top roflmao how are you enjoying your frames per second dotards?
Evan Johnson
I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Luna. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Luna pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Valve create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.
Carter Baker
Luke Adams
I want to fuck that tree loli
Landon Morales
>tfw no Sheever GF
Ryder Ortiz
works on my laptop :^)
Alexander Collins
>playing at not owning a high refresh rate display with ULMB
Samuel Moore
>tfw you'll never clean monkey king's unwashed foreskin with your tongue
John Brown
Josiah Reed
Why wouldn't you get an sny, when you're rolling that fucking hard?
Luis Price
Wtf lycan ability is like old alche ult now?
Alexander Morris
How is Luna shaping up in 7.00?
Jeremiah Gonzalez
But you can be Monkey King and have a tree loli clean your unwashed foreskin with her tongue.
Jacob Jones
is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.
Angel Roberts
>loli but user, I have the gay
Sebastian Nelson
it's like old lycan ult but for the whole team if you're talking about the hp buff
Matthew Kelly
>Flat chest
Who can tell the difference?
Brayden Richardson
her talents don't really do much so about the same as she was in 6.88
>visage is underpowered in the late 6.8x meta >still just decent enough to be played well in pubs if you didn't get countered >suddenly gets the mother of all buffs >his winrate in pubs goes up by 6% overnight >even fucking 1k inbreds can almost manage a 48% winrate >the easymode OP experience gains make him a rape machine in decent brackets >instead of easing up on the buffs, he will inevitably get permanerfed like earth spirit because of butthurt leddit faggots that want every game to be 10 agility hard carries
Life is suffering.
Jonathan Reyes
Cooper Parker
It's funny how overbuffed he got because 'le micro is hard :^)', same shit happened to Meepo way back when.
Zachary Campbell
Nice UI, dotards.
Luis Turner
I wish it was actually Tobi casting and not whatever is going on right now
Logan Carter
Easton Butler
Tyler Cox
remember when you could bind a hotkey to levelup skills?
Lincoln Brown
>this tread
James Thomas
I always used ctrl to level up skills.
Michael Wood
Ayden James
the fuck do you mean? ctrl+skill still works
Alexander Scott
Its actually not that bad Could use a few tweaks, but within a week or two I bet itll be in good shape
Jason Butler
I fucking tried but i just can't get used to super fast leveling and new map I'm back to hon guys, any other mobas worth trying out?
Samuel Green
>tfw bind "3" as levelup skills >I level up in a middle of a team clash >I gotta skill my ult so we can win! >press 3 and corresponding hotkey for ult >blink in and use ult >nothing happens and we got wiped >wtf.jpg >it turns out that it didn't get skilled why did they even think that this was a good idea? sure they are trying to get the LoL audience but completely forgetting about the player base who don't use ctrl+skill hotkey?
Aaron Ross
>weekend >people I get matched with are so fucking obnoxious and petty you'd think you were in high-school
is this a real thing, or is it just me?
Grayson Butler
The funny thing is that while Visage is awkward as fuck to learn, actually using him isn't that hard at all. I am in shitter bracket myself and I managed a 60% winrate with him even before the buffs, though this is largely because he is great against teams that don't use teamwork. At least Meepo takes actual skill to not die unnecessarily.
All he needed was for birds to not have the hits-to-die mechanic or take an eternity for damage to recharge without wasting Stone Form. They were simply too limited in utility for him to be a viable pick. Even his one nerf, Soul Assumption being disjointable, is a moot point because Atos wholly compensates for it and is now one of his most viable items.
Joseph Gray
>over high school age >playing video games
Angel Reyes
DC vs Newbee in five minutes lads
Ryan Johnson
He means the "Level Ability" and "Level Stats" key commands. These used a special mode in the old UI that the new one lacks so they had to remove it altogether.
The main issue here is that you cannot skill talents at all without using mouseclicks.
Joshua Miller
As usual the SEAmonkies can't run a tournament on time to save their lives so here are the chinks:
Whenever I've told or shown a regular person how people in this game act, they had a hard time believing that a good percentage of these guys are adults.
Personally, I think calling them "high schoolers" is a bit generous. When I was in high school, people mostly kept to their own and didn't bite someone who wasn't doing anything wrong. Dota players are more like those little shits in middle school who were scrawny and into alternative sports. I've even noticed this behavior in my own people who act perfectly fucking sane outside of the game. The game's design inherently brings out the worst in people.
Hunter Hall
so you're telling me you're underage?
Hunter Russell
>already delayed
Mason Lopez
nvm the chinks are fucking delayed too
Aaron Edwards
Alexander Reyes
I don't play this game, kid
Gavin Phillips
then why the hell are you on the Veeky Forums discussion board "video game generals"
Grayson Watson
haha, very true
>little shits in middle school who were scrawny and into alternative sports I'm scared to find out what "alternative sports" are.
Asher Scott
Same reason 90% of people here are, to shitpost Do you really think people here play the game?
Angel Reed
why have a schedule if you're going to have delays every single time?
Jace Rodriguez
dire won. what went wrong for radiant?
Nathaniel King
most people at least shitpost about the game rather than going "haha im underage umad???"
Gabriel Foster
I am...
Lincoln Cooper
I'm not underage though you're just a manchild
Alexander Phillips
I didn't stay up for this
William Robinson
>Jungle enigger >21 deaths Gee whiz, user, I don't know, it looks normal to me. Nothing wrong with one of your teammates dying twenty one times sarcastic tone
Brandon Rodriguez
not gonna blame the venge with no farm and no kills?
Carson James
>no aghs on antimage >old meta vs monkey king and treant of many bashes >techies in general >letting the game go past 50 minutes against void + sven with am as your only carry >no fucking aghs on anti mage
Austin Wood
want to know how I know you're 1k?
Liam Reed
look i'm barely 3k trash ok, tell me why neither of you had anything to say about the venge
Asher Cox
so were you the AM or the timber
Carter Ward
earth = kaolin fire = xin wind = storm water = ?
Should we get this hero first or Ilexa first :thinking:
Nathan Reyes
now that arc has the lowest winrate in the game, they have to buff him
Xavier Watson
Because the venge was position 5 and besides feeding along with everyone else they appeared to have been doing their job. Are you one of those idiots that thinks Venge is a carry hero?
Tyler Morales
>any other mobas worth trying out? No. We have to accept that the last game of this kind is slowly becoming another glorified "hero arena brawler".
Kayden Collins
Spirit first Ilexa on the anniversary of Monkey King
Logan Rodriguez
She looks like she was a hard support. 22/24 wards is expensive as fuck. It looks like the issue was even with all the observers MK was still eating your enigger and Venge alive.
Elijah Ward
we still need Axe's qt twink as a hero before ilexa
Cameron Richardson
>position 5 support with wards and sentries >didn't steal farm, neither kills nor last hits >participated in half of the kills >forcestaff to counter void and batrider
i don't see a problem here
Robert Parker
i think she should have had more than 19 last hits in a game where every single other hero on either team had over 200
she bought 22 obs wards and the enemy team bought fucking THREE
Charles Powell
she spent all the money on wards, she still has high amount of assists for a hero that's normally used to suicide
Ian Ross
>jugg and legion can go aghs refresher and get off 2 ults and still have time to swap the 2 itemslots with damage items
Jace Roberts
yeah you belong in 3k
Levi Moore
Who were you
Gavin Wilson
that boy only wants to follow Axe as a reporter while Ilexa wants to be a hero too I think we should prioritize her first
Wyatt Gomez
>position 5 >b-but muh last hits >m-muh kdr XD
watch some pro games my man
Brandon Butler
>enigma bottle
what did he mean by this
Ryder Rogers
Venge tried to salvage the whole damn thing while you retards were feeding your asses through the cosmos
Cameron Phillips
you are fucking retarded, also you had am most likely taking lots of the farm and the retard playing enigma lost you the game
Kayden Evans
>tell me why neither of you had anything to say about the venge Why do you have to say about the Venge?
Dylan Cruz
you were the Enigma weren't you. you fucking shitter
Jordan Garcia
>kdr shitters ruining the fucking game
Literally get out of here please
Benjamin Phillips
So how ABSOLUTE MADMAN is 7.0 so far?
Tyler Lee
>cropped picture
Better hide that normal skill level
Hunter Sanchez
they're the reason people don't play support in lower ranks. because supports get blamed for literally doing their fucking job
Kayden Wright
Mason Howard
>play with an AA who rushes midas >doesn't buy wards after the first purchase >tell him hes a retard >tells me "you are just jealous because of my farm" on mic
Jfc this is retarded shit
Zachary Cox
where is enigma's mek?
Cameron Rivera
>kdr faggots shitting on enigger guy got the highest tower damage in the game and higher damage than his carry desu lads
Michael Baker
>tfw Dazzle main >tfw I have an instinctive drive to fill the roles nobody wants like pos 5
How do I stop this madness? I want to be a good player, but I also don't want to suffer
Samuel Gomez
I actually literally had a game like this. Hard lane up top when i was support jakiro.
I had wards everywhere, and he got his first item a battlefury when they had taken a racks. Of course its my fault
Justin Sanders
Tell your venge that my stack needs a masochist like her, if you're that fed up with her. We'll gladly take her off your hands, if you think she's that bad.