Fighting Games General /fgg/
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buy blazblue
Play GooberGear
please buy revelator
please buy revelator
please buy revelator
please buy revelator
please buy revelator
please buy revelator
I've been using it as AA all along.
yeah, a 3f jab definitely compares to a 8f
Ryu always had good anti airs in SFV. Cr.hp was good and even caught some shit by mistake.
Its just that people got used to the jab aa because it was easier and you could press it mega late.
>DPs are still not used for anti-air
woah what fightgn game charcater is this from??????????
Isn't it strange how there hasn't been a trailer for Season 2 of SFV yet? Hell has Capcom even said it's Season 2? It's hard to notice from their marketing. It's like we're just on the same road as before.
but they have been always used?
Where are the rest of the season 2 characters???
I'm not going to buy your season pass if you don't tell me what's in it, you capcunts.
Jill Valentine from MvC2
are you fucktarded
fucking moron
we even get patch notes on launch day
in in SFV, they are just wakeup tools and now you will see them even less
they will do 1-2 month beta period, like on release
Classic Capcom, not a day too soon.
>just finished playing a ryu that DP for AA
I dunno buddy
Season 2 starts in five days...
you are actually retarded aren't you
yea about that
What an ugly fucking character
They modeled him after your mum after all
ISDD is the slayer of pum-pum and nu-males
Good lord, I almost died laughing. This aegis refelector shit is just too much god damn fun against people, who don't know which way to block. Hell, I wouldn't even know how to block this.
Just throw aegis and do what you feel like. I just went high, throw, low in that order, just too funny.
so is this fan pictures again
Meh, looks as good as the other "spoiler pics" people assembled.
>Sodom, Sagat and Q
oh another fake. I'm just saying that because the second guy has to be shazam...
why does she have Utsuho's chest piece?
You should try actual fighting games instead. The most fun in this genre comes from interactivity.
Delicious armpits!
I wish Ingrid will be on Season 2.
looks legit
one guy should be the ed guy, but i dont see him on any silhouette.
When will people realize the X-Men are in?
i dont think thats supposed to be sagat and i doubt Q would be in it
Apart from the lost dp invincibility and more recovery on his forward throw Ryu doesn't seem at all nerfed. My hope of them buffing his length was dashed.
I'm not sure what the buffed about his fireballs but they seem the same.
Season 2 confirmed for not saving fgc.
That's Sagat's SF4 alternate.
>nerf aa jab
>buff cr.hp as aa
why the fuck didn't they do this the first time
You can only buy one game next week and it will last you until January.
>Guilty Gear
>Street Fighter
Which do you choose?
q and sodom are meme characters. they have a limit on 1 meme char per season
SNK is doing the thing.
Already bought GG.
Get KI
When will Focus Attack restock on IST Pre-Installed Brook PS3/PS4 Fight Board PCB Kit
I'm platinum mad
gibe beni
KI is the only good game on Xbone.
I only have PC and a PS4. Fuck Microshaft.
>they have a limit on 1 meme char per season
You have 10 seconds to prove this isn't the general with the most shitposting in Veeky Forums
>that face
Just delete the game and start new.
>You can only buy one game next week
Why? SFV is like $20 and if you're on PS4, Revelator is just as cheap. I think Blazblue is still expensive in comparison. So get Revelator and SFV for the price of BB.
I'm poor and bought sign sorry
thats not what they said and i quote "New to the Street Fighter Universe"
it can be interpreted in dozens of ways and they should really clarify it, but none of these faggot interviewers ever ask them to. but it probably means characters that werent playable or characters that werent officially cannonized into the SF universe. characters like Helena, Ingrid, Garuda, etc.
cr.hp wasnt a bad anti air before this anyways.
its just that jab was so fast that many only used that.
who's ready for another year of whining?
Windows 10
I hope they do 2003 Beni just for shits.
This doesn't sound bad? Why?
So i pirated GG just to learn the combos and stuff never played an anime before, is using a ps4 controller with the claw stance okay with GG? It seems to only utilize 4 attack buttons most of the time and occasionally a D button which I've mapped to L1 which is an easy button to press because I'm not claw stancing with that hand. The only reason why I don't claw stance in SFV is because it utilizez 6 buttons very often and I've got my hard punch mapped to R1 which would require me to constantly make me use my middle finger to reach under the controller.
It's not WUBWUB.
Q and Sodom aren't new to the SF universe in any fucking capacity at all how do oyu not understand this.
They were playable and canon in fucking mainline games.
You don't need to fucking claw stance you tool.
Square = Punch
X = Kick
Triangle = Slash
Circle = Heavy Slash
L1 = Roman Cancel
R1 = Dust
L2/R2 = Custom
>calling 2d fighting games 'anime'
You need to drop that attitude or stay sucky.
Just use whatever is comfrtable for you as input device and stance so to say.
Why do you need to claw tough?
please keep posting information it makes the ingridvfgirls autist mad
is there a kooma
Can't be bothered if not.
Is there anyone more based than Harada?
Pic related PR_Rog when he plays SFV.
Faggot needs to remove himself.
Its ok to dislike the game, but at some point its just time to let go.
Do you really have nothing better to do than shitpost with nearly 3 year old tweets
>T7 on PC
making the game uglier than it already is?
You can press buttons faster in claw because you utilize your index and middle finger not just 1 finger your thumb, which is slower in comparison.
damn the beta update is 10 gb wtf is in this thing
Please stay on /v/.
I restarted steam and can't see the beta anymore. Maybe it was an accident that it was public?
Threadly reminder that Tekken 3 is the best Tekken.
anime games raelly should be blaming shows like this for the decline in popularity of their game. everyone loved ggxx, reload, and ac(pr). then japan got cocky and started releasing all kinds of crazy anime promoting degenerate acts like incest or pedophilia and now anime has a bad rap with just about everyone.
Why don't girls in fightan have titties like this pic?
They all have those balloon-like spheres bolted to their chests.
>Q and Sodom aren't new to the SF universe in any fucking capacity at all how do oyu not understand this.
i never said they were. try reading the post youre replying to again faggot.
>this meme
t. american
>Replying to random comment chains for no reason
g2a com/guilty-gear-xrd-revelator-steam-cd-key-global.html
$31.56 without DLC
Kum and Dizzy are terrible and you can buy based bird edgemister with in-game currency
So Yes
Seriously, pirate it if you have to but don't buy keys from G2A since they hurt Arcsys. They don't deserve to get chargebacked from fraudsters.
GG didnt really have huge sales and a big community in the west back then either.
>Kum and Dizzy are terrible and you can buy based bird edgemister with in-game currency
more like you are terrible.
That is barely less than steam has but with all the added russian botnet spies.