What do billionaires do all day
What do billionaires do all day
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Spank the monkey.. some losers work for them.
Probably worry full time
Transiting in planes. Sometimes on the Lolita express.
work and obsess to the point that you destroy your relationships
>le work to get rich meme!
this, also they fuck and degrade hot bitches who otherwise would never give them the light of day
>they fuck and degrade hot bitches who otherwise would never give them the light of day
what do you mean? they pay for their bitches ?
one way or another, everyone pays for their bitches.
Manipulate curriencies to destroy economies. Fund black militant organizations. Perpetuate the globalist agenda.
Pic related.
Sounds like fun.
Valid point user.
Elon worked 100 hrs a week. Not sure if still works that much. Probably
shitpost on Veeky Forums
shilling on cryptoshits made people became billionaire?
Pay a few lesser 1 billionaires to fight each other to the death.
t. 999 billionaire.
you don't need to be a billionaire to shitpost on Veeky Forums.
OP isn't a billionaire and he shitpost on Veeky Forums everyday
Make america great again
Beg governments for more tax dollars to prop up failing businesses.