What does this little light that is on mean?
What does this little light beside the temp mean?
Read your owner's manual
Did not come with one.
Look up a pdf of your owner's manual online to figure this out and ebay a physical copy to keep in the glovebox then.
Make sure your engine has coolant.
Blown headgasket
Blinker fluid is low
needle needs viagra and the light is correct
Light means oil is way too cold and thick, meaning you shouldn't even try to drive it until it gets warm.
It does. The temperature gauge stays in the normal area, so I dono, trying to find a manual online.
Not necessarily, my 2014 car has a light to tell you that the engine is cold.
Multiweight oils don't need to be warmed all the way up to work though.
Yea maybe your right, It just started snowing. Wish I could find a manual to confirm.
Just fucking google "[your car] owner's manual pdf" like I told you to you dumb shit.
I did, one was a page filled with viruses and others are asking for my money, or loaded with misleading ads. Maybe you have better luck, 95 Neon Plymouth.
what car is it and i'll fucking find it for you
>what car is it and i'll fucking find it for you
>95 Neon Plymouth.
It's saying hello to you. Say hello back, don't be a rude asshole.
Your shit car is overheating and your temperature gauge is broken
You are beyond help. Next you'll be asking how to download a pdf.
Just figured it out there was no coolant in the system. It's leaking out.
I told you to check nigga
you already found the problem, but i fount the manual, yeah it means engine coolant warning
fuck, I thought it was a jew first
fucking /polo/
Out of gas
Does it turn off at operating temperature?
It means you need a new head gasket.
i am really bad at drawing lol
>out of Zyklon B
Ha me too. Fucking kikes
It was a Jew. Kiked up the engine.
Usually means temperature is near or below freezing.
Please let this thread die.
>not using filetype:pdf
it's like you were born yesterday or something