That feel when manual

>That feel when manual

just fucking kill me

>put it in neutral and roll down hill
was that so hard?

>let out clutch halfway
>take your foot off the brake and give throttle while letting out clutch all the way slowly
literally that easy
inb4 handbrake babbies

Can you really not do a hill start without the handbrake?

Tfw been driving manuél long enough that I can hillstart without rolling back at all and without the parking brake

Git gud

Nigga I stopped rolling back on purpose when I was sixteen and stop putting TFW on all your posts you ultrafaggot.

Ff-fg = ma

not given mass or mu so unsolvable

>not even replying right

If you can't heel toe a hill start you'll never do it out of a corner


This, exactly this. It not fucking hard at all, anyone with at least average clutch control should have no problems. Handbrake hillstarts are for learners.

More of a slide motion from gas to brake but yeah, basically.

Not rolling back at all?
How do you manage to do it?
I can make it so I only roll back like at most somewhere around 20 cm.

slip the clutch before you let the brake off, then quickly switch to gas before the engine bogs down too much.

>heel toe out of a corner
Heel toe is for downshifting into/before the corner. If you need to downshift out of the corner you're doing something wrong.

>Rolling back on hill
Depress the clutch to the biting point and then release the brakes and give it some throttle. If the hill is too steep pull the hand brake, depress the clutch to the biting point give it some throttle and then smoothly release the handbrake and engage the clutch fully

must suck to suck

>1 frame

Go away newfag

The manual transmission helps evolution as mentally challenged people like OP will go back to drive auto and therefore be less attractive to women.

Same here

I heel toe

you can't even pass driving license test in my country if you're unable to start driving from slope without rolling down. and i bet it's normal in every civilised country

ITT peasants with shitboxes without hillassist. How fucking poorfag you have to be not to have this feature?

You guys are fucking madmen. I drove in downtown Seattle at rush hour and about had a heart attack because I'd never driven in traffic that bad with hills that steep in a manual car before.

Thank fuck for the handbrake.

>ride the clutch

DESU the worst is actually reversing uphill.
I had to do that for the first time today, also the first time I've used the handbrake as an assist

how fucking shit do you have to be at driving to need this feature?

I can do hillstart just fine, a handbrake start is not fucking rocket science.

It's just called technological advancement. I can go out and hunt for my food just like a medieval tribesman or I can buy it like any civilized man would do in 2016.

That was like 3 weeks after I bought the car for me, how hard can it be?

>learn to drive in my mom's skoda citigo
>hillstarts no different from regular starts
>get my own older car
>holy shit why am I rolling back doing hillstarts
Turns out her car just never rolls back on hills, it's weird.

It IS fucking HARD when you're newbie. Fucking mongols with their 30+ years practice telling people who literally hold steering wheel for the first time in their life that manual is easy. If your father let you drive like a retard on the fields with no control and you felt car itself at the age of 14 like Ken Block, doesn't mean everyone are just like you. Yes, I drive manual and would get auto if it's only: A) company/someone else paying for fuel; B) it's a job car; C) enormous amount of traffic jams. I live in a city by the way. Why manual? Better control over car, more fun, feels satisfying to switch gears, fuel economy and cheaper gearbox service.

>How do you manage to do it?
Practice is the only answer when you drive a car. You can be illiterate retard, but practice just gets you along.

>finally buy a stick car
>get an older shitbox so i can ruin it

turns out they started coming out with hill start assist the next model year...

>idiots on the internet bitching they don't like hill hold in their corvettes

>fuel economy
I thought that was just a meme?

Do you also pay a man to fuck your wife?

>It IS fucking HARD when you're newbie.
took me literally 15 minutes of practice when I was 12.

Well it took ME 14 minutes of practice when I was 11.

My fiesta has hill assist, so it's pretty easy for me

Took me 0.03 seconds when I was negative 2.

Only retards and women have trouble with the manual gearbox, any man worth his salt has full control over his car, flawlessly with his manual transmission.

>TFW flicking my car through its gears without the passengers even noticing

>i feel superior for using outdated things
I'll bet you try to tell people you use a rotary telephone

I do prefer my rifles in bolt action

Meme in US, because gas cheaper there than water.

OH WOW. Wish you could reach pedals at that age, faggot. Driving mindlessly =/= driving in real conditions.

I do prefer rotary phones, it gives me more control over my dialing.

Hah, I bet you pay someone to fuck your wife for you.

>not wanting your wife to be happy
>not wanting to watch her enjoy both sex, and you watching her
>not wanting to try something different

They pay me
anyway, you smoke too much. your car stinks and nobody likes you

>when the butthurt of the autocuck is showing
Don't worry, maybe someday they provide driving schools for girls like you

kill yourself, fudd.

>clutch in
>full throttle
>dump clutch and handbrake at the same time

Cars that brake assist after stops dont count nigger

I always knew you were a cuck pepe

Mine doesn't have hill assist, only the ones with the 2.2L had it as an option, and mine's a 2.5.

there aint no shame in a handbrake hill start

>30+ years of practice

Motherfucker I learned to drive stick in San Francisco. LEARNED. It's not hard, you're just a crybaby.

Hahaha, noob.

Just use the handbrake.

Actually I use the handbrake all the time, including taking off from traffic lights. Seems to give me a better launch.

Why would you go through the trouble of doing that when you can just use the parking brake?

Who are you trying to impress??

tfw i have that feel when i see you being a massive retard

Maybe if you have an okay amount of torque. But in my gfs shit box 4 banger, I have to use the hand break otherwise it won't be smooth.

It's not that hard.

Not him but my brake cable snapped so I didn't have much choice

>puts car in neutral
>rolls up hill

So we manual here?

That feel when you get a manual car and expect it to be like in your American memecar games where it's literally just a button press to switch gears but then experience that in real life that you have to fuck with the Clutches "sweet spot" while applying gas or risk stalling the car.

>tfw manual in Seattle
>all of downtown is hills
>like 20% slope
>and always wet
>and people always go right to your bumper

Too much throttle, and you lose traction, too little, and you slide back. Too slow to release, and people honk instantly and get even closer just to "force" you to go forward, which is now even harder than before since you lost any wiggle room.

Just end me fampai

git gud m8

Yeaaaa tip assist

I've got an electric parking break that disengages when gas is stepped on. So it works as a hill assist

unsolvable, but you can still write the formula

>a handbrake start
so, pretty shit

>right foot on brake
>slowly let out clutch until you get to halfway into the bite point
>since your new you might hear the engine bog a little bit but just give it gas
>as you get better it will be smooth

Now i never roll backwards doing anything. Just let the car sit momentarily from with your clutch. Its not going to kill it any faster than usual. Manual driving is 90% clutch bite point. I have only driven my shitbox mazda 3. Its got 150ftlb of torque so maybe some ultra shitboxes this method wont work i dont know.

>That feel when never had problem with hills in Cali.
>Move back to nohills Vegas
>Get STI with hill assist.
>Stall on first hill I find.


>all these poors whose old-ass beaters dont have hill start assist

I've never driven a car with hill assist that didn't suck, such a useless nanny toy for cuck boys who have no limb coordination.

Luckily most good cars let you turn that shit off.


Mazda 2 here confirming it werks for ultra shitboxes.
Don't get how babbies can't pull out clutch and give gas fast enough to not roll back. I can't rely on biting point for shit because muh low torque so gas is required if i pull out the clutch at all.

>he's never been to gravity hill