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Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
>TDM Teams
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>Official Veeky Forums PS4 Community
Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
I want to marry Jin-Die
I want to listen to Jin-Die's theme!
Couldn't find it in the FAQ, but when does the map reset and time zone?
Climb the tower.
I think it is around 7:00 PM EST, so about 15 and a half hours from now
Holy fuck the voice acting in this game is god awful and I don't know if I love it or hate it.
>can't adjust camera speed
PC port when
I'm fucking dying
why is the floor 34 boss literally a train? how the hell am I logically supposed to fight this?
>Some guy raids me and steals my highest level guy
>Go to raid menu to recover my guy
>"Another player has attacked, your attack has failed"
>Go into the tower and dick around for a while
>Come back to try and raid him again
>"Another player has attacked, your attack has failed"
>Go to bed thinking the guy will be returned to me since capturing people paints a target on your back
>Wake up
>Guy still hasn't returned to me
>Try to raid him again
>"Another player has attacked, your attack has failed"
Is my guy just lost forever or what's the deal here
suplex it you pussy
>Level 21-23
>All weapon and armor parts to craft require special metal off the bat that's basically once in a blue moon drops
>A 76 Striker has to whittle away at health bars with weapons that would have sliced dudes up not two floors ago
>Copypasted Goto 9 fight that basically requires a shitload of buff and slow time shrooms
This is artificial difficulty bullshit
More than likely your teammates are attacking the guy as a rescue op but get rekt, if you can't reach him you'll just have to wait for the guy to release him or pay a ransom
>pay a ransom
I don't negotiate with terrorists
>need 3 hovering medals
>already done most of the quest for it
You can redo quests, can't you?
>not carrying an iron or nailgun to break everything's gear
First time I tried breaking a guy's gear, my spear damage went from 230 to 800. He was just wearing fucking agememnon leggings and nothing else and blocked that much damage.
Sure, they give you kill coins instead of metals.
Quests only give small sums of cash after the first time
with the current floor orientation, can you skip goto today?
go to floor 5 and farm tubers, there's usually 2 hovering ones beside them.
I just finished doing that for 2 hours ago for another 3 metals.
Either hope that the next time the tower of barbs changes it makes it so you can bypass floor 34 coen and get yourself a rank 5 fighter
Grind away to upgrade armor and weapons 21 and up. Then stock up on them seeing as how he's practically a giant meat shield.
Where the fuck do I find clumps of copper scraps the pastebin said 11-19f but I just went up and down for like 2 hours and found other copper shit that's NOT clumps of copper scraps
I just wanna upgrade my iron REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So, lads
>Current floor
>Favourite weapon
That's 1-10 you goose.
What? The voice acting is great, especially Detox's.
The black metals. Is it just farming Goto on Floor 23 and that one trap room in floor 22?
Floor 34 fuck Coen I'm hoping Barbs resets to my favor
Motor Psycho.. Veeky Forums needs to make its own motorbike gang
Floor 23
Hot Iron
>tfw wasted 40 death medals on train coen
Basically what I've been doing for black metals.
Also is it true that a Lucky Star helps you find stuff easier?
>you must wait 28 hours before you can switch teams
Oshimi and Shimemeno have bosses that drop war ensemble and DOD black metals
Floors 11-14 have been my absolute favorite so far
The areas are more open than the first section, the weapon selection is much more interesting, the atmosphere is top-notch, and it strikes that perfect balance between tense fear and confidence in my capabilities
The only thing I don't like about these floors is knowing I'm soon to push into the real bullshit parts of the game
where the fuck are the milk blacks
I NEED my motorcycle
Anyone got the full Knight set yet? Only have the helmet and cant remember which floor I found it on
were do u find the katana?
Floor 25, Pickaxe. It makes me very sad that there's no tier 3 version of the pickaxe.
11-19 for the set's blueprint, it's just really rare
Kawabe farming of course.
jesus dude, why
>buy mushroom stew
>get firefighter
>buy another stew later
>get firefighter
>Need to grind F16 Jin-Die for my rifle
>And my magnum
Might just kill myself
So I did some quick number crunching on a comparison between Grade 5 Shooter and Striker because I was curious about the comment made last thread about how Shooter still gets a lot of Strength, and here it is (might be off since I'm not sure if characters get random stat increases or not, as in they can level it more than other based on dice rolls at creation):
>HP Max - 8115
>STM Max - 256
>STR Max - 142
>DEX Max - 195
>VIT Max - 82
>LCK Max - 37
>HP Max - 9692
>STM Max - 242
>STR Max - 185
>DEX Max - 65
>VIT Max - 91
>LCK Max - 35
So basically with Striker it seems like you sacrifice any Dex you have to get a little more Strength, HP, and Vit. Meanwhile a Shooter has a noticeable amount less strength but a fuckton more Dex compared to how much Dex Striker gets.
COEN's weak to piercing, right?
I was just doing that. Now I am dealing with hovering metals.
Gl to you friendo
Seriously though are any other Califags unable to find raid targets?
>steel axe
DAKKADAKKADAKKA, it's shooters only for me from here on out.
>Meanwhile a Shooter has a noticeable amount less strength but a fuckton more Dex compared to how much Dex Striker gets.
Indeed, because firearms and guns in general scale on AG\DEX
I'm just saying the ratios are a bit whack, I'd definitely trade 40 strength for 130 Dex, like shit, you might be slightly less effective with melee weapons but not like the water pistol you'd have as a Striker using a gun.
My fucking hater just killed herself with the assualt rifle rage move and Uncle Death didn't retrieve her because I didn't get the killing blow.
Now that is some GRADE A BULLSHIT.
>nearly a quarter less strength
>slightly less effective with melee weapons
happened to me once, just leave and reenter the area
>MFW Watching a hot iron's rage attack destroy a boss' health bar
I was so fucking wrong about this weapon
Im not going further for a long time because its nothing but farming for me for here on out.
>Bowling ball stick thingy
>75% effectiveness with Melee + 100% Effectiveness with Ranged
>100% effectiveness with Melee + 33% Effectiveness with Ranged
Is what I'm saying, not to mention some weapons even require high Dex, and the Shooter can probably still use the high end Melees, Pork Chopper + still only requires 88 Str, but a high end AR is impossible for a Striker to use.
the point is that striker has much less dex than a shooter has strength, so if you plan on using both weapons types especially for general use shooter is almost always superior. against bosses you need to use only your main stat because doing otherwise is pathetic damagewise but thats like 5% of the whole game.
I... I haven't even truly reached the true tower yet, senpai. I keep getting distracted from raids and upgrading my fighters. I think I'm like at floor 8
fists are my favorite weapon though
>pork chopper
what the fuck is this, why does it have such high damage and where can I get the blueprint? Please tell me 21-30.
Nope. 31+.
tfw fists take 10x the exp to max out over other weapons
Can't you stack decals? Maybe somebody will come up with a troll build to make a fireproof fighter to fight Firewands and Flaming iron cheese or a boss
>tfw rank 20 fists at floor 11 thanks to the tuber hallway a few days ago
But when they're maxed, I've heard they become a good emergency fallback weapon or something to realiably pound the shit out of most of the tuber enemies.
Where's the Iron blueprint?
It feels really weird that I'm on F16 and I haven't found the BP for one of the most common weapons in the game
Final mastery rank bestows +255% damage
Im almost there, at level 19 ;_;
ye, i especially like the rage move, it kills haters and helps me in raids pretty good
+355% actually
also high end Katana is also not usable to striker
I didn't find Iron until after I beat Jackson
I still can't find Sniper Rifle, and I have been doing runs of 11f and 16f for 10 hours of game time.
I ended up getting the iron BP from a Death Express package, it seems pretty rare, but I'm sure it shows up on 1-10.
and I remember a few threads ago someone mentioned that even at max level, the fists aren't so great at the higher floors.
This is completely true
From floor maybe 22 onwards the fists are pretty much unusable
The problem with fists at higher levels is that enemies carry around hardcore armor, if you can break it with the iron your attack against them goes up
They're useable against screamers with no armor, or if you break their armor.
It still does respectable damage, but the higher floor armors pretty much nullify it, I still use my fists on 30+ just to save durability of my actual weapons when I can.
i can't find the motivation to do nothing but farm Kawabe for the extremely small chance that it drops a black MILK when i need like 20 of them.
why is there literally no other way to obtain it
Do you need to kill COEN and Jin Die in one go to get to crowley? Before I could make it to floor 30 I got killed by a bone tuber.
they just need to have died once each and then you can just elevator it up to 29 or 30 once you've gotten there
>Finally +4 my thunder cleaver
>Get motor psycho, requires black milk
Is there no escape from this hell?
>fucking around with assault rifle
>haven't tried the rage move
>decide to apply it to COEN
Oh baby.
>also dump money on the Mushroom Magistrate for some fuckin' stew
>Poison Eater
Any cool new LiD art, senpai(s)?
A-any lewds?
When should I be raiding all the time?
When I hit rank 5 fighters?
Raid whenever the urge strikes.
Don't be surprised when someone raids you back.
Don't log off with an assload of winnings.
And get the lightning rapier when you can
Does stuff in the rewards box ever expire? What happens if you go over 50 items?
Struggling with mid bosses on high floors?
Want to experience co op?
Say no more senpais I got the answer for you!
Just lead a hater with you to the arena and watch as the both of you work together to take them down
Bonus points of they are dev haters! Thats how I got passed U10 with a 3 star striker.
If I delete my dead characters that have premium decals on them do I get them back?
Yes. That's why they're premiums.
Is that not in the FAQ?
Only the essentials.
You have to get it below 50 before going into the tower or playing tdm.
Alright, I'll keep stashing my cash rewards in there then, thanks.
You guys know there are cheap decals that reduce stat requirements by 50%?
Or do high end ARs need like 200 dex?
Somewhere between assault rifle and machete, with honorable mention to fireworks gun.
>wasting a slot
If any of you low levels need iron scrap, tons of it spawns in Sotosenzoku 3F. It's connected to Manno 4F which connects to Kami-Ikedoi 3F which connects to Hyakudori 5F. You can also get here through Moka-Magome 6F -> Regashi-Koya -> Sokai
Good place to farm gold shrooms?
But max damage with katanas.