I have to drive 600 miles tomorrow Veeky Forums...
How do I resist going 130mph the whole way?
I have to drive 600 miles tomorrow Veeky Forums
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Do it, faggot!
Post pics of your tickets.
I dont get tickets.
Stops at the service plazas will be more frequent considering your fuel consumption exponentially becomes worse the faster you go
watch some dashcam vids on youtube. I can fairly guarantee you there is gonna be some road SJW thats going to make sure you cant pass.
This so much this
>road SJW
You do understand people have no obligation of helping other people commit crimes right?(and going twice the speed limit is a crime in most countries)
I never get why you faggots are so mad at people who won't change lanes so you can hoon around
I actually slow down when a retard doing 100 comes behind me flashing his lights
>being this butthurt that people drive at the speed limit
I love it when I'm passing a long line of trucks and a BMW tard(usually driving a fucking 316i E36 of all things) wants me to move over so they can speed.
Do you not get it? I enjoy your butthurt
Fuck you
And people like you get shoulder passed.
Getting this assblasted
>being this mad
Just stating how you won't slow me is all...
yfw you're causing a more dangerous situation by clogging up the flow of traffic...
I'm not planning on slowing you, i'm trying to get people like you killed
>driving the speed limit
>clogging traffic
>more dangerous than a tard doing twice the limit
Are all hooners this delusional?
You're putting yourself more at risk because if I somehow fuck up while passing, or anything, I'm going to smack you under a semi...
You should know better then to interfere with other motorists anyway. I would not do anything too risky towards myself or others, but I can't speak for everyone else.
This so much.
Retards don't understand traffic flow at all.
They may think nothing of getting into a 70mph lane at 65 to pass a car doing 64.5
But then especially in heavy traffic, they have literally caused a traffic jam, and a potential for crashes.
It will chain react so fast everyone 40 cars down will be doing 20mph.
Well, if you're passing on the shoulder while speeding, you're asking for a quick death. All you have to do is drive the speed limit and not tailgate anyone, that's not hard
>implying I don't DD a faggy dodge ram
you say 130 mph like its something to be proud of
Only because you will do something erratic and dangerous because you can't control your rage.
Grow up, dickhead. We all have to use the road.
Use cruise control and listen to some relaxing podcasts or music
Your fuel consumption will be abysmal. It wears your car's everything a lot. Your engine may not be suited to being at revs above 2500 rpm for extended periods of time.
>engine may not be suited to being at revs above 2500 rpm for extended periods of time.
What kind of diesel truck do you drive?
I sped like a madman for 12 hours out of what was supposed to be a 17 hour drive. Was nice but eventually my luck and focus ran out, didn't see a speed trap and got clocked at 88 in a 65. Thank fuck my speedo was inaccurate, 90 would have been bad fucking news. Still had to eat insurance for a while. My advice is to mildly speed/flow of traffic and just try not to stop as often.
Not when the average shoulder is wider then a lane.
I never leave the pavement when I do such a maneuver, I'm not retarded.
It isnt my car. I'm guessing that's the top speed of it.
I know myself, and after the first hour, I'll be over the 75 cruise control gig.
Shoulders are not as clean as the actual road, you're bound to hit some small pointy debris and blow up a tire if you do that often
.t tdi driver
My teggie does 4K rpm at 100km/h
Do you care about gas?
Going the speed limit with cruise control can save you 20% gas.
Going 10 under saves you 10% more, for perhaps a total of 30% saving, which usually means one less stop on a big trip
Listen to albums that have both fast-paced and slow-paced songs. Speed up (with caution) during the fast songs. Go strictly flow-of-traffic speed (within reason) during slow songs.
Christ, I'm at 1800 RPM at 100kmh.
>10 under saves 10% fuel
>100 under saves 100% fuel
im just going to drive 20km/h, seems legit
i think i read 70-80km/h is the best middle ground where your gears arent fighting wind speed
Depends on the car and how it's set up
that's not how it works at all
in theory, the best MPG you can get is the slowest speed you can go in your highest gear
No, then you'll just be lugging your engine and dumping extra fuel in just to keep it spinning
Sure bro.
No, not really. My work is paying for gas and my time.
without lugging it obviously
an RPM of around 1200 is ideal
Because your Civic can't even do 130.
That's too low for plenty of cars
for your car maybe
my 6 speed can get 70MPG at 1200RPM
Did that in a 4 banger Accord
Then by all means burn that dinosaur juice.
>too low of an rpm for a diesel S Class
except in this instance it would be you who is breaking the law as well by not yielding faster cars, assuming your in the left lane
This, I get 80mpg at about 80km/h on flat roads
You are under NO OBLIGATION to yield to someone driving ABOVE the speed limit you fucktard. Speed limits are absolute and there are exactly 0 cases where you are allowed to drive above them. Do you even lawyer?
i did West Kansas to Georgia in one day, dont be a bitch.
Left lane camping falls under the obstruction of flow of traffic and is a ticketable offense
Imagine the guy in the car thszs speeding is trying to get to the hospital because one of his kids/wife got in an accident and he will never see them alive again because you blocked him
It's not camping if you're passing a long line of trucks, it is totally legal, and quite frequent where I live(fucking refineries)
Well, maybe it will prevent him from putting someone else in the same situation because of his nigger driving
Bitch. Look familiar? Its the fucking law on tx interstates. Johnny law wants you to get the fuck out of the way.
my point in this post, op, was dont be reckless because there will be people on the road who aren't police that don't want you going that quickly, and have no problem pissing you off to impede your progress
You should get rear ended at 130 by a semi.
Get the fuck out of the fast lane you faggot
>calls fast drivers retards
>slows down in passing lane to thwart
I like that you posted in reply to him without having been confronted first. I guess the shoe fit and "road SJW" tickled your dick and ass just right to elicit that shitpost
for real though the left lane is for passing, not cruising and matching speed with the right lane but if you had less of a judge dredd complex youd already know that
>How do I resist going 130mph the whole way?
If you have a new car, it probably has various modes in it that allow you to set custom settings. My new GM car has "Teen Driver Mode" where the parent can customize car settings before loaning the car to the teenagers. One setting is the max speed of the car. There's also max car radio volume, etc. So, just set the max speed to 75 and you'll be fine.
>you who is breaking the law as well by not yielding faster cars
FALSE. In my state, the speed limit is the absolute maximum speed any car can go including passing speed.
Left lane camping laws do not exist in my state. All lanes are allowed for cars althought it is RECOMMENDED (not required) to keep right if the road is not congested. I suspect the people who misquote left lane laws are doing so only to "win" their argument that going the speed limit in the left lane is illegal.
Just because you're speeding it does not mean i have to yield, learn the fucking road laws before driving
>I'm not planning on slowing you, i'm trying to get people like you killed
Fucking die you piece of shit. I hope you get turned into a fucking poster by a semi
More/taller gears does not == faster
kek. can you imagine this cuck going the speed limit as his max speed every day, everywhere he goes?!
wow, what a free and independent life he leads...
You are the kind of person that causes accidents. The left lane is for passing, the cop will call you an idiot as well
People like you are why I keep a gun in my car at all times.
All this salt
Amazing thread goys, I had a giggle
>im passing cant you see????!!#
>hes actually going 67.1 next to an eighteen wheeler going 67 on a two lane interstate
ill fucking rekt you m8 you think this is a fucking game bitch
Need to get all the Mexicans in that trailer to move to the back.
There is a great video of you on youtube of just that situation. I wish I could find it for this thread. So many of the salty people are starring in it. When I read all your posts in this thread, it gave me deja vu to that video.
>teen driver mode
>limiting max speed of car
Fuck this gay future.
Teen driver mode should limit RPMs, not top speed. Prevent them from making enough power to accelerate stupidly or do burnouts or have fun, but not hinder the natural flow of traffic.
I disagree, let them have fun. There haven't been teen driver modes for the past 5 decades and we've been getting along just fine. On the grand scheme of things, very few teenagers actually injure themselves having fun in car.
It's a different story with cell phones though. Unless the teen driver mode has a cell phone jammer it's useless at any speed.
>implying i was the only one replying to you
>dindu driving Elantra 68 in a 65, left lane
>trucks as far as I can see coming up in right lane
>don't wanna be stuck behind this cunt for another 5 miles
>merge right and put my shitbox's pedal to the floor
>Elantra also guns it
>can't hear my own "reeee" over my supercharger whining trying to pass this fucker
>somehow make the gap
>get tailgated until he exits
I hate road trips
>be you
>get rear ended
My shitbox can be back on the road no matter what with about 5,000 dollars worth of work, can you say the same?
I only do shit like that at night on roads with no cars
Ironically, yes
I would part it and get a new one though(or keep the wreck for spare parts if i buy the same model) because my shitbox is only worth 1k
>Fuck this gay future.
GM is not the only one putting features like this into cars. But one of the main features of Teen Driver mode is the ability to monitor where and for how long the car has gone. Because the car also lists speeds the car has gone, it was relatively easy for GM to add a max speed cap. The parents are able to obtain a "report" of what the teen had been doing with the car.
Teen Driver can also be set to coach (aka NAG NAG NAG) the teen driver to drive better. To no over-accelerate. Or squeal the tires when starting at a stop light. Of course, this pertains to road racing with other teens.
GM also uses the technology to report the car's driving habits to various insurance companies in order to obtain lower insurance rates for the car. Some insurance companies (Progressive, etc) can also use the system to obtain info on how their insured driver performs and even reduce existing insurance rates. This requires permission from the driver to release information of course.
>permission from the driver
About that....
faggot, doxxing you right now because I hate slow cunts. pucker your pooper honey
Good luck. Xir's behind seven genders.
It's still a good idea to keep a space cushion for yourself especially on the freeway. Set yourself up at whatever speed and in whatever lane is safe and comfortable so that you're overtaking and being overtaken at an acceptable rate where applicable. If there's not a lot of traffic it's a good idea to stay right and keep your distance and otherwise drive prudently.
The fact of the matter is assholes will do this no matter what country you're in and your priorities should be keeping yourself safe.
OP here.
I fucked it up.
>not just loading your phone up with anime and keeping busy by running through your backlog
>Only because you will do something erratic and dangerous because you can't control your rage.
Except your inciting the whole matter by not following proper road laws and yielding to faster traffic in the passing lane. It doesn't matter if someone is going faster than you, you are not the police. If you have such a problem, follow the law, get a dashcam and report people. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
>Grow up, dickhead. We all have to use the road.
Hilarious how much this applies to you, you self righteous piece of shit.
>The left lane is reserved for passing where the speed limit is 65 or higher. A state brochure discusses the law. Passing on right on Interstate prohibited when only two lanes: 14-233(4). Slower traffic keep right and all traffic yield left lane to traffic approaching from behind.
So where does it say that "You are under NO OBLIGATION to yield to someone driving ABOVE the speed limit"? You fucking idiot.
Eventually the lobbyists will convince the government to make an exception to the insurance companies. Then our driving data will be automatically collected without our permission. Most modern cars broadcast their data to databases every now and then. That broadcast ability to send data is necessary as part of those various services the manufacturers such as Lexus, GM, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, etcetera, sell.
f0r long distance driving, what is the best speed for a 2.5l ford ranger to drive at for the best mpgs? 60/65 in overdrive/5th gear?
if there is a headwind or hilly/mountainy, should i drop it down to 4th gear?
i have like 200-300lbs of stuff in the back
>if there is a headwind or hilly/mountainy, should i drop it down to 4th gear?
If it's anything like driving my friends Duratec powered Ranger you'll be forced to downshift to 4th, especially if you have the air on.
what happens if i dont downshift?
(everyon who i let drive my truck doesnt ever downshift when it starts chugging and rattling... they just press harder on the gas)
>(everyon who i let drive my truck doesnt ever downshift when it starts chugging and rattling
Stop letting them drive your car, lugging the engine is terrible for it. Wears the bearings and you can get detonation(which it already sounds like you do).
>On the grand scheme of things, very few teenagers actually injure themselves having fun in car
I'm against any form of nany-state, but this is just wrong. Motor vehicles are responsible for ~35% of teenage deaths.
hmmm do you think an italian tune-up could help with my pinging? ive been pussyfooting the gas pedal for the past 50,000miles becuase im scared of the pinging
also what are the negative effects or running my truck in a low gear all the time? like always cruising on the freeway in 4th.
i have no tachometer, i generally just feel/hear if im in the wrong gear
New plugs would probably be better, is the 2.5L the one with 8 plugs? I'd recommend cheap copper core plugs, good conductivity and cheap.
4th gear on the freeway is probably too low a gear once you're past 60-65mph on a flat road but would be fine for going up a hill. The key is to keep the engine at a lowish RPM without lugging, you shouldn't be having to press the accelerator more than just a little. Once the hill starts and you feel yourself adjusting, downshift.
What year is your Ranger?
>Wears the bearings
You know what else does that? Running the engine at all. Best bet is to just quit running it if you want to preserve your bearings....
>you can get detonation
Since the invention of fuel injection and piezo sensors, this has become a non-issue. The computer just pulls timing and dumps more fuel.
Carbureted cars with distributors, or anything with a distributor really, would be subject to that kind of problem, but even then, loosening one bolt and turning the dist one way or another by a bit would fix it.
In general, I'd recommend not listening to E.E., as he tends to be absolutely retarded on 99% of topics, and seems to base most of his explanations on 1980's technology and one singular study.
>do you think an italian tune-up could help with my pinging
It generally helps everything, or breaks something. Either way it's worth a shot.
I was doing the speed limit, passing people legally in the left when when I came up to a rolling roadblock. I kept a safe following distance, but for some reason the cunt in the minivan ahead of me started spraying her washer fluid, and just let it go for a full 30 seconds.
I fucked up and got mad, and at the first opportunity I got in front of her and fired my washer fluid as well. Not liking a taste of her own medicine, she followed me off the highway and made to get out of her toddler wagon at a red light. The light turned green and I pulled away as she was getting out, spraying more washer fluid as I drove away.
I still feel bad to this day.
i think i got my plugs changed about 25,000mi ago. it has been all fwy miles
yes, 8 spark plugs, and generally i do like 55-65 on the freeway
yr2000 2.5l 2wd MT