RIP blackbeard edition
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Year 2 has been confirmed. New CTU's will be Spain, Hong Kong, Poland, and South Korea.
Season 4 - Operation Red Crow is out. Patch 5.2 - Mid Season Reinforcements Live.
heartbreaking defeat:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
Tachanka still shit
2nd for toxic babes
Second for the exact moment my internet died.
Fuze is super strong in small objective rooms...
Nice OP picture user
Reposting this just so we get it out of the way. Quote me if someone starts disputing it in the thread.
Blackbeard's newest change is quite good. The point is to make Blackbeard a niche character instead of a "why would you not pick him 100% of the time" character. Now you only play him on very specific maps and objectives according to your team's strategy - instead of having your team revolve around BB for their strategy.
Making BB not be the be-all-end-all is really great. Now he will actually reward competent players by still being able to perform their peek-master, angle-holding role instead of enabling shitters as a crutch for tanking the equivalent of many lives' worth of headshots.
He now basically has 3 lives
>First life: first shield, gets blown out by 2-4 bullets depending on distance, you get your first shot at killing your fearsome peeker
>Second life: second shield, you didn't get the guy because you're bad, so you take cover and apply new shield. You repeek. You get it blown by 2-4 bullets again, and you AGAIN miss your shot! wew lad!
>Third life: regular operator, you die because you fail to pre-fire the repeeker. You would've now died 3 times over with any other operator.
And when fighting him, if you try to magdump him, he can mag dump you too, and the best aim will win, with HIM having the advantage over you because he just survived 2-4 shots.
If you don't mag dump, he can take cover, reapply shield, and go at it again with his second life and you having diminished chances because he now knows you're there.
fuze is strong in anything that isn't hostage related
That's when he's at his strongest.
> ubisoft buffs shields increased explosive resistance
> release a shield skin pack for montagne the day of
> only available for real money
> we know that there's a blitz one on the way
im so sorry user
In the Bartlett stream they showed a Montaigne with camo skin...why can't I apply my already bought normal skins?
what is this
i reinstalled and now i get this
if you want 6 man aces, sure
>the fuze will fuck your asshole open in a small objective room now
Weeew lad fuck you jagers who don't put down ADS
Also lads, what sound setting do you play on when listening to footsteps and stuff? Hi Fi or TV?
Postan my favorite spot.
Guess where.
Go to your router settings, disable UPNP and re-enable it, apply. Start the game again. That fixes it for me
If it still says strict, you might need to find out which ports Siege uses and whitelist them on your router. Although I don't think this will happen to you (since it worked fine before)
>every single fucking game of casual in the past 3 hours has 3 diamonds or plats on the enemy team and ONLY on the enemy team
what the fuck is this shit?
Turns out I have Rainbow Six Gold on my uplay account also
Is it worth the play?
Can I mod uplay games?
Second floor bathroom
Did you forget the compass at the bottom?
That aside house bathroom
bathroom house
love fucking glaz there
2F Bathroom of House, overlooking to the West window of Pool Room.
It's not exactly rocket surgery.
>Kitchen says right there in the screenshot where it is.
And yes, of course it's definitely worth it.
> new montagne skin
> nude IQ
> fully extended shield shows everything
> unextended shows only the upper half
> says right there in the screenshot where it is.
kek i always forget it is there
Monty seems like a Ash kind of guy
So monty has superior taste
> ash
>being gay
requesting pic related but with bandit
sorry if you guys are already backed up with requests
Is anyone else feeling that the SMG-11 has more recoil than less? Kicks like a bull now. The FMG-9 feels more accurate now though.
>Buy 20 dollar currency on the game and it sends me through to steam to buy it, which i want because i have money on steam
>It says it'd take a minute but its been 5-10
FMG did get a buff this patch, not sure how significant it was.
Meant to finish this question
I restarted uplay and the game, didnt go through
Does it normally take this long or should i contact ubisoft if they can or will even help me?
Hibambi's rifle sucks. The bullet dispersion and recoil are beyond retarded.
I wouldn't mind joining mid game if I didn't have to stare at an infinite loading screen for 2 minutes
>2 minute loading screen but you can hear everything shitters say on voice chat
My favorite meme.
Alt-f4 everytime cause fuck this
>infinite loading screen for 2 minutes
When you join a game in progress you get stuck looking at the loading screen until the round is over.
I know
>2 minutes
i thought we agreed that the TS wasn't go into the OP anymore.
are you autistic or something?
stop joining the ts to look at it for 20 seconds and then leaving then going on r6g to complain
They're both good
>finding a manjaw ginger kike attractive
>not being gay
Pity the uninformed; is this with the 2nd Season Pass, or some bundle they're releasing down the road?
no one will know for sure, but 99% its a bundle for purchase.
Doesn't make a girl ugly by default, senpai
I like it
The fact that Ubisoft is pushing for these updates without some sort of test server where people can at least report the incoming bugs before they hit live servers is a clear indicator that they have no ideea what they're doing.
And now we have to wait since I assume most developers are starting their holidays so no more patches until the end of January.
don't they have a test server?
that is where the leaked pictures of echo and hibanana came from
No. Those are internal builds they hand out to a focus group such as professional players, streamers and sometimes press for limited coverage.
I am talking about a public test server, where the bulk of the playerbase can at least report issues.
triggered reddit apologizer
>have fastest internet in country literally hacked obamas wifi
>see this
No. Those are internal builds handed out to pro players, streamers and sometimes press. I was talking about a PTS (Public Test Server), like the one they just recently got for The Division.
But they're not that smart from what I've seen.
fuck off silver shitter
but don't worry, they buffed smg's to make her even more worthless
R6 credits are fucky; I bought the season pass and it took over a day for the 600 credits to appear. Wait it out or open a ticket with Ubi support.
Thank you for answering me
I bought the season pass right before this but i guess ill be more patient
>Bought the Year 2 pass because Ubi actually fucking cares about this game
>Get 1200 UbiBux instead of just 600
Feels good desu
Wtf i got 600 instead
if you bought the Y1 season pass you get an extra 600 ubibucks
They do have test servers
but its for special people
explains how "special" this game is at times
Which gun do i use for capitao?
Ayy uplay is giving out free games not really alot of good picks but Blood Dragon and the OG Splinter Cell are there
How can I see my DAILY challenges (not weekly)?
I can't find a way to open the fucking daily challenges window without restarting the game.
your mother's you fag boy
top left corner in the main menu
That's intended you fucktards.
Because I know you guys are like coppers so you may have not realized this: But dead players still have an important roll because they can check cameras and make callouts.
It's unfair to have a guy who just joined to be able to see everything after the round started, it's like getting a new support member on the team.
the one you use to fuck your sister you fucking weirdo
are you retarded user?
thats like saying shooting a teammate in the head gives you an advantage
that is the dumbest shit i have ever heard
You know you can only join if someone else left, right?
So it's not like gaining a teammate.
>A living player is worth more so it means dead players are useless.
It's still an advantage retard.
There's a reason why dead players can't speak in most competitive games.
Anyone else ever play this shit?
Got it after Return to Castle Wolfenstein got me hooked on multiplayer FPS, it one of my first "serious" shooters
I hated it. I hated it so much. It was so hard. People were so mean. I look around a corner and get my head blown off and black men laughed and crouched on me.
I took it back to walmart and tried to return it, they said nope because it had been opened they didn't do game returns. I literally cried to try and get them to take it back, and they said tough shit.
So I took it home and played it out of spite, we were poor at it was my only game for several months. I was DETERMINED to get better at it and have fun.
I spent hours playing, sucking, dying, getting laughed at, chewing through my bottom lip and holding back burning sobs as I desperatley tried to keep up with the 100 or so other people who stuck with it, mostly adults.
It tempered me into a piece of pure raging steel, literally forming the tactics that stuck with me to this day. To this day I don't know if the game was shit or not, in fact I couldn't remember the name until I went googling just now.
Or you can get dc/d.
A guy could have gotten killed and left, it's still a new player, fresh info he shouldn't have access to yet
>It's still an advantage retard.
No it's not, because if someone joins that means someone else left.
308 hits pretty hard
Dude calm your tits.
I like her. You don't have to be mad.
Then why is it sometimes when I do join in progress I can look around on cams or drones depending on whichever side I joined?
>guy joins midround
>it would be unfair if he would be able to use cameras to assist the other teammates
wtf is this logic user
It needed it. The recoil was way too manageable.
Cap's rifle still sucks dick. I was hoping the recoil update would make it usable.
>He's actually trying to make sense out of ubishit's broken games thinking bugs are features
You're mentally challenged and should question your current position in life.
I bet you're a Trumpfag
>i-its unfair because we will lose our unfair advantage!!!
>That's intended
This is either a really retarded post or the biggest ironic meta post I have seen in a while.
how is it unfair? the other team has a whole live player more than yours.
>ooh nooo I don't want them to have someone working the cams I can shoot out that'd be unfair!!
ah yes, the unfair advantage of losing a teammate
>Tomboy spic goes for meme russian
In other ideas how much will Engineer lady change the game?
It's getting better and better
he's agreeing with you you dumbass
do you not know how greentext works
its sarcasm you mongs
Can scavenge parts and build cover for your team.