Tom Clancy's The Division General /divg/

Free Weekend Edition

I will post this general everyday until you like it

>Update 1.5 patch notes


>Best guide is best

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>game had free weekend
>literally gets to last page with 0 replies
It's O.K so far, typical Ubisoft open world side mission-a-thon.

The only problem I've had with the game so far is that the bosses have a shit ton of health. Also, no one plays it.

any way to buy just the survival mode without the base game?

the rest of it looks like shit but the survival mode seems really good

It's like I am playing destiny, but without the fun. This game really needs a faster way of getting around between fights like a skateboard or something.


Your build is wrong. They are bullet sponges but not THAT bullet sponges

That is true for LZ and several missions but everything else is really packed if you ask me.

tfw shotguns are only viable because of status effect magic


page 7 bump

>2k players in september
damn that's sad

updates are a beautiful thing

If you nogs want to play with someone add me


Can I change my face or remove my glasses?

no and no

was playing the game and enjoying it pretty well, but then I got to the level 7 mission. I was 6.8 and figured I could probably do it, so I went in.

Died within 20 seconds of entering combat.

Respawned, tried it again with a different and more tactful approach... annnd there's now twice as many flamethrower dudes circling around me.

On top of that, I'm landing headshots for 1400+ damage which do less than 1/5th of an enemy's HP. Just standard dudes, not even the purple/yellow health bar guys. But one single hit on me from anything would deal a little bit more than 1/3 my hp.

I was seriously considering buying the game until then. Even the Gold version to get all the DLC. Maybe I needed to grind to level 7 first, maybe I needed all level 6-7 gear, maybe I should be using consumables more often (honestly still no idea how to quickly use stuff like water / candy and havent memorized their effects), but I don't feel the motivation to play again now. The swarming AI just can't be countered in a reasonable way when you don't have access to perks and enemies are way too fucking spongey.

Should I pull the trigger? I mean it's not much to buy just the base game without the DLC right?

ded tred

When should I be going into the dark zone? Should I level to 30 first? Or should I take a little trip there before?

You're an absolute madman, user. Don't do it. Buy Deathwing instead.

but... but survival looks kinda cool... right? right?

Just stop. Whatever enjoyment you think you can get out of this game you won't. It's dead. It wasn't very good to start, but the lack of significant updates, or more importantly any QoL changes has killed what tiny community that it actually had.

Now I'm going to bed. If I wake up tomorrow and find out you purchased this game I think you might just ruin my breakfast.

>Connecting . . .
>Delta Cuck-0-1243 Disconnect
thanks for the free weekend, guys

if you go into the game realizing that its not dayz in new york, but borderlands in new york, you will have fun. i put a bit over 100 hours into it solo without forcing myself to play, and the underground dlc is a pretty good addition.

if you aren't 1-2 shotting red mobs of your level then something is wrong with your gear. even at endgame red mobs die in one hit to sniper rifles and shotguns.

>can't run or roll while loading anything
>almost always loading

>purple and yellow enemies take almost no damage, but almost insta-KO

Stop this.

Nothing is wrong with the game right now. Leveling is quite fun. Survival DLC is also top fun. There aren't many things to do endgame, that part is true but if you can get 3 other people you can try heroic incursions and do Survival all day

Game itself is more like Borderlands yea but Survival DLC is not only like DayZ but also better.

The game mode is better than any survival/battle royale game out there

What's the character customization like?

It is currently beyond shit. There are like 5-6 faces.

They made a Survey some time ago and it had some questions regarding the customization options so im guessing they may have make ore customizatios choices in the future but for now you pick a face and you are stuck with it.

You can customize clothing tho, there are many jackets, pants, shirts etc.

I'm liking so far the free weekend, if I want to buy the game, I'm good with only the base game or do I need the DLCs aswell? they seem pretty expensive

tl:dr is the season pas worth it ?

>purple and yellow enemies take almost no damage, but almost insta-KO
Git gud
or stack enemy armour damage + damage to elites, you scrub

Just play the game and you'll after a while figure out yourself whether you think it's worth it or not.

Base game is cool and leveling is fun but after you hit 30 there aren't many things to do.

Underground doesnt add much to the game except endless farming grounds so it doesnt worth much and it's not a "must have" DLC but makes farming really easy and fast, also has a cool clothing set.

Survival adds a new game mode and it is very much fun and definitely worth it and there is nothing much to say about it except that it's awesome.

Last Stand (which is the last DLC) supposed to be a wave shooter/base defending game mode (at least that's what they said in their year 1 video) and I'm not sure if they are still going with it. It sounds like another incursion with the waves (and people dont like that very much) and we don't need one more of the same thing but Massive looks like they are learning from their mistakes and trying to do the right thing so i'm kinda hopeful that it won't suck.

tl;dr, Get Gold Edition for Survival

WTF is Hudson Refugee Camp, this mission..

There's this window that it's funneling the players, and there are flamethrowers below the drop; and the main mob is superdouche.

The main feature of underground is that it generates levels from chunks, so in theory it's a different map each run. In practice, there aren't enough chunks to make it interesting and you end up feeling like you are grinding the same levels over and over anyway.

Yea, i don't know how the level designers looked at it and said "yea that's good"

It was hard finishing it after launch (gear farming was beyond shit and until you got good gear you basically couldn't do the mission on hard)

But now its balanced.

at least you don't get rushed by 5 yellow flamethrowers that down you in miliseconds

How are you supposed to start missions in multiplayer? I keep joining groups trying to do missions in hard but nobody knows how to start it

Yea, but it's better than running the same missions for loot.

The game is about farming anyway, UG only adds one more option that you can farm. No matter what you do, you WILL farm the same places over and over again after a while.

It's a weak DLC but not THAT bad.


Why does the game crash in Dark Zone only? Who the fuck made this game.

>at least you don't get rushed by 5 yellow flamethrowers that down you in miliseconds
Until the next mission.

It does not.

It's not the game, it's you.

Speaking of DLC, when does the survival and such become relevant? Do I have to be 30? Does it give you decent rewards?

Im level 8, so far I like it. Although the huge, and very detailed map feels like it was a waste on this game as opposed to something more Sim-ey

im not sure what survival gives you aside from fun maybe. i only bought the underground dlc, which is just a dungeon generator.

Is this game online only? if yes are they planning to make it playable offline?
It seems the kind of game they are going to shut the servers down in less than a couple of years

How important is armor? I have been ignoring skill power completely in favour of DPS and HP, which is pretty straight forward I think but there is NO indication on how good any armor is and some high DPS items are pretty low in armor.

i wouldn't worry about armor till endgame, and even then im not sure if its worth it.

its sorta like warframe where high level enemies do such ludicrous damage to where armor barely does anything.

stamina is the same way, only buff stamina if its to meet the requirements for a gun perk.

>doesnt happen to me

I came from Warframe to try out the free weekend
Was having a lot of fun until about level 7 content. Suddenly all my weapons are just limp noodle shooters.

Bug report: setting priority to above normal at all messes with mouse control.

Any problems loading? Textures/items, not to mention guys are spawning up 5ft.

>can't run/roll while loading
Biggest oversight in a videogame recently.

Sometimes I think the game has trouble loading and just goes down to 1frame every 3 seconds
>start arms deal disruption
>hose one down
>suddenly FPS goes bye bye
>can get back into cover
>just fucking die to shit tier mobs, not even fucking purple.

Survival adds a mode and its called: Survival

To do this mode you need to be level 30.

The story is that an intel was discovered about some experimental antivirals inside the DZ, since DZ is contaminated and for plot purposes you leave all your gear and wear nothing but a hazard suit. You get on the heli and because of the Blizzard, it crashes. You get wounded during the crash and have about 1 hour before you go into septic shock and die. Your mission is to scavenge and survive against the cold, enemies and sometimes other players (gamemodes has a PVE and PVP mode)

After you scavenge soem gear and get into the DZ you get the antivirals (which they aren't actually antivirals but they are division tech that you use to make a flare gun (i know it doesnt make any sense but it shouldnt anyway) and then you call in an extraction. When you call in an extraction, a new Faction called the Hunters arrive. They are basically AI controlled palyers. They have the same skills you can use, and they move like players. They can also heal themselves, hack your turrets, seeker mines etc. After you defeat them you get in to the chopper and game mode ends.

Usually lasts about an hour or two if you don't want to rush it. There are even people that finished it under 30 minutes.

The loot you get from it is based on the score you got such as the enemies you killed, objectives finished, materials scavenged etc. (if you have failed to extract you can still get caches) You can also extract 6 caches from DZ with you so you can get about 10~ caches with every session

So you still get loot when you play this mode and it is fun. It became relevant because everyone liked the mode. It's the perfect Battle Royale/survival game

A lot. Almost every build stacks as much armor as you can get but only in endgame. No need to try to get armor during leveling.

if you stack armor it helps you against bosses. Not sure how Warframe works, but armor is important and you can feel the difference between high armor and low armor in Division

Weapon damage is kinda like that in early levels. Just try to get a better weapon. You can buy them easily if you sell every drop that you dont use but i advise you to deconstruct them instead of selling. You'll need them in level 30. not for crafting weapons or armor but for craftin weapon mods and re-rolling stats

You can reload your gun while sprinting. It wouldn't make sense if you could reload while rolling.

>sniping with SMG


>You can reload your gun while sprinting. It wouldn't make sense if you could reload while rolling.
Read that again?


get better pc then lol

I've never seen the game look this bad.

It's 360p.

>There are people that turn off Neutral Lightning

Your HDD might be fucked hard. No problem here, no SSD either.

Convince me to buy this game instead of something else

Are weapon skins one time use only or can I reuse them on every weapon?

Trying to pick a 2nd skill that isn't First Aid, I was thinking of the turret but it seems shit so far, as a solo player what should I choose?


the tacticool one or the portable one?

don't buy it
binge the free weekend and forget about it

can never go wrong with pulse.

>360p causes the textures and models of the cars to look like PS1 games
yeah okay

Eh, if you need convincing, don't buy it.

Do buy it if you like shooters, loot grinding, borderlands, Toom Clancy games etc.

The game is literally Borderlands had a child with Tom Clancy or Destiny for PC less sci-fi

They are like jackets or pants. Think like as unlocks rather than collectible items. Once you unlock them you can put them on as many weapons as you want.

Fire turret for disabling enemies.
Revive-medbox for having another chance if you get downed
Pulse for damage/map awareness
Cluster Seeker mines for damage (fire seeker for disabling also but turret is better for this)

I don't think I've seen a worse character creator in my entire life

I stopped playing because I probably wouldn't pay $25. Any trades for all my inventory?

You are right. I wasn't expecting Sims or anything but it would be nice if they added 10 faces instead of 5 and the ability to change accessories like sunglasses etc.

But gameplay was dissapointing too and they fixed it, so they will probably fix that too in the future, who knows...

Alright I have to admit, shooing your cover to shit is pretty cool actually. I also like how the snow rests on your characters helmet and jacket.

its a shame that AI isn't effected by the whiteout snow effects.

You can actually shoot holes through some cover, and actually hit shit on the other side rather than it just be a cosmetic effect.

borderlands' movement/combat system is way more enjoyable

I agree I guess, but the novelty of this + the feeling of 'permanence' and difference is making me play this instead of that.

How do I get this fucker fashionable?

By getting inspiration from this.

Who the fuck can think that making gear in a fucking mmo not affect the way you look is a good idea? What the fuck is this

If I get the underground dlc can i play with my friends if I host it and they don't have it?



Is this a decentish replacement for Diablo 3?

I havent had a looting game to enjoy in a while.


I can't say its a replacement for diablo 3 since the only similarities between two of them is the dropping loot part.

If you like shooters and you want to farm loot and make builds, then yea, its a good game to do them.

Whats up my fellow green man

Is the pvp good, or is it all gear based pretty much?

>redeemable ubisoft "go bag"
>contains 3 medkits
Wha.. what? Why? The things you get at litterally every safe house? You have to go PAST the box that gives you as many medkits as you can carry to go to the rewards vendor and get these... what the fuck? Who does this?

pvp in this game is incredibly cheesy. lots of groups trying to trick you into aggressing so they can kill you for your purplebux and loot.

I want to like this game but it seems to be trying to melt my CPU regardless of what settings I'm using.

i7 4790k shouldn't be having this much trouble.

Is this game worth it? im kinda having fun during the free weekend, im thinking of getting it.

Short answer; yes.

Long answer; Well pretty much just read other posts and maybe old threads.

What the fuck is on supposed to do in these situations? The NANOSECOND you peak out you take shots. Fuck, even blind firing is useless. Not only do you not hit anything unless it's right the fuck in front of you, they will also fucking zero in on your arm like they trained for arm sniping their whole life. what the fuck.

Game is fun, im currently level 8. does it keep staying this fun or does ti die out later?

Place a turret.
Move to different cover.

Lowering your weapons threat with a suppressor will usually make the enemies focus on the turret and not you allowing you to move to a different cover spot.