Points you agree with?
Points you don't agree with?
Points you agree with?
everything is valid, only reason there aren't many women in NASCAR or whatever is because it's male-dominated and hard for women to entry rather than a matter of skill and money
women are just as talented as men when it comes to sports, the only reason you don't see women in the NBA is because of sexism
I think women don't participate in NASCAR is due to the fact they realize how retarded it is.
Those aren't points, they're mostly opinions sprinkled with anecdotes
1. Muh feels subjective impression.
2. Men are involved in accidents more because they drive more.
3. What a load of stupid shit.
4. I've said it before, women have fewer accidents because they drive less.
5. Finally something that MIGHT be a valid argument if it's true.
6. Probably.
7. And yet they crash more by mile driven.
8. How the fuck is this bullshit even an argument for driving?
10. Men are the better race car drivers though. Danica Patrick fucking sucks and basically only got into the Sprint Cup BECAUSE she's got a vagina, not DESPITE.
11. Good for them, but seatbelts are personal responsibility, not common good.
12. Because they drink more as well as drive more. It's the logical conclusion.
Thanks for at least not posting the link to that click bait garbage.
But I am still not going to waste my time reading that crap.
i cant tell
are we still posting ironically or not
Feminist drivel, the only relevant one that doesn't create a strawman is #3
Women are inferior in almost every way, definitely inlcluding driving.
t. the truth
Stop stating facts, that's truth rape.
How do we fix women and get them up to scratch?
>Points you agree with?
>Points you don't agree with?
It's a clickbait article that tries to pass off traits as being a plus.
1. Women have this attitude way worse than men
2. Men have way better self preservation instincts on average
3. Nigger what
4. Bullshit
5. Bullshit
6. Bullshit
7. Bullshit
8. That means there are more elderly women on the road to wreak havoc than men
9. Because women have 20 minor accidents for every major one a man has
10. Men are the vast majority
11. Bullshit
12. Bullshit
13. Women road rage way more often than men and men are more likely to simply drive aggressively to either so off or teach another driver a lesson than attempt to cause harm to another driver
Danica Patrick is garbage.
>citation needed
>Be me
>In my rx 330 trying to get some delicious chic fil a
>Have some bitch idle in to the back of you
>In a drive thru
>Get out to check for damage
>None at all
>Try to be bigger person and tell her its no big deal
>Approach car, reeks of alcohol
>7.5/10 bitch stars cursing at me asking what the fuck was I thinking
>Call cops and wait as she pulls into bank parking lot across from the chic fil a
>Enjoy spicy chicken deluxe as they drag her out off the back seat that she crawled into to pass out in
>Dinner and a show
Every time I've come close to an accident it was some dumb cunt in a fucking SUV talking on her cell phone
every. fucking. time
if women are better at learning and following the rules (#6) then howcome one of the women at my dad's work keeps getting the pedals mixed up? Automatic vehicle naturally.
>women r gud because they're slow and nice and follow the rules
Fuck that. The weak should perish. The rules are to corrall the weak.
Compassion is weakness. Humanity has been in decline ever since women were allowed influence over society, and the roads are no exception
>Roads with aggressive male driving
Traffic flows properly
>Roads with defensive woman driving
Gridlock from ladies letting everyone go and waiting for a big enough gap
Let's be honest. There are some great women drivers. There are lots of shitty ones. Same goes for men. Data shows women have far more insurance claims than men do. So who's the better driver?
How would you word it so it's not a "clickbait article/title" ?
"A study on feminine traits behind the wheel."
they don't it's the car that accelerate on his own
Women are more careful drivers and take more precautions.
But those precautions are all a lie and actually lead to more accidents. Going slow is bad and can lead to more accidents.
If women gave less fucks and drove fast and mad they would be much better.
men could drive as safely as women no problem, it's not hard. it's just the kind of meek soul required for such driving is typically a female thing.
why is it that its always a finger pointing game
like all blame couldnt possibly be equal amongst both genders
the retarts who unironicly think that your gender automaticly makes you a bad driver are the same retards who are in denial about being gay or racist
Kill yourself cuck
>Statistical Trickery
>This literally doesn't matter, what are you even doing?
>Full Retard
or the retards who don't understand bell curves or the retards who can't spell retard correctly.
Women don't much care for driving and that's the problem. They wouldn't bother to learn new things, and they settle into the "I'm already a good driver" meme. They stop at train tracks, slow down for corners they don't need to, and then use their lead foot to fucking floor it for no reason.
They will never bother to learn about cars. And this is their downfall
>point number 2
Women are literal memes and inferior to animals.
Nothing more to offer than their holes.
>mother gets split from her kittens anyways as they get adopted seperately
>live in Tolerance Zone #65
>be nu-trans fourth trimester transsensual Angst Profile ZETA-8 genderqueer pseudo-dyke reformed lesbiophilic heteromollusc
>see cis white male at the zoo
>ask “mommies, what’s that?”
>they don’t know
>Genderless Polyamorous Parental Unit #2 takes me into a Safe Zone and engages the Feelings Shield
>tells me that it is a monster from the beforetime
>tells me not to be scared, because the monsters’ penisocracy was smashed by the forces of the LBJQGTA5 Coalition in the Patriarchy Wars
>start to cry
>s/he opens his and/or her rainbow mesh vest and retrieves an estrogen pill to cheer me up
>feeling the calming femininity wash over me
>s/he tells me that the monsters aren’t allowed to hurt anyone any more, only to work, to support our glorious society
>throw Privilege Peanuts at him
>everyone laughs
>take some soma
>go home and read some consensus-approved feelings-safe literature
yadayada /pol/tier woman-hate in this thread
Men drive agressively, anyone knows that
Men speed, anyone knows that
But women tailgate, women drive overly cautiously or distractedly, leading to men overtaking and getting into dangerous situations with oncoming traffic on country roads.
Women make more small accidents because of lower spatial cognition, but men drive off the turn because of lol-muh-drift and speeding
I have also seen plenty of women driving like they were 22-year-old arabs on cocaine, so it isn't uniform at all
Also, old people are worse than either women or men, driving with their goddamn soft felt hats and going 10 under on a one-lane country twisty countryroad with a string of 20 cars behind them
>objective truths are /pol/
That's the fault of humans, not the mother cat
My mom backed into a ditch trying to turn around in a driveway that was at least 2x as wide as her vehicle. She also crushed the rear door of her van backing into one of those concrete poles that protect commercial buildings from idiot drivers. Not just a dent, that thing was toast. I don't know how she could be moving fast enough, backwards, in a parking lot to make that happen.
My sister has struck perfectly visible stationary objects with her car several times and driven with her parking brake on so often that she needs to replace the parking brake pads every time she goes in for inspection. She takes 90 degree city street turns by going straight into the intersection two car lengths and then cranking the wheel as hard and fast as she can and chirping the tires.
One time I was trying to guide a woman up onto ramps and she kept asking "am I on them yet? I feel like I'm on them, I don't want to go too far" when the tires were still on asphalt.
The only accident I've ever had was caused by a woman stopping short for literally no reason. Just locked up her brakes in front of me in 40mph city traffic. I had the reaction time to stop but love-tapped her rear bumper. The only evidence you could see was one of my license plate holder screws made the phillips pattern in her bumper plastic."I thought I saw a squirrel." There definitely was not a squirrel. She then tried to extort me for thousands of dollars in fake medical bills for neck pain (conveniently two weeks before christmas) and when I told my insurance exactly what happened and sent them pictures of the non-damage they basically told her to fuck off.
I could go on all day about the other ways they're vile creatures who shouldn't be able to vote or hold jobs, but they don't relate to cars. Women are not only shit drivers but shit in general.
>Women obey da rullzzz!
Heh, Sorry tuts. Rules are meant to be broken.
I'm not related to any shitty drivers but of the three accidents i've been in
two were men. one backed right into me as he was pulling out of his driveway. old man with his windows frosted over. another was drinking and rear ended me at a stoplight.
one was a woman who destroyed the passengers rear of my car when i did a u turn and assumed she would come to a stop at the marker like a sake person. her volvo took the hit without a scratch though which i thought was neat
No, because there's a WNBA...