Prev: Looking to start an exciting truck driving career? Companies like PAM, Swift, CR England, CRST, JB Hunt and Schneider all have training programs to get you your CDL and get you in a truck in 3 weeks or less! Plus if you sign a simple work contract you get your training free!
Truckerfag thread
What benefit is achieved by allowing the trailer to tilt like that?
easier access to the bootyhole
You get to fire whoever did it.
How would you put landing gear further forward? The truck's rear end would get in the way
Makes adjusting the brakes easier.
It was improperly loaded and/or improperly parked.
You don't, it's not possible. If you need to load the front of the trailer when it's disconnected, you can put a support bar under the very front. You see this at some larger facilities that have a large number of their own trailers sitting at doors.
Access to the wheels, obviously. That's how they change trailer tires, in some places. They have a bunch of lead weights on a cart, and forklift it into the back of a trailer. They roll it forwards until the trailer tips, and then change the tires while standing on a platform they wheel under it. Then they simply push the cart uphill to lower the back of the trailer again.
How bad is Swift's contract?
I'm considering applying.
It doesn't matter. You're going to be stuck with your first employer for a minimum for a year anyway before you can get another job, so you might as well go with a company that will give you free schooling if you can.
Passed my CDL exam today weeewww laddy Prime is officially my employer.
Trifecta'd that mug too.
>every pic gives me 404
Is it on my end?
Awesome, that's one more person on the road I can actually pass in my 65 limited company truck.
Trying to enlarge a pic or open a pic in a new tab gives a 404. Been doing it all day.
A lot of shorter trailers actually have that. Next time you see a pup trailer, look on the very front and there is a leg that slides down. If it isn't under a tractor, there isn't nearly as much of a lever-type action keeping it down since the axles are so much closer.
But that is impressive. They must have put a lot of weight in the front of that trailer to tip it like that.
Does that to me too from time to time. It always goes away after I close the thread and come back to it. If anything, restart the browser.
Bought a 24" tv for my vulva today and an xbox one. after sitting so much this week and resetting on the road i feel it was justifiable. I just hope that it doesn't get shaken to shit while im driving(the tv). Might need to get some soft foam or something to pack behind it along the mount to keep it safer.
Mexicans all moved to the front.
Sorry for the late reply, didn't check till just now, Thanks for the helpful info!
Is it common for TVs and other electronics to give out due to all the bumps and shaking?
Six months before you get fired.
Cap this post
I have gone through 4 tv's the past 4 years. They get destroyed on the Australian outback roads.
I now just use a 19" gaymertop with ssd's to watch dvd's etc.
That's the second time someone has capped their ominous prediction.
All such predictions will fail.
Cap it.
I drive down quite a lot of gravel roads going to farms so I won't be too surprised if something happens to it. I actually put the mount on upside down so when I get home I'll probably have to fix it. I've also decided that when I'm not using the xbox I'll just put it on my bunk to keep it safer
Swift is a horrible company, I went to their academy and mentorshit and got in my own truck, 3 months later they gave me a 5 other guys in my class the boot cause bs reasons.
Honestly J B Hunt has stepped their shit up big time and treat their drivers great.
>bullshit reasons
Uh huh. What might have been those reasons?
The address isn't making sense. is.Veeky fails, but i.Veeky works.
That makes sense, i.Veeky is correct. Not sure how you guys are getting 'is' in there.
All the time. A lot of connections are held in place with just tape.
Are laptops or large LCD computer screens any better?
When u finna be a rio tripfag?
they were shipping helium balloons
When I'm not phoneposting
I'd like to cap both of you.
We just hired a guy at the bus company, he drove for CR England for 5 years. Teamed with his wife, apparently
> tfw he's had 3 incidents in the first month
He backed into my bus and broke my mirror when we were out on a charter trip. Tried to get me to make up a BS story to the boss but I told the moron to fuck off.
He's your typical OTR dude, overweight as hell and a massive slob. Wears the same raggedy old sweatpants every day. You can literally see cum stains on the front of them.
Oh shit! Veeky Forums got a truckerfag thread?
Fuck I'm going to come to Veeky Forums more often now.
Don't forget to watch where you're driving this season! Fuckers put lights everywhere.
inch bunk
>>sleeping in a broom closet
>>b-but muh peterbilt
>i know everyone has a hardon for petes but they have no room for fucking anything.
Yeah, it wasn't exactly my first choice in sleeper sizes, but it was better than slip seating. At least I could make it my own, even if it was tight quarters.
Does that other user know that petes come with different sleeper sizes?
>I really really really like this thread
Shitpost away, its all yours my friend!
I wish more anons posted here!
I just assumed he was trying to bait Petefags. That setup was tiny compared to highway star specials, but it was never intended to be lived in.
>Tranny spread out
/b/ is that way.
I've got a random question or two. It occurred to me while I was working on some preliminary material for my taxes. A large portion of my business was in the neighboring state this year, so I had some unusual stuff to account for, but my vehicle is obviously registered in my home state, despite 'living' out of state for 7 months.
For long haul trucks, where are they typically registered? I'm assuming some state(s) have some special tax incentives, but I'm trying to figure out how you'd even decide where an OTR vehicle's "home territory" is if it's not on fixed routes. Even if it is on fixed routes, does a company being based in one state let them register the vehicle there, even if it never goes there?
>Baiting petes
Where your home terminal is, unless you're an o/o, then it's wherever you live
What about people without a fixed address? I've known people in the past who basically lived out of a PO box because they were traveling for business 5-10 years straight.
Also raises the question of what kind of tax fraud happens with companies registering stuff out of state. Then again, I can't imagine the registration costs of the vehicles are all that high, so what do I know.
Not always true.
Some companies will insure their trucks in a different province/state than where they are located for better rates. This also applies to owner-operator trucks if insured through the company. The first company I worked for was like this; we were based in BC, but registered and insured in Saskatchewan for the MUCH cheaper insurance. Seriously, it's almost 3 times the cost to insure a vehicle in BC than any other province because of the government-run monopoly.
If my car insurance goes above $1500/yr at the next renewal I'm getting a business licence in Alberta and registering my car to it. It's already $1100/yr for minimum 3rd party liability and comprehensive; and that's the absolute minimum it can go.
Correction: Manitoba, not Saskatchewan. I always get that wrong for some reason.
Hey truckerfags, does it annoy you when cars overtake you?
I know it shouldn't, but it'd annoy me.
Nope. We're passed literally hundreds of times per day, even more in places with separate speed limits. The only thing that annoys me is when cars merge too close in front of me.
I don't know about trucks, but I know that if I tried that and got into an accident my car insurance would drop me like a hot potato. It's already more expensive simply being nearby a no fault state. If they found that I was primarily working in it, my rates would go through the roof, or they'd just drop me, accident or not.
The speed and maneuverability difference between four wheelers and trucks are so great that four wheelers are almost irrelevant to me. About the only time four wheelers bother me is when they're passing and run out of steam about halfway by and then just hang out by the drives for a couple of eternities.
If they are moving at a reasonable pace above what you are doing, does it still bother you? If they are just creeping past you, yeah, I get it. No safety margins. Not that the truck would lose in a collision, but paperwork sucks.
However, if they are going to fly off into the distance anyways, I don't really see that it matters. As long as they don't brake check.
They just get shook to fuck whwn mounted high. Another guy made a quick release mount for his and he stores it inbetween the matteress and foam topper he uses. That tv has lasted 5 years so far so it must work.
Yes, but less so. There's always the possibility that they'll suddenly need to hit the brakes. When merging in front, always leave enough room, just in case.
Feel free to tailgate as much as you want though. If you hit, I probably won't feel it or take any damage, so I'll keep going and never know; while you have to go buy a new car.
Okay. Which one should I choose in Oregon?
"Redpill" me, if you will.
Running over a utility pole.
Not that guy, but how much do you truckers hate motorcyclists?
t. motorcyclist who makes an effort not to hide in your blind spots
If they hit you, the only thing damaged is going to be your bike and you. Not like a car, which will fuck up a truck bumper or jam under the trailer and force recovery.
Which part of "it doesn't matter" eluded you?
Not at all. I ride too. Just recovered from a broken ankle.
If you ride a bike and can't get past a truck, you should really think hard about riding anymore.
Just stop with the drz posting.
Do you only use the door and windscreen blind or that and the sleeper blind?
Both, and a sleep mask. Also I blinded myself.
>sleep mask
So you need a cpap.
Do you sleep naked in.the truck?
I'm always naked in the truck.
>backing up to tight dock
>have a 48ft trailer
>my mirror just barely scrapes the other guys mirror, leaving minor scratches
>unload my pallets and fuck off
>have been racked with guilt ever since
the only reason I didn't tell him is because his driver side mirror was already pretty scratched, but I still feel guilty as shit
Doesn't matter
As long as they pass and continue going that speed it's all good. What's really annoying is when they pass at 75 on their cell phone, get back in front of you and do 55mph, and then you try to pass them again and they just ride with you.
Or the fuckers that sit right behind your trailer. And then you put on your turn signal and start switching lanes and as you are moving into the next lane, they decide they want to pass and pop out from behind the trailer and try to squeeze into that next lane while you are already merging into it. It seems ridiculous that somebody would do that but it happens all the time. Most of the time now I just keep going and they either have to back off, move over another lane, or slam on the accelerator as hard as possible to get in front of me before I completely force them out of the lane.
Much as I feel like a dick for doing that to people, I do exactly the same thing. I also regularly deal with:
>Left blinker on, nearing slower moving vehicles ahead
>Traffic keeps passing me on the left, no one will give me a moment to pass
>Just drift slowly into the left lane until some asshat gets the message and lets me over
Not at all. When stuck in traffic and bikes are filtering through, I'll try to open up more room for them. If anything, I'm jelly.
Its possible the legs punched through the concrete too. That sudden shift will put trailers up like that too if the front end is even a little heavier then the rear.
>Oh shit! Veeky Forums got a truckerfag thread?
I mean... its been well over a year since this was established as a general
Def longer than that. Although they still do tend to hit the bump limit and nobody makes a new one for a couple days.
Last few times that happened, I was trying to make a thread but kept getting "Permab& for CP" page. Couple of those bans have been in place for five plus years, and a few have been appealed and then denied. Makes no sense to ban a mobile network dynamic IP.
We don't usually bother until it actually gets archived.
It's almost like Veeky Forums has incompetent staff or something.
Guy thought it mite b cool to fall asleep
Send help.
And Newports.
Black confirmed.
it was running two years ago when i found it probably two before that
.i am so glad i saved up to take winter off..
/qa/ pls go
Naw son
I'm so glad winter here is like 30 degrees
Every day we stray further from God
I got u f@m
Is fish kill?
It's JB Hunt in training.
Nah he good.
These sneks is kill.
no thats a florida fresh air fish, very rare
you're fuckin weird..
Snoot level: fuggin booped
KAB seats are rubbish. Fuck I hate them.
>your fucking wired
They're snakeheads so they are invaisive and it is illegal to release them back alive.