulic clutch so the pedal is almost effortless.
>You play the coast-along game
user pls
Jesus, that guy does not know how to drive a fucking manual
>tfw worn shift linkages
Don't know how to drive manual here but will be forcing myself to soon by buying a manual car.
What is he doing wrong so I know what not to do?
>coasting in neutral every 3 seconds
>wigging the shifter like he's having a seizure
>shifting as hard as possible
>missing shifts
>driving around with his hand on the shifter
don't forget shifting into first while coasting
Nothing wrong with that if you've got a synchronised first gear. But you shouldn't be coasting in neutral in the first place
>coasting in neutral every 3 seconds
Different user I need to know why this is wrong
For science, please
but why would you ever need to when it's smoother while puttering around off the highway to shift into second
it's far better to coast in gear than to coast in neutral
It's completely pointless, wastes fuel, wears your synchros unnecessarily from going in and out of gear for no reason, and is potentially dangerous because it means you don't have the power right there to evade a dangerous situation
Why use FI over a carb, too lazy to tinker with the carb and use a choke?
Why use automatic timing? Why not go full model T and manually adjust it, are you too lazy or something?
>wastes fuel
But what if you're going downhill
>wears your synchros unnecessarily
Is this just more along the lines of "shift as rarely as possible" because the more you do it the more it wears, common sense stuff?
>it means you don't have the power right there to evade a dangerous situation
Hadn't thought of that, huh.
>But what if you're going downhill
It's not a huge difference, but in most cars (anything that's not really old) rolling downhill in gear uses no fuel, whereas coasting in neutral sips a small amount to keep the engine at idle.
Also, for longer descents, being in gear will generally allow you to maintain a reasonable speed without riding the brakes, whereas coasting in neutral can make it difficult to keep your speed down.
Another user here. Why would being in gear use less fuel than in neutral? I suppose it would depend on the gear
If you are in gear the EFI stops injecting fuel if the rpm is high enough.
When you're coasting in gear, your engine shuts off since it doesn't need any power.
If you're in neutral, your injectors kick on to idle the engine.
"Just dealing with it" is like walking up a flight of stairs. Yes it's "more" work, but it's not the sort of thing that normal, able-bodied people aren't likely to complain or even think about.
It's not a high threshold of difficulty. If driving stick in traffic bothers you, you probably just suck at driving.
>Hope they don't stop making them.
It's inevitable.
Full manuals in new vehicles have no reason to exist other than preference and a small, fading advantage in cost and reliability. Soon there will be no objective reason to use a manual clutch over a dual-clutch system. Enthusiasts will get the option to shift "manually" with flappy paddles or whatever, but the clutch pedal will disappear from new cars.
Slushbox autos might go away too, being replaced by dual-clutch systems in performance cars and CVTs in economy/utility vehicles (which we're seeing already). Torque converters might stick around in some niche applications, but they're unnecessary in road cars when better technology exists.
Hopefully dual-clutch transmissions will get cheap enough that carmakers will kick them down to the performance versions of economy cars, so we won't see the complete extinction of fun cheap cars. Who knows.
Another question is whether CVT durability will ever improve enough to be suited to performance applications. In theory it could be perfect for aggressive driving, holding the engine at peak power while varying the gear ratio to control speed.
...And this is all assuming that autonomous electric vehicles don't take over the entire market sooner rather than later.
>it's not the sort of thing that normal, able-bodied people aren't likely to complain
aren't -> are
I must be more tired than I thought
I live in LA and drive a manual.
I know traffic here isn't too bad, though.
I didnĀ“t say all burgers, but there are many retards on your roads...
>there are many retards on your roads
More than fair enough.
>You'd have to be stupid to have an easy time with something
Does not compute.
Manual is stupidly easy, especially with hydraulic clutches. Manual clutch control alone is so nice in traffic that I wouldn't drive a manual shifting/auto clutch car anywhere but a track.
t. learned to ride a motorcycle before a car
They will.
a computerized DCT might let you shift gears, but it might also take over for "fuel efficiency/emissions" purposes, because global warming is so important.
Enjoy that American life.
Personally, I punch the cats out of my vehicles just to spite Americans and American-minded individuals. I live just outside canada. 99% of my family is in canada. Canada's GDP will most likely increase due to global warming. I don't care if everything on the equator becomes a desert, if diodiversity tanks and rainforest land is only good for farms and factories, or if africa's population is decimated by an unending famine because i'm a speciocentric white supremacist. :^)
Unless you have an older vehicle. The fuel shutoff is computer controlled. In alot of new cars with instant fuel economy readings they will read the higest the can or infinite while coasting in gear. However, often if you start to brake it will inject fuel again, i think. Cause the reading goes down.
going into that I had no idea it was a joke, but god damn I was laughing way before they said anything that made it too obvious
It was a push from marketing to allow the sale of cars to stupid and disabled people.
>Why use FI over a carb
Better power output for the same amount of fuel, better emissions more reliable. All things the automatic gearbox is worse at. To make maters more fun the idiots who drive autos clutch *cough* at the DTC as a sign that the Auto is better despite the fact it's not an auto box but two manual gearboxes.
Cars for women.
Sales towards anyone stupid with money/thread
While he is doing dumb things coasting in neutral isn't one of them.
Since you clowns drive nothing but shitboxes, you have no idea how fucking hot SBCs can get.
Stingrays have hardly any real estate for a radiator to get cool air to begin with an SBCs can overheat without a hood.
There was a time where synchros in manuals weren't a standard and very few if any cars had a synchronized 1st gear so an automatic was a lot more desirable than it would have been now.
Perhaps people who have to consistently deal with a lot of traffic (see: most people) didn't want to go through a frustrating back-and-forth game for hours straight every single time they had to drive.
>I know traffic here isn't too bad, though.
why kitty litter?
So that women could drive easier
oh kek
I should have noticed all the stains on the ground
The traffic here is hellish, I do all my driving between 10am and 2pm.
Or ass early on the weekend.
So black people could drive.
That's why you'll never find a Dodge Charger or Chrysler 300 with a manual.
Chrysler hasn't offered a manual in their cars since the early 60s.
Ah gotcha. I'm inland and avoid LA trips at cost of most. The motorcycles are definitely easier for me to take to LA.
Well if we look at the only right reason to every buy an auto, it's because it's the luxurious option.
It's the ideal option for something like an E class Mercedes or Roll's.
Anywhere else it's a sign of retardation.
RIP his clutch
amputees can operate them with an arm and a leg.
he's holding on to that shifter like it's the fading erection of his daddy's hard cock.
>forku senpai, please! is too rough! EAAAAAAAAAAGH.
>avoid LA trips
I would too, unless I got to pick the time.
Just got back from a drive. Mulholland was pretty good, but Sunset sucked balls.
Probably because Hollywood Blvd. is closed for the Grammys.
>motorcycles are easier
Gotta love lane splitting.
I think that you are a dumb fuck.
This is similar to the situation when cars first showed up. In early days of auto industry only rich could have afford a car, while peasants had to settle with horse. Now that we all have it, only rich people can afford horses. In x years manual tranny will be thing for rich people only, since autotragic is superior in every other way....
>autotragic is superior in every other way.
>manual tranny
That's what we called the Hispanic cross dresser who lived across the street.
i barely know how to fucking drive, and there's literally nobody that drives manual. what's wrong with my buying an automatic
Answer this
would you guys honestly prefer an inexperienced driver on the road who ALSO has to deal with driving a manual for the first time to just some guy in an automatic
What does transmission matter when at the end of the day most of you are just driving a fucking Civic or Corolla
Gotta find a reason to feel elite somehow
Auto transmission is fine.
Veeky Forums needs to justify their poorfaggotry somehow.
Such bait.
Do you think when the first cars were being invented and the guys were figuring out a control scheme, they figured a pedal for accelerating and a pedal for braking was good, but still wanted to use a stick for something? So badly that they had to invent a gearbox to put it on?
Manual gear selection is just a historical artifact from times where you couldn't have an engine power the vehicle from stop to maximum speed over a direct connection. Gearbox is a workaround for engine limitations. Clutch in turn is a workaround for engine and gearbox limitations.
None of that is what is important to the operator of the horseless carriage. He just needs to command more speed or less speed and turn the wheel for direction and let the machine do the work. For more specialized purposes the operator wants to adjust torque to wheels, but otherwise it's the same. However, creating a mechanism to select the gearing by itself was complicated, so a simpler version was used instead. The carriage operators task was made more complicated, but these are machines for Men. Bring on all the pedals, levers and knobs. If it scares the womanfolk, the better.
Electric motor was there from the beginning, but the batteries weren't, so now in the silicon-age we are finally completing the circle. Funnily enough it looks like the completeness will also remove the driver, but then we really just wanted to get taken from one place to another in a comfortable way in the first place.
what is the point of power steering is it just cause lazyfags are lazy?.
Literally cant compare the instant feedback and driving feel of traditional steering To the vague power assisted variety.
Muh driving purity.
> brake booster and ABS
> power windows
> central locking
2bh i drive non powered steering and it's fine.
>wastes fuel
The energy required to keep an engine spinning at say, 2000 RPM (as it would while coasting) is substantially more than at idle. Also, considering that energy has gone from the form of gasoline to kinetic energy of the car before spinning the engine, as opposed to straight from gasoline to the engine, means there is an even greater inefficiency involved with coasting in gear.
2BFAIRLYHONEST familidingdong even if this is just bait as is the OP:
Power steering tends to show better laptimes compared to raw steering. I don't mean the electronically adjusted and completely disconnected one, but simply hydraulically assisted.
The jerkiness and force of the raw input tires people over laps and makes them less precise, power steering may take a bit of power and add weight but it adds precision and ease of use over longer periods of time.
Hell, I even get tired of the raw input from the kart in shit surfaces.
Kids these days have no masculinity metrics so "muh manyool trans". Wiggas pleeze!
Driving is work. Auto get it done with less fuss. You know this. Manual transmissions are like bucket flushing your loo instead of hitting the lever.
So they could sell cars to women.
You don't seem to understand that, when coasting in gear in a manual majority of whats driving the engine is the momentum of the car.
Most modern FI units will shut fuel when coasting, if you're idling in neutral you are using more fuel as the car has to maintain idle and not depend on motion from driving wheels.
Tl;dr shut your pie hole kid, the adults are talking
>Most modern FI units will shut fuel when coasting,
No they won't. People have crawled the OBD of many Hyundais and found the injectors are still pulsing. just a teeny tiny amount of gas but they're still running.
The reasoning behind this is simple, so that there is no delay between your decision to stop coast and turning on the injectors.
Before you start complaining just remember how every EFI car rev-hangs when you hit the clutch.