Whoa whoa WHOA! Why the fuck aren't my fort towers in Marienburg firing? I was already fucked off that they can reach the whole map when I siege the enemy but now that the fucking assholes have like a dozen siege towers, they're not firing at all.
Zachary Lee
This shit is unplayable
WE are stronger than every faction in the Northern half of the map combined AND they're allied with Angrund
the actual fuck
im spazzing the fuck out
Sebastian Martinez
Oh, the problem extended to Marienburg now? Before Wood Elves, Akendorf or whatever it's called also had non-working towers.
Brayden Lee
>Why the fuck aren't my fort towers in Marienburg firing? Are there units positioned on the walls where the towers are? You need to 'capture' them before they can fire
Michael Hernandez
Are they bugged? Well then forget what I said there then (could've been that you're a beginner and didn't know)
Nicholas Reyes
Oh fuck. I was really relying on those. Shit. 2 crossbowmen aren't going to be able to kill anybody. Yep, on the wall and on the ground around it inside the city.
Justin Morales
>Gobbo Archers
Jayden Lewis
Easton Peterson
weekend rolli polli
John Gutierrez
Why must savage orcs be so shit?
Ethan Evans
Why can't they get walls right? What's so fucking difficult?
Charles Gray
>mongol stack heading to constantinople >if i move my army i'll get triple teamed by heavy cavalry/HAs on the defensive
Ayden Lee
sieges in general are pretty dogshit
Jeremiah Rivera
h-here we go roma invicta
Mason Barnes
you got walls?
Caleb Nguyen
I don't think I would really call them walls.
Jaxon Nelson
well keep your men close to the walls, near the gates
you can't out-missile them, even on the walls
the cav's worthless to them unless they can get them in, so don't let the gates open. as soon as they're open the battle is over
Parker Morgan
What's going on here, when do mongols invade in this game? Or are they always there? I ask because I know in M2 you can conquer all of the old world before they invade, and if you really wanted you could just focus, you can get the pope to crusade and build a huge free crusader army and get Antioch by turn 10 or so.
Lucas Morgan
Where do I expand to as the Empire after taking the Reikland? I'm not exactly a fan of conquering other humans.
Bentley Peterson
those are pretty much the only regions you can take
Joseph Young
Christopher Perez
You can always confederate.
Or you go and liberate Bretonia
Christian Campbell
Take Marienburg for it's port, and then take the lands of whoever fucks with you. Especially the Vampire Counts.
Joseph Murphy
Isn't the point of "about face" to about fucking face and not do this retarded shit?
Ethan Turner
Where can I go to see some really high-level, tryhard battles?
So, is the Wood Elves campaign the easiest now after the hotfix? Your most basic troops become terminators around 40 turns into game (pic related), and you only have to capture easily defensible territory (Bretonnia and nearby mountains) to complete the victory conditions.
Just won a VH/VH campaign in less than 100 turns, and it was my first run as Welves so didn't know what to expect. I'm pretty sure that if you plan out everything correctly you could win the campaign in ~60 turns on legendary. I only had to fight 3 or so battles manually (not counting quest ones), because after you level up your lords the game gives you ridiculous autoresolve strength. Gotta say though, the final quest battle is fun as fuck.
Zachary Butler
>Calls himself "Roman" >Doesn't even control Roma
Look at this greek boy.
Grayson Robinson
Too late for that. The enemies can knock down the shitty palisades without any sort of siege equipment.
There's 3 start dates to choose from in MTW + Viking Invasion expansion.
Caleb Clark
Every time I push back one unit of heavy cavalry they send in another.
Matthew Young
What's the point of being THE von Carstein without Isabella?
Parker Cox
It's hopeless but my Varangian guard fight to the last man.
Colton Baker
Why is this a thing?
Also, is there any trick to refreshing your available heroes? Wanna try out the grey wizard but I never seem to be able to get one.
Jeremiah Rogers
Pinned against the wall but they still keep fighting
Thank you incompetent AI. I just murdered Vlad with 4 volleys from 3 free company.
Ryder Butler
define long
Eli Flores
More than 100 turns is a long game I guess.
Cameron Hernandez
Wyatt Peterson
>tfw TW: Age of Mythology NEVER ever
Isaiah Rogers
Thank G-d
Jason Gutierrez
just play dominions 4 and get a better mythology experience than TW will ever provide
Matthew Green
Just installed Europa Barbarorum 2 lads, which faction should I play?
Jeremiah Williams
Total war and dominions are different enough that you can play dominions and still want a mythological total war
David Lee
Wood Elves
Isaiah Mitchell
who /kingofdarkness!/ here?
Hudson Bailey
Dominions 4 isn't fun in singleplayer that's what me mum told me
Jackson Sanders
Christopher Martin
◦ the Total War entry you're playing currently ◦ factions you've finished campaigns with ◦ factions you could have finished campaigns with but you didn't FUCKING want to ◦ factions you've not played
Adam Butler
Anyone who has played multiplayer will tell you that
Isaiah Taylor
In order of completion: Dwarfs, Crooked Moon, Vampire Counts, Greenskins, Empire
Durthu/Elves (Elves and tree spirits are kinda boring)
Beastmen (don't own it), Clan Angrund (Skarsnik > Beggar Nohammer)
Charles King
That feelio when a peasant's life was better even in ye olden Sylvania than in Bretonnia at nearly any time
>Put up with your local guardsmen being screeching skeletons or maybe some dead men that stumble around, but at least they're gonna come to your defense at no care for personal risk or reward >The taxes are a hell of a lot lower, barring your local lord or governor getting the village to go on blood drives or pick out troublemakers to come to a -special- party every now and again >No elves sperging the fuck out and wild hunting on you while nobles laugh at the idea of helping >No beastmen coming out of the woods to stomp on you some more afterwards
Connor Cooper
In order of completion Vampire Counts, Crooked Moon, NEET elves.
Finished beastmen minicampaign and fiddled with dwarfs a bit. No interest in finishing a campaign with either.
Never touched chaos or empire
Leo Gonzalez
Warhammer Dwarfs, Angrund, Mememen meme campaign, Empire Vampire counts. Something about them just elicits a strong feeling of eh from me, same with Chaos and their dogshitness. Factions I haven't seriously played are the Greenskin factions and NEET elves. I should pick one of the two.
Liam Phillips
>the Total War entry you're playing currently Warhams
>factions you could have finished campaigns with but you didn't FUCKING want to Clan Aggrund, fuck them. Dwarfs were nearly the same, but I eventually finished it though I fucking hate playing Dwarfs
>factions you've not played None, played them all
Michael Foster
*Clan Angrund, silly me. Still fuck them though!
Jose Clark
nobody fucking cares about or will ever discuss your shitty idea with you, you fucking autist
Landon Martinez
>the Total War entry you're playing currently Total War: Warhammer
>factions you've finished campaigns with All of them.
>factions you could have finished campaigns with but you didn't FUCKING want to Not sure if this counts, but I briefly installed the Bretonnia Grand Campaign mod, and play it for a few turns. But then I decided that I just wanted to wait for the official version, and that I probably had enough patience for it.
Note that this was before the Old World Edition and delay was announced. Still haven't touched it though.
>factions you've not played
The only ones I haven't touched were the Middenland and Mousillon factions in MP. Just because I don't really play multiplayer in Total War these days.
Ryder Wilson
>Wissenland now based mostly in Stirland >Stirland now mostly based in Wissenland
Well, at least I can avoid Stirland's defensive alliance with the Empire and take their province now.
Brandon Gutierrez
You moved much quicker than I did.
I miss this campaign. The whole eastern half is owned by the Seleucids and I had just stared my final war of annihilation against them. But all the mods I had running corrupted the save and it crashes every time I try and load it now. I'll never continue my Operation Barbarossa.
Alexander Morgan
Yeah Macedon's kinda really fucking good. Any pike faction is. Just get 8 pikes, 5 archers and fill the rest with cav and no one can stop you.
Grayson Young
I don't even wanna finish this anymore.
Austin Smith
>turn 254 >no k8p >dwarfs probably wiped out greenskims and have all of badlands and mountains You have MUCKED up
Daniel Howard
What the FUCK have you been doing for 250 turns? You should have claimed Eight Peaks by turn 50 at the latest.
Noah Thomas
How the fuck do you get there so soon?
I've been fighting off welfs, humans and 1000 dwarf doomstacks nonstop all at once from that little mountain at the beginning.
I only managed to move out when chaos spawned.
Bentley Gonzalez
Oh right, elves. Yeah, elves didn't exist when I was fighting my way toward the Eight Peaks. I should see how fast/slow it would take me to get to Eight Peaks again. What difficulty you playing at?
Noah Lopez
well this should be fun
Sebastian Turner
>Playing chaos campaign for the first time on Vh/h (very hard campaign, hard battles)
I thought people said it was shit. I'm having some fun and its not that bad.
Chaos is a bit boring since their tactics are essentially rush. but the first few battles against the dwarves were pant shitting but they were satisfying to win despite the odds.
Bentley Green
King and the Warlord trailer is the best Warhammer trailer.
Carter Johnson
Ghost dads are the key to all of this
Nathan Wright
The dwarfs do have everything down south under their control and chaos are still coming directly for me.
Even the VC offered me a defensive alliance against the dwarfs now.
Evan Jackson
Good, VH/VH is what I usually play, so I'll start first thing tomorrow.
Jason Price
>1/4 of his army isn't siege
Blake Bell
Xavier Jenkins
I play VH/H
In all other TW's i used to play VH/VH but I just can't seem to get to that VH battle level. That said I've just recently started playing hard after playing normal for so long and I'm enjoying it more.
Charles Moore
Alexander Miller
>Belegar is so pathetic, he needed Skarsnik to be away from Eight Peaks before he could ever retake it
This is why Belegar dies in End Times, and Skarsnik is completely forgotten by the writers because they like Grimgor more
Caleb Bailey
how did he die?
Alexander Howard
What's that character portrait?
Austin Lewis
When he wasn't reskinned, Boris could take a Griffon.
Better they make him a LL and Middenheim a sub-faction.
Benjamin Turner
Killed by Queek Headtaker.
John Fisher
read that as queef headtaker
Ethan Williams
pretty surprised about that, UK government actually thinking about stricter legislation regarding racism/abuse towards gingers since they tend to go full Isis.
Thomas Collins
>racism/abuse towards gingers
Josiah Diaz
Remember the time Mannfred killed the Warhammer setting.