A car is inefficient for personal transport.
a 1.5 ton vehicle for a single individual.
A personal transport vehicle should not weigh more then the person being transported, rule nr. 1.
Otherwise, the vehicle is not transporting you from one place or another, you are transporting the vehicle.
Owning a car for commuting distances smaller then 35 kilometers is a terrible waste.
I don't say you can't, you have the freedom to so do, but don't ask me for my money when your pocket is empty, and don't use the state to your means to steal my money. This violates the NAP.
I do not want to be responsible for spend thrifty liberals. You must face the consequences yourself.
This is in no way meant to hard genuine vehicle drivers (business officials, cargo transport, long distance commuting, or for fun if you can have the money.)
All I am saying is, if you are young and you don't need it, don't buy a car because of social pressure or because everyone has one and you think it's a basic necessity for life, it is not. Because the vast majority of car drivers do not need one, they buy one because they are gullible and society tells them to while they can't really afford one, not just in the here and now but also in the future.
For many like myself, owning a car is luxury and not a necessity. I've been living car free for 5 years and saved a lot of money. The majority of car drivers use their cars for commutes under 15 miles and drive it alone. This is unnecessary for the majority. Alternatives are, upright bicycle, recumbent bicycle, motorcycle, velomobile, public transport
I am a free market capitalist, but not a crony oil slurping corporatist. I don't believe in global warming and that "CO2 is bad", but I do like clean city air not filled with nitrogen and sulfide oxides.