>walk into locker room after long mission >see this What do?
Camden Mitchell
Logan Thompson
Benjamin Sanchez
I'm saddened by the fact that this isn't the ugliest Tracer I've seen.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Logan Perry
Every time I see a Lucio I get the urge to chase him and kill him.
I do not know why.
Tyler Allen
Tracer has no ass though.
Lincoln Martin
Ana Biotic Rifle proposed changes: Proposed change: 200 hp over 4 seconds (50hp/s) (HoT) Damage reduced to 55 down from 80.
Continuously healing the same target will reset the HoT (Healing over time)
Nano boost proposed changes: 15% Speed increase up from 0% 25% Reduced damage taken down from 50% 35% increased damage done down from 50%
Biotic Grenade proposed changes: Increased healing taken down to 50% from 100% When used on a teammate with the healing debuff, now removes it but doesn't increase healing taken.
Reinhardt Barrier field proposed changes: You can now hit enemies behind reinhardt's barrier field. The barrier field absorbs 80% of damage taken through the barrier field
Earthshatter: Ultimate cost has been increased by 20%
Lucio Speed boost aura removed
New ability: Speed infusion. Cooldown: 15 seconds. Key: Shift Lucio has the ability to infuse a teammate with 70% increased movement speed for 12 seconds.
Roadhog Hook hitbox is now the size of the actual hook. Hook length reduced by 50%
The tank meta is being enabled by ana's massive backline heals and lucio's speedboost. Reinhardt also enables it by getting the tanks close without taking damage. There is ONE thing tanks don't have, and that's range. Nerfing ana's healing to reasonable levels and removing lucio's speed boost aura, will help shift the meta away from tanks. It also doesn't help that all the tanks except for winston are overstatted as fuck. All the tanks have amazing ults that give tons of utility and cc. Offensive/Defensive heroes mostly have pure damage ults which is meaningless in a game like overwatch where everybody already shits out a fuckton of damage. If these changes were to happen, widowmaker would be a 100% pick in every game again, so she would need a redesign aswell.
Benjamin Jones
>reaper and 76 still have their masks on >old hanzo and young genji together
Wyatt Cruz
I'd ask who the guy with the green hair is.
I'd also ask where best boy is.
Isaiah Murphy
Please delete that image.
Ryan Ortiz
Daily reminder to bully your healers in and outside of the game
It's the only way to get the most out of them
Connor Hall
Easton Jackson
Systemic racism.
Check your white privilege 300 times per day.
James Phillips
I love Hana.
Henry Cox
Stay healthy, friends, and remember to take breaks from ranked!
Christopher Morgan
Welcome to Ana's world.
Levi Thomas
> people struggled with wall ride and wallrun abilities on release and still struggle with them now It's like you dudes never played the Tony Hawk series or SKATE and any other alternative sports game.
If you didn't play these your childhood must have sucked, playing Lucio feels like playing Skate with a side objective of capping the point.
Jeremiah Williams
If it's that the racists were right.
Jack Thompson
Hudson Gomez
symmetra went from a troll pick to a meme pick like bastion and torb
Ian Ross
Explain this.
Blake Kelly
I used to play lots of Tony Hawk's games and Lucio doesn't compare.
He makes me feel more like climbing a mountain in Skyrim, trying to find the right slope level designers failed to make steep enough or mashing spacebar to ascend.
Charles Ramirez
Meanwhile playing AGAINST Lucio feels like pin needles being driven into your eyes and nails driven into your fingers.
Ian Young
>skate >childhood
Jonathan Green
Ask McCree why he's using Zenyatta's locker.
then give lucio a succ
Joshua Price
>Lucio >Speed boost aura removed This desu. Buff speed boost to 50 at amp it up but let it affect only Lucio.
Isaiah Powell
what's a good character for beginners
Jeremiah Moore
you were a mistake
Noah Fisher
Anything under 18 is technically a childhood period user
Connor Rodriguez
>playing McCree in QP >keep being shut down by other team's Hanzo >focus him and start shutting him down >both of us literally only ever die to each other >neither of us says a word but both know what's happening >my team prevails >POTG is me putting two bullets in Hanzo's head and then ulting three people on the point for victory
>next match >Hanzo reinstanced to my team >compliment him on his shots to clear up animosity >teammate says how it's nice to see positive communication for a change
These situations keep happening to me, I befriended a Genji main by chance and play with him regularly, and I despise Genji.
Brody Johnson
Christian Smith
What the fuck
John Morales
If you're in bronze, Pharah.
Nobody ever looks up and nobody has the precision to hit a target any further than 10 meters away
Brody James
Depends on your previous gaming history and your preferred roles, but generally S76, McCree, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Lucio, Mercy. Hanzo is pretty simple too.
Jacob Nelson
>trying to track a lucio wall riding above and around your head as a 76 >all that Z-aim >all that retarded hitbox-shift
kill me
>trying to track a lucio wallriding and jumping around a payload as a 76 >the payload is full of bumps that lucio keeps bouncing off, making his hitbox tracking even more unpredictable
kill me
Brayden Watson
Jordan Bell
He's either low ranked or got carried to GM isn't healsluting amazing?
Asher Robinson
Is this for real?
Gavin Ortiz
Sleep Dart needs to be nerfed into the ground
Levi Harris
>finally reach lucio on solid ground >he is accompanied by 2 tanks
goodbye world
Blake Powell
What's the most stressful role to be in a comp game? It's being a healer, isn't it? that or Tank.
Blake Morales
>le lucio is hard to hit meme t. silver
Connor Murphy
Soldier's damage nerf when?
Nolan Miller
just dodge it lmao
Brody Williams
you need to stop playing roadhog
Cooper Ward
Never. Not doing enough damage was the reason why he wasn't being played in the first place.
Matthew Davis
It's either solo DPS or solo healing, for me.
Daniel Young
> be Lucio > wall riding above the point on Nepal > team stacked up and fighting near the edge > OH LET'S BREAK IT DOWN.JPG >their team takes pot shots on my shield as I take our their team in two to three boops > POTG > say in all chat "Worlds most annoying Lucio" > Why are they so angry?
Jason Edwards
i dont care what you pretend pros say, if your team is complete trash you cannot carry
Charles Lewis
That's the most stressful role to be in any game mode.
Jason Anderson
>he hasn't even met a lucio who knows how to abuse his glitchy hitbox and move defensively other than jumping around like a retard
t. wood
Nathan Cook
>playing quickmatch >do pretty well and teamup with two other players >one is a healslut and they are both "xd so random" Shit was fun beyond that though.
Jacob Sanchez
pull the trigger on the nigger
Tyler Diaz
>Numbani defense >Fuck it, going Sym just to try out her new shit >mfw its OP as shit even though I have no problems killing her I thought you cunts were just spouting memes, but it really is easy as fuck to play her now. She's totally viable now and even fun Might be my third most favorite after Zen and McCree even
Angel Gutierrez
I think I've played in a party with this guy before back at the beginning of S2. QB7 or something, don't know why you're censoring the name.
Owen James
tfw 100 points short off of top 500
good job user
Matthew Hall
For me it's Rein >My feet hurt >The armor is heavy >what if I fail my charge and die >I hope I won't fail my firestrikes >Oh God they're speedboosting toward me what do I do >Earthshatter is at 87% >Mine shield is almost down >Ana nanoboosted me for no reason >I guess it's now or never CATCHPRASE! >die to Pharah+Zarya ults
Juan Morales
>1 win away from top 500 >lose 3 games in a row
fugggggg :DDDDDD
Tyler Walker
Gabriel Diaz
holy shit Sombra is FUN i didn't even know she can shit out damage like that since i've never seen anyone who play her well
Ayden Cooper
>those hypothetical Rein changes
I'm not sure whether to like it or not. I like playing as Rein and I don't appreciate getting hit behind a shield. But fighting against Rein, I could just shoot his shield, damage people behind it, and charge up my ult slowly.
Nolan Evans
Imagine SJW's outcry if genders on this poster were reversed ? Why is nobody complaining yet ?
Easton Reed
I know you want it.
Brayden Richardson
You sound like a fag.
Tyler Barnes
That said, I havent really played her but can you have both a generator and a teleporter up? It seems like huge waste of potential ult charge if you cant.
Asher Reyes
Symmetra is freaking OP in sub platinum, no one is good enough at aiming to kill her before her deathbeam destroyes a 200hp character.
If you're below 2000, just main Symm, be somewhat competent in placing your stuff, and watch your rank go sky high. It's silly.
Mason Clark
>Mathieu in another shitty rom-com >"I-i-it doesn't count 'cause it's a parody of an older rom-com" Wish he stuck to the omnic indie scene. Hope that check's worth playing a human bitch every time.
Samuel Murphy
>Walking slowly behind the shield as you melt anyone in your sight thanks to your retarded range >the shield as almost as much HPs as Rein's >Shield generator gives to you and your team free 50 bonus regenerating HPs >this is supposed to be balanced I'm loving it
Christopher Rogers
>Say Im cute or die!
Jose Long
There are just 500 top 500 people per region, is it possible to not face 2-3 every single quickjplay game?
Luis Reed
I dont think Reinhardt is that bad in terms of balancing. But he does drag the pacing down.
I think the game would be a lot more fun if he didnt exist.
Xavier Ward
you can't charge her ult while either of her machines are up
Dominic Green
James Reed
I like Djin because it still looks like Zen. I don't like skins that make characters look like an entirely different new charaacter. That's why I don't like any McCree legendaries.
Cooper Allen
>>the shield as almost as much HPs as Rein's
It's literally half of Rein's shield.
Matthew Roberts
m1 is a fist melee with QM range that does 100 dps m2 is a haymaker that deals bonus damage to airborn enemies E is a grab and toss upwards that deals 50 Shift gives him a buff that makes his next attack deal double damage Q is a dash punch that is hard to aim but oneshots anyone caught in its path
Brayden Mitchell
>fought against surefour in ranked >he actually destroyed my team with sombra
What the fuck I thought streamer being good was a meme
Gabriel Wilson
fuck off retard
Logan Gray
>A pro gamer being actually good is a meme.
Asher Hall
>main hanzo >drop from 3400 to 2700
Isaiah Collins
>sub 3.5k rank >winning a game is a coin toss between which team has the most stubborn off-meta picking stubborn cunt and which team has the triggered loser who starts frothing at the mouth before the game even begins and goes full "i trol u lool"
I swear the climb will be so much easier once I hit masters since these boosted monkeys will become less and less frequent
Zachary Jones
They're good but only the ones that solo queue, the ones with ass companions are total chodes.
Michael Collins
Asher Watson
My nigga. That's the reason I have no interest in Sunyatta or Ra. Zen is my favourite hero and I still want him to look like himself.
Noah Hughes
The girl looks vaguely like "Famous podcaster" about overwatch husbandos so a fair amount of tumblr is hung up on that.
Jordan Miller
>use wind on zen >have golden balls >dont equip them
This is true tranquility
Owen Parker
Brody Fisher
>Shield generator gives to you and your team free 50 bonus regenerating HPs Make that 75
Colton Mitchell
>hanzo you deserve it
Connor Barnes
Elijah Jackson
Shes less support and more offensive now, no joke. Literally got 38 eliminations (gold) and some 20 objective kills and silver damage, all from behind the confort of my shield.
Mason Diaz
Not even the best in her own family.
Josiah Torres
Nolan Ramirez
when will they nerf reinhardt
he's so fucking horrible to play against and the only way to counter him is to pick reinhardt yourself