1.8sec 0-60
Gm btfo
Ferd btfo
FAC btfo
Japshit btfo
BMW btfo
Hypercar holy Trinity btfo
Literally everyone btfo
Why can't anyone else make a 1.8 sec car fagg/o/ts?
1.8sec 0-60
Gm btfo
Ferd btfo
FAC btfo
Japshit btfo
BMW btfo
Hypercar holy Trinity btfo
Literally everyone btfo
Why can't anyone else make a 1.8 sec car fagg/o/ts?
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how much you wanna bet that it's gonna be in the next fatf movie. the lykan hypersport was in the last one and that's an arab car
Fast and furious cuckold drift
Say it with me. Sandnigger vaporware!
The engine isn't vaporware.
>5000HP in that package
>Not blockfilled running nitomethane
>Idle only showcar
>Has to be rebuilt every 11 blips
>Can't put down more than 1k to the wheels
It wont make 1.8.
The engine is gorgeous
Its a shame its going into that tacky saudi shit
Though I don't know if its possible to utilize 5000 hp in a car anyways.
Well it's probably better in a speed boat
And one of those million hp gigantic ship diesels aren't vaporware, either.
Same chance of being used successfully in a production car.
Not really.
It makes 3000hp in street tune.
Koenigseig make streetable, 1350+ motors.
And the V12 is pretty much just two LS blocks thrown together. 3000/2=1500. I can see that being about as reliable as any super high end exotic.
>1.8sec 0-60
It could have 50,000hp and this will still never happen.
Unless we're getting into the habit of quoting figures of when you lift the rear 2" and fit massive drag slicks on the back.
>exposed turbos with no sort of air intake routing or air filtering
Immediately disregarded, it's a pure show queen.
Also wanting to get 5000 hp to the ground with RWD is utter horse shit unless you run enormous pro drag slicks.
Would you put it past the saudis to sell a car with drag slicks?
It doesn't fucking rain where they live, and it's not like the car will be driven enough for it to matter.
It's on a development dyno, you try hard casual.
The turbos sit right behind each other, where the hell is the tubing supposed to go?
Nobody knows.
Steve Morris literally said all they gave him was hog big it can be, how much power it needs to make and a check.
So what we're getting from this is
>Bunch of dickheads build a drag car in their shed with a big engine and pretend it's a proper car you can use and try to sell it to the public
It won't be able to be driven in most of the countries around the world, it'll have no warranty to go along with its shit build quality and in the real world it'll be destroyed by any boring big name hypercar let alone a proper megacar like the One:1 or Agera RS
>And the V12 is pretty much just two LS blocks thrown together.
fucking what? (also it says sixteen) why hasn't this been done a long time ago when the LS1s first came out in the late 90s? in fact, i don't know why there isn't much engine fusion with LS engines since they are plentiful and even if you fuck up you can trial and error your way to something sooner or later.
I really wish I was 14 again so this car would seem cool.
Because it's really expensive and a regular ol' 8 pot LS can make enough power to satisfy pretty much any reasonable, or unreasonable, need.
Only try-hard Saudi's pretend making a real life size hotwheels with retard numbers on the brochure seem to think they need more power than the 2500-3000hp a V8 LS is capable of producing
It's offset.
You'll need to heat shielding, but it's totally possible.
Meant to say 16. It's not done because there are a ton of fucking issues making a 16 and it's also insanely expensive. Morris said he quotes a high 6 figure number for development and a single engine.
Just make it 6 or 8 wheel drive, and give the car really really fat tires and mechanical WRC diffs.
Because by the time you spend the money and effort to make a V16 you could've just made a V8 LS with 2000-2500hp and then put it in a 2ton AWD car and still had massive traction problems.
>2l 4 cylinder
>0-60 in under 2 seconds
>0-60 in a little over 1 second
Dubai BTFO
>1.8 seconds
Not physically possible, regardless of whether you have 500, 5000, or 50000hp. Tires have limits. Not even F1 and rallycross cars hit 60 that fast.
Not even fnf is goofy enough to put this in
That is the ugliest piece of shit I have ever seen
>trusting saudis
Take it from an Arab, not only are they untrustworthy but they are wholly incompetent as well
>morons thinking this is real and not an investor scam
sure is poorfag in here
>Just make it 6 or 8 wheel drive
Nah rallycross cars hit in 1.8, but there are electric drag bikes that can do it in 0.8. Problem is this thing is way heavier than any bike, or rallycross car. Only way it could ever get enough traction is if some of that horsepower went to a fan on the bottom that would suck the car to the road, like that one prototype jet car in the 80s or 90s.