Alright Veeky Forums, after driving back home in a snowstorm I have realized that the winter tires I got right now need to be replaced with better ones. tommorow im going to canadian tire to get some new tires and some bags of salt to for extra traction. What is the best brand of winter tire that I can get without breaking the bank?
Alright Veeky Forums...
Can you get General Altimax Arctics ? They can even be studded if desired.
They're usually at a good price point.
Studded hakkapeliittas
studded tires are illegal in the area of ontario i live in
>bags of salt to for extra traction
just fucking don't
Non studded hakkapeliittas
why not?
Vancouver? Winnipeg?
Have you never used salt to get your stuck car out of the snow? I keep a bag of salt, a bag of sand, and a shovel in my trunk for this purpose.
>canadian tire
No. Stop. You are clearly retarded and your going to waste your money. DO NOT buy tires from crappy tire.
millennials with bags of mortons running around thinking >I herd they use this on roads
Just order in some Altimax Arctics from Tire Rack.
They're top notch at the price point imo. No need for studs.
Source: I survive Michigan winters with them.
how is it stupid to add weight to the rear of a RWD car for extra traction?
I know crappy tire is ass but there isnt anywhere else close enough to get tires from
Ontario is pretty fucking big
>lets put something that is super light, will melt if it gets damp and reform into an unusable brick as "weight"
>bonus if it rusts the fucking car
>implying quebecer street cleaners don't plow the roads with salt and sand
Why do you think all of our roads are falling apart?
southern ontario, Kitchener area
alright, bags of sand then
>Implying Queerbec even plows the streets anymore
They made snow tires a legal requirement because they wanted to cut back on snow removal costs.
I'm guessing they fix potholes with boiling asphalt too, do you also keep that in your trunk?
do you even know WHY they use salt in the rust belt? it's not for fucking weight, it's not for fucking traction, it's not to ruin your fucking car, and fucking newsflash it's not the goddamned salt that wrecks the roads.
Ontario fag?
Me too.
I have a 2015 Camry with Michelin X-Ice Xi3 215/55/R17's, $196 each from Costco (Ancaster), plus $30 for install, and lifetime rotations, plus free nitrogen, and tire patching/replacement, (for life of tire)
Yoo join the WATON group
the wat
WAT: Ontario
what the fuck is WAT?
and where do i join this fucking group
>he doesn't know salt melts snow
you use the salt to melt the snow then use sand or kitty litter to add traction
this salty an/o/n knows what's up
How newfag can you be?
I used to browse Veeky Forums last year, just got back to browsing last week my nigga, when I wanted to show off my new LED'ssssss
Studs are worse unless you're driving on ice. Why go out of your way to buy soft tires for winter then make them hard with studs?
Altimax arctics did me good. Add weight to your car. I keep my fluids/gas full and put my toolbox and shit in my car to weigh it down.
not op but they were better than the blizzaks I have now
is the michelin X ice xi3 just a meme or is it really as good as people say?
lets hope the snow plows are out early tomorrow
More like RWD anything.
WAT is way older than that
Blizzak WS80 or Michelin X-Ice Xi3, your only two choices, both are epic, but the Michelines are WAY quieter. I have both sets on two cars, and the road noise is annoying on Bloudzakks.
Either one will do though
couldnt even see the lanes, highbeams on
giant chunks of hard snow in the middle of the lanes
TCS lights flashing nonstop
Really? In the 2016 test the Blizzak WS80 was measured to be quieter than the X-Ice
X-Ice 3 is a better tire overall (not by much tho) but both are really good tires that wont leave you disappointed
>wake up godawful early because i hate myself
>accidentally look out window
>for the first time the three years I've lived here, there is a decent amount snow on the ground
>brush off the car while she warms up, put on the eurobeat and do sick skidz all the way to work
winter tires are overrated 2bh
Just got back from getting new tires. ended up getting the x-ice 3's and its working out great, haven't seen the TCS light a single time during heavy snowfall so far
you can still rip skidz in winter tires, they don't impede your fun. as soon as you want to regain control you just let off the throttle a bit and they lock back in