Y-you dont mind, right user?
Y-you dont mind, right user?
Depends on how hot/rich that she/he is.
I mind no matter how hot she is. Pussy is just pussy.
Now if she's rich.. perhaps I don't mind
Yeah it's cool
Spotted the cucks.
They're your feet ;)
>having a gf that spends her money on you
not sure you know what that word means
No fuck off.
Glad my girlfriend thinks feet are disgusting, she would never pull this shit.
I do fucking mind, get out of my car whore
Ew, proper hygiene fagola.
i'm no footfag, but how can one find feet downright disgusting? You probably see your own feet every day- how do these people feel about this?
I love it. reminds me of summertime.
>2 bare feet on the dashboard
>young love in an old ford
>cheap shades and a tattoo with a "yoo-hoo"
>bottle on the floorboard
>not using the daily when you're expecting passengers
>not having a daily that you don't mind getting dirty/scuffed/damaged
>prioritizing your possessions over human interaction
Veeky Forums everybody
Sometimes I feel like at some point I grew up and the whole "I'm an autistic retard who hates people and will die alone" thing stopped being funny
>letting someone smudge your windshield up with their feet = prioritizing your possessions over human interaction
fucking dumbass
It's also unsafe, how about fucking no?
Do you let people not wear seatbelts in your car because you prioritize human interaction so much???
>glass cleaner
>ten seconds of your time
If her her feet are up there your hand is in her panties
Stop cockblocking yourself
>implying you can't kick your feet up with the seat belt on
are you illiterate? I didn't say that you mouthbreathing fucktard
>prioritizing your possessions over human interaction
so? fuck humans, they are annoying shits.
>If her her feet are up there your hand is in her panties
dumbest shit I've read ITT
>t. virgin
might aswell crap on your head, only takes a few minutes in the shower to get it off.
>not having her put her bare feet on your lap so you can touch them
just like that kid rock song
>kid rock
This a mongolian image place jewboi
>You probably see your own feet every day
A lot of people here probably haven't seen anything past their belt line in years.
>a board on Veeky Forums not liking girl feet
what is this?