League of legends general /lolg/

Vlad thread, because he is sex incarnate.

>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:

Other urls found in this thread:



how do i play lucian?

>Gift somebody you don't like

champion.gg updated its stats

Oi, niggers.
I got rp, should I get Santa daddy braum even though I already own el tigre?
or save my shit for something else in the future like little china vi?

xth for gey marriage

Don't, he's one of the weakest ADCs right now.

>tfw no qt ez bf
What can I do to alleviate this pain, /lolg/?

>Viktor: vi you're a fucking cancer abuser
>Viktor: can't wait for the pbe nerfs

the fact multiple pros have said so?

Become a trap and let someone fuck you in the ass.

xth for genocidical nun champion when

>Santa daddy braum
Do it.

How do you counter this?

If you lose your next ranked game you have to go work out for the amount of time the game lasted.

become my qt Ez bf~

How is she OP though m8?

How did those placements go, /lolg/?

Flash the Malphite ult

by having your support ward

You have half your team split push and the other half take objectives while the enemy team attempts to stop the two concurrent split pushers.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

xth for the better monkey

Can someone explain to me why someone would go ap mf mid? Why they would take ignite against a zed? Why it does no damage?

Why would you think ap mf mid is a good idea?

>found the right cvc for a credit card on one free league account in the pastebin
>fucker doesnt even have $5


I wish there were more fit female champions.

>Garen improving
>Kalista and Ivern are shit
Feels good to be alive.

>2017-2 months

did you get a qt redhead gf to cosplay katarina yet

Because they're retarded user. :^)

If you're taking her mid you could at least build her right with the lethality shit.

Ez game ez money 2

I think I'm developing some time of arthritis or something. The center of my right hand - not the palm, other side - has been hurting while I'm playing, and even now when I'm typing.
How long do I have?

could Rengar beat Zed in lore?

Sounds more like carpal tunnel. Which hand (mouse or keyboard hand)? Is it both?

ive seen it maybe 5 times in the last month, every time they feed out the ass and do less damage than the thresh support

if an ap mf mid player wants to chime in and convince me its not complete dog shit ill listen


Have you ever see the show Bait Car?

Where the police(riot) purposely leave cars(boosted/hacked accounts) open for anyone to steal but once your in the car(logged in) and they notice you driving(playing) they pull the plug on you and arrest you(ip ban you)?

Say goodbye to your main

my mouse hand. My left hand doesn't hurt in the same spot, but I've noticed in my past year/two years of uni my wrist starts to feel major pain after writing a few paragraphs.

i highly doubt these league accounts are like that.

guys I'm fucking scared I logged into one of those accounts posted last thread

is my main going to get banned? guys please help

Possibly, they are both assassins so set up would be crucial, which one is hunting which one would most likely determine the winner.

That being said in a pure 1 on 1 it depends highly on what exactly Zed powers can do because even if both of them are masters of hand to hand and close range combat, Rengar is larger and physically stronger and likely can take several severe wounds from Zeds weapons before going down as opposed to Zed who is still ultimately just a human.

So Triforce is now effective for Fiora?


you're going to real life jail

someone make vg vs vg on NA

>fiora players

The real answer? It's possible

If you were the only one to login and all you did was login and log out, you should be fine, but if a bunch of people from all over log into it and Riot HQ sees a ton of activity on it, they will put two and two together and act on it. So cross your fingers.

I logged in a while back and nothing happened.

friendly reminder to ban vaynes from your own team

I'm kind of disappointed that all of his basic abilities are just him using his Jingu Bang. His only trickster abilities are in his innate ability and ultimate, and even then, his ultimate's not really deceptive. Like, I agree that DOTA2's version of the Monkey King is more fun than League's, however, I feel that League's Wukong is more true to the myth.

Wukong remake to where he is 100% about playing pranks WHEN?


How fucked am I?

who is this semen demon?

>see dyrus has a new video
>his gf is in it showing alot of cleavage leaning forward most of the time
Is dyrus using her for more views or is she trying to steal his fan base or both?

Okay, Anonymous who posted the link in the last thread here.
You fuckers are all going to get banned. I've already reported the link to Riot.
I started phishing all those accounts since the last three months to milk some credit card money, but this time I got bored so I decided to fuck with some dumb retards out there.
See you next time I feel bored, bitches.

>tfw no new swain skins
>tfw tyrant swain is over priced and makes his bird form look lame

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA please join

their adc may let your entire team win the game

which one would you fug?

>logged into a pastebin account
>it has all my favorite skins
>cant change the password and make it mine permanently

whats even the point

I don't know. In the Cinematic Darius got stabbed by knifecat, but still knocked him on his ass with two punches.

irish nidalee

what if it was raining

Have you seen Darius though? Dude's built like a brick shithouse and full of Noxian piss and vigor.

Where, how and when i consummate my marriage to my sweet and flawless waifu, is entirely none of your business!

fucking liar
someone make a game pl0x

hey drawfags

when you draw on a tablet, do you control most of the motion with your wrist or with your elbow/shoulder?

Like I wanna play with any of the autismos here

There is now pass is Vidya need 6 more

someone please get me out of silver

i dont understand this

why the fuck can I hardcarry games in higher Gold and have no issue winning games last season yet I can't fucking get through one game in silver having a good experience

it's never relatively even and dependent on plays and map awareness

it's always one fucking faggot that gets ridiculously fed early on and the game is either stomp or get stomped cause no one has the brain to fucking focus that person with cc

everyone is so god damn quick to give up

you guys told me plat players were the shittiest community in league

at least raging plat players have a semblance of common sense

this elo is fucking lemmings 24/7

But Darius is heavily armored and hes a big guy for zed

Wrist for small details arm for everything else

all you need to do is git gud____________________________________

who ready for a very merry cursemas

What rank are you?


silver 3 after stupidly doing all 10 placements with a friend who goes fullretard 90% of the time

Rengar is a hunter and killer.

Darius is a walking, talking, breathing "fuck you"

It takes different priorities and playstyles to carry in silver as opposed to carrying in gold. Either you play hypercarries and dominate from start to finish, or you rely on initiators/tanks with good winrates, because those usually make it easy for you to communicate your intentions so your teammates will follow suit.

Nothing says "go in" like a 5-man amumu ult, catch my drift?

>tfw in season 4 duo'd with a friend
>went 3 - 7
>got silver V
I know how you feel

I duoed in 2 of my placements with a silver yasuo main that I had one good normal game with.

He inted both games and then said my mmr was giving him bad teammates and unfriended me.

this is my first season

can i ahve free stuff?

ign AtlasTheIdiot

so you're saying I should autistically go back to toplane /mute all Tryndamere like I did to get myself out of Gold V?

ok since u guys wanna be goofsters ill make a game for you

pass is vidya

>lumi karu

>Jungler never ganks
>Call him out when he's wondering why people are losing
>"Hurr Durr ur jus blaming da dungle"
Fuck you and everything about your type of junglers.

i personally would go for the second option, but i guess if you're good with hypercarries, feel free to do that.

>Ivern will never be good
This champion has to be the biggest flop of the year.

>chat restriction
>blasting through it with arams

why didnt i think of this before

>enemy bot lane is teitch and janna
>mid is kayle
>I have to get to teitch in team fights or he delets us all


To be honest if multiple lanes are losing it's hard to get everyone fed since if you gank for let's say bot there is no way you can get to top and gank quickly. It's annoying to junglers too when lanes bitch you don't gank when you been in other lanes trying to get other laners ahead.


No furries, user.

that's ivern support you dips, aka the shittiest memepick in the game. his jungle is still busted

opinions on those who kiss boy champions? I want to kiss darius's downstairs parts.

what did he mean by this


>Le balanced blind man of much mobility has a 34% pick rate

Any Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums going?

SN: Whatevers Clever

>tfw you get autofilled into healslut role and win
This role is so relaxing.