Hey Veeky Forums, when the light turns yellow, that means "hey, I'm about to turn red, slow down" not "hey, I'm about to turn red, so step on it, come on hurry you can make it!"
t. pedestrian
Hey Veeky Forums, when the light turns yellow, that means "hey, I'm about to turn red, slow down" not "hey, I'm about to turn red, so step on it, come on hurry you can make it!"
t. pedestrian
don't walk out into traffic next time
If it turns yellow, and it's too late to stop without pretty much slamming the brakes then you stop. But if you have way too much momentum to stop in time, then you keep going, simple. Also why the fuck would this bother a pedestrian? Your "Walk" light doesn't turn on until like after 3 seconds of the light turning red for traffic.
The amber light exists to clear the intersection. If you cannot safely stop before the intersection, you're SUPPOSED to drive through. Usually, if you're less than 2 car-lengths away, doing the in-city speed-limit, it's better and safer to just keep going because if you slam your brakes and they lock up, you'll wind up getting T-Boned.
Hey /n/, when the light is yellow on our side, it's still red on your side. That means keep your stupid ass out of the road
t. Veeky Forums
Get off the road! Stay out of the way of things bigger than you. You don't see driving my car down train tracks do you?
Take the bus next time
>If you cannot safely stop before the intersection, you're SUPPOSED to drive through.
i've always wondered about this. When is the point that it becomes running a red light? 3 seconds is more than enough to clear even if you pass the crosswalk a second after it turns red. That's what happens half the time anyways so I guess my question is when can a cop ticket you for doing it?
It's not like there's always a truck behind me, but in general I don't want to have to rely on trusting the driver behind me.
Depending on the posted speed limit. If the speed limit is 45mph you have 4.5 seconds to stop. You have to quickly calculate if stopping or going is safer within that time frame and act. So long as you passed the first line whilst it was still yellow you are fine.
Sucks being a pedestrian sometimes.
What I hate a lot is if I'm at the side of the road clearly waiting for a gap to cross the road and some dickhead stops their car right in front of me making me walk around their car. I never do this to anybody when I'm driving.
Or if I'm walking along the road and come up to a busy driveway, like for a petrol station. Assholes will just splay their car right in front making me walk behind their car just so they can merge into traffic quicker. Sometimes the car will be able to merge faster, sometimes a pedestrian will be able to walk past faster. It all depends on traffic at the time. But again, when I'm driving I let the pedestrian go first unless I'm sure I'll be out of their way before they reach me. Just a bit of common courtesy
Fuck off scum.
We follow our signals, so you follow yours.
Either way, if you're too stupid to watch traffic before crossing then scatter or splatter.
not in colorado, you can also block the intersection out here, kind of odd but happens all the time
plus, left turns allowed out here is a god send, kind of a habit now even when i drive in cali
Hey /n/, see that crosswalk sign? If it doesn't say "walk" it doesn't matter if the lights are giving the world an epileptic seizure, you don't walk out into the street.
T., Veeky Forums
>t. pedestrian
Around here, a lot of homeless cross the street anytime they want. Just last night, there was one crossing in the crosswalk although my light had been green a long time. They just keep on walking. They know other people don't care about them, so they don't care about you or following laws of society that keep them down.
When you see a car coming it means "hey I'm going to drive past you, don't walk in front of me" not "hey I'm driving, please step in front of me"
Dear pedestrian:
You have your own lights. If your light is green, cross the road. If it is not, do not step off the kerb.
If it is a zebra crossing, you have right of way.
A yellow light to a car driver means you can probably make it if you're quick. Do not step into a yellow light, or you will lose your legs.
If there isn't a crossing? STAY OFF THE ROAD.
> Blaming society and laws for your shortcomings
What a fag. I been homeless before, you only stay homeless if you want to be homeless. 4 months of being homeless and i found a steady job, and im renting a room now.
>you only stay homeless if you want to be homeless
You are a normal person who had an unlucky time period. You got out of it with your own diligent efforts.
>you only stay homeless if you want to be homeless
But other homeless have extra problems such as mental health. Or they have pedo or rape convictions. Or they have manslaughter convictions. Or they have major fraud convictions. Those people find it difficult to get jobs, housing, or education. In my state, such crimes officially put them at the bottom of the priority list for aid. In addition, many scholarships have requirements such as criminal record moves them to the end of the line. Since there are always lots more people wanting scholarships, being moved to the end of the line is the same as having zero chance for those grants/scholarships/awards to decrease the cost of education.
You were able to rent a room. But if you were a felon, my HOA, which controls housing rentals in my community, would review and deny it. In my state, it is technically legal for an HOA to deny a rental (not a house purchase) on the basis of criminal record provided that the home owner has signed a form. Almost all home owners here sign because having the HOA on your side to defend your property is a big legal plus. It also saves you time and money since you have nosy busybodies examining applicants for you and doing so better than you can unless you work in some HR capacity elsewhere.
Hey /pedestrian/ if you can't look both ways before crossing the road I assume your carer would do it for you because you must be a retard.
>proceed with caution
Also, fun fact; the amount of time a light stays yellow is determined by the first digit of the speed limit in that area.
Speed limit = 35, yellow light stays on for 3 seconds.
Speed limit = 50, yellow light stays on for 5
and so on...
In my state, the drivers' manual doesn't say yellow means to speed up and beat the red light. Yellow means prepare for the red light. If any part of your car is in the intersection when the light is red, then you are fair game for a ticket.
Some lights have traffic cameras and more lights will have them as time goes on. If any part of your car is in the intersection at the time the lights are red, the camera flashes. $249. You can pay by mail or contest with a judge. For cost efficiency to those ticketed and time savings most meetings are done in small clustered groups. It starts off with "Does anyone object that it was their car in the photograph?". If not, you proceed to be fined. If you object, then you are immediately required to prove it was not your vehicle. If you cannot prove that, proceed to be fined plus additional cost charges added to the original fine. It's fairly fast.
If you didn't object that it was your car, then that is admission it was your car. Now, you can individually offer good reasons or bad reasons why your fine should be reduced or dismissed. If you were speeding thru the red light because your wife was pregnant, and you show proof of hospital admissions for that day, your fine is dismissed. Late for an appointment is not a valid excuse but can sometimes get reduction or even if no reduction, the fine is reduced by the cost of the court fee, thus the end result is your fine is the same price but you weren't "charged" the cost of the court fee.
As for combining people in groups, that's because the expert witness that appears is the privatized company rep that runs the computer and camera system. The cost of the special trip, per diem hotel, per diem transport, per diem salary, and other costs is divided up. If it wasn't grouped, you'd see a giant fee that dwarfed your ticket.
>Some lights have traffic cameras
So instead of solving the problem causing drivers to stop or wait unnecessarily just stick up a camera to force people to comply.
>the expert witness that appears is the privatized company rep that runs the computer and camera system
Where I live, they found the company was putting them at the busiest intersections (to generate as much revenue as possible), instead of the most dangerous ones (to try and prevent fatalities).
Kinda relieved there was no conflict of interest there.
>If any part of your car is in the intersection when the light is red, then you are fair game for a ticket.
But that's wrong you fucking retard.