>10 years ago
>Me and my parents check out a Hummer dealership
>An Asian guy attends us and takes us to a test drive in a course behind the dealership
>After the test drive he asks us if we liked it and we said yes
>"Good, now I will talk to my boss so you guys can take one home tonight"
>Parents looked confused and before they said anything, the Asian guy left
>In no way we were planning to buy a Hummer
>As we're back to the dealership, the boss I assume stops us
>He sounded like he was from New York
>"Guys let's have a little talk for a moment"
>Some guards are there as well
>"Guys, lock the doors for a moment"
>They lock the door and guard it
>The boss keeps making deals with my parents in order for them to finance the Hummer
>Cocksucker was literally bullying my parents into buying the car
>My parents kept declining, but the more they declined declined the more he got angry
>Slams his hand on his desk various times
>Eventually he gets sick of us and lets us go because it was closing time
Dealership horror stories? Dealership horror stories
You wanted your parents to buy you a Hummer now you're crying that they didn't
We didn't want a hummer at all you stupid nigger
Then why the fuck did you go to the HUMMER DEALERSHIP retarded brat.
Maybe they like going to dealerships and trying new cars without the intention of buying one, faggot.
Yeah this -> You fucking autist
>be poor
>I-I didn't have any intention of buying it!
I'll take "shit that never happened" for $500, Alex
Do you also go to the electronic section just to buy and not look around for prices? Fucking dumbass.
Do poor people seriously look around at stuff for entertainment? HAHAHAHAHA
Also why are you mad at the dealer then?
>When I go to the store I n-need to buy something
Holy shit your autism is showing m8.
what were your parents doing testdriving hummers if they had no "interest" in buying one? letalone fucking testdriving
its rude to waste people's time, whenever im bored at a dealership and a salesman comes up to me i just state that im just looking around and they fuck off, i don't waste their time and they don't waste theirs.
>its rude to waste people's time,
Nigger shut the fuck up. You get paid to get your time wasted. It isn't the end of the world.
>You get paid to get your time wasted
>I don't know how dealerships work
Protip, most salesmen only get commission.
>most salesmen only get commission
So what? Do they expect a sale everytime a customer comes in? You don't know shit about business faggot.
What do you retards think a test drive is for? It's to help decide if you're interested in the car or not you fucking autismo.
>they get paid to waste their time
>wasting their time means no sale which means they don't get paid
Do you see what's wrong with your logic now?
No you fucking idiot. You should expect certain customers to waste your time because there will always be people who aren't interested in the product. Also, yes you're technically wasting your time as a salesman unless the salesman actually """enjoys""" their shitlow paying job. You forgot something, its a JOB. The salesman doesn't fucking own the company so don't come here saying "its rude to waste their time". Its literally their fucking job to get sales and to get their time wasted because they'll make up for it in the commission they make. If they don't get commissions then either the customer isn't interested or the salesman is a shit salesman.
It's the fucking opposite, when I need to buy something, I go to the store. You can't even salvage that post with the meme stutter, sad!
When your mommy and daddy stop buying you everything and you have to find a job you'll understand how the world works.
So you were just there to waste their time? faggot
Oooh this thread reminded me.
Your Christmas present is coming soon guys.
Tales From The Dealership: The Lost Chapters, on Veeky Forums's Veeky Forums this X-mas eve.
not my personal experience, but my parents had an 81 Datsun 280ZX that they were considering trading in for a newer car around the mid 80's
Went to the Nissan dealer one day, found a Z31 at a decent price and discussed it with the salesman and found that they could get it at an affordable payment and were prepared to get it
Came in the next day, the salesman gives them the interrogation room bit trying to jack the price up. As soon as it went above what they had initially discussed they basically said no but ended up being kept there by the salespeople trying to get them to take the "revised" deal for like 3 hours.
Needless to say they kept the Datsun until it rusted out.
I don't like to fuck with dealerships where I don't know a salesman anymore.
If i do I lay down my terms quickly not to fuck the salesman around but to let him know I'm not stupid and I will pay what I want to for a particular car and will walk away otherwise.
It's served me well so far, but buying private seller always ends up being easier.
Nigger you can't even make up a proper argument because you know I'm right and you're wrong. There's a thing call price shopping, retard.
I was worried you disappeared. I can't wait.
LPG, since this thread is sort of related to H2's. I know they are ridiculous vehicles but I like how they look. Should I follow my dreams or 360 walk away?
>Wahhh a salesman needs to get a sale with every customer
>You need to be nice and not waste their time
>Y-you need to grow up and be nice!
Holy shit how much more stupid can you get? Go watch Barney faggot.
You got your test drive with no intention of buying. What the fuck are you complaining about?
I'm not even the user you started with you literal kike. The fuck do you even think you're right about? Window shopping?
I hope you slip a fucking disc the next time you try to suck yourself off, you fat Mexican shit
You wasted their time, they wasted yours. Kill yourself
Is this supposed to be dealership horror stories about retards with nothing to do test driving cars they have no interest in and wasting people that work on commissions time?
Op is a retard of the highest order, and his dumbshit inbred parents should have never conceived such a abortion.
Eh, H2's were never my thing man. We sold a fair number, but they all felt like a life sized version of a Tonka toy truck. Plus, for me at least, they didn't actually feel as tough as they looked and the interiors looked and felt cheap as fuck which was always a turn off for me. Never actually got to take one off road, or drive one that has been seriously spec'd out for off roading, so that could be a different story
Now we did take in a couple of H1's during my time, and those were dope as fuck. If I had the disposable income, I'd buy one just for shits and giggles
This thread is garbage except for longpost guy and that includes my post too.
I've driven a few at a shop
+Beefy frame
+engine options are serious 6.0 base isn't anemic but the 6.2 is a pretty meaty SoB
+decent if expensive wheeler, too heavy for good sand though
+pisses off libruhls
-interior will most likely have visible signs of wear due to cheap gm plastics
-odd feel of size, it doesn't feel as roomy as you think it would due to the high floor
-unless you have a career in the NBA, you need to take a big step up to get into it, running guards are recommended
-Gas hurts
-kind of a bastard to self maintain due to weight and height and odd placement of certain things like hoses and the clamshell hood
-kinda douchey
>Looking for cheap car that isn't too old
>Look at a Toyota Corolla 2009
>Negotiate price down about $1500 from asking
>Take it to mechanic
>Leaking head gasket
>Test drive 3 other cars, all Honda Accords but super-overpriced or smoker
>Have to take an Uber home after wasting 4 hours because dealer won't go below $10k on a 2008 Accord
No fuck you.
buy a civic for 3k
Well the problem was that they weren't for off-roading and weren't as tough as they looked, right?
>Buy a Civic
I'm a poorfag, I only had 3k in savings.
So you looked for cars worth 10k instead?
I'm excited and I don't even go here desu senpai
They have full time 4x4 and approach/departure angles that rival Jeeps.
Hey dumbasses, there is a reason why its called a TEST drive. I'm sorry your 1st grade level reading comprehension skills can't understand that. Would you buy a car without trying it out first? Fucking retards, you need to fuck off this board.
>Samefagging as himself because no one would agree with him
>His shit tier 80 IQ rambling makes it obvious
I never met someone so pathetic, kill yourself. Price shopping is a smart thing to do, its part of researching. Only retards like you buy anything at the last moment.
Holy shit if you're going to samefag then work on your vocabulary, stupid fuck.
>Making it this obvious
>Being this asshurt
>Mfw he got BTFO
Looks like I finally found a reason to stay on Veeky Forums
only plebs go into dealerships to test drive cars they have no intention of buying.
>Price shopping is a smart thing to do, its part of researching.
Indeed it is. But it's best to do it from your sofa on your laptop or phone. Outside of a few circumstances it's pretty backward to price shop at stores.
The "I like to go in and look around poster" is trolling or borderline retarded.
>conceived such an abortion