How does Veeky Forums feel about being bombarded with ads and propaganda while pumping gas?
How does Veeky Forums feel about being bombarded with ads and propaganda while pumping gas?
what a qt 3.14
Feels like a more honest version of Veeky Forums
Thank fuck Shell doesn't do that shit here yet. If you seek out the cheapest gas possible don't be surprised when they try to make a little bit more money off you.
i'm more concerned about breathing in the carcinogenic fumes desu famalams
I'll purposely go out of the way to find a Shell or Sinclair just to avoid this bullshit
who cares.
you're just going to die one day anyways
>smiling at an ad displayed at a gas pump
>the ad is about gasoline
This can only be the result of unchecked greed.
The Shells where I live have them too.
I'm blind and deaf so it doesn't bother me at all.
Why are you sitting there watching the ad? You should be cleaning your wipers, checking tire pressures, and other little things while you wait. At the very least sit back in your car so you don't have to interact with it or staff.
really makes you think
>tfw live in rural canada
>two gas pumps in my town and they'll never have this shit
Feels good man
>4$ a gallon
Wtf kind of communist state is this lady in?
Fuck you. There's a station with 10¢ cheaper then everyone else. Where i live. No ads. No bullshit. Just pumps that look like they've been through some shit.
And no my Honda's mpg doesn't care if its ARCO, shell or the cheap one.
Fuck the deposits. I just change oil regularly.
Some middle class hood
Ehh. I know people who've been fucked over by cheap gas in the winter. I don't need to risk getting watered down gas and getting stranded somewhere in -35. I don't mind paying an extra $3 when I fill up. You get what you pay for.
I'd stick my nozzle and give her a fill up if you know what I mean.
Southern California.
Winter doesn't exist here.
I usually go to an arco station that most of the time has the best price while still being top tier
it has the verifone system and it's not really that annoying but even if it was I'm sitting in my car resetting my trips and listening to tunes off my phone while it's pumping anyway
total horse shit
I don't get how these things don't get vandalized out of existence
late stage capitalism is absolutely disgusting
>How does Veeky Forums feel about being bombarded with ads and propaganda while pumping gas?
I've actually found out about things when getting gas at Sam's Club, so sometimes those ads are helpful. I just wonder if they are "targeted" since the computer knows who I am (member card required to activate pump).
>land of the free
What the fuck is this?
Most pumps here in Bongistan are still pay at kiosk, and the only adverts you'll see are ones advertising cheap shit car gimmicks to buy from the shop part
I would totally bombard her with ads and propaganda while pumping gas
brb, never using my member card again
wtf is wrong with her teeth
>pumping your own gas
>not going to kroger gas station and using your fuel points
>based Costco gasoline
The best.
Ads at a gas station don't bother me at all... Just don't look at them?
There's pumps now with a full color LCD screen built in that blast clips of TV shows and actual commercials at embarrassingly high volume while you pump your gas.
Ads are audio at the local Citgo, and they are loud enough that I can hear them a couple lanes over when someone doesn't press the "mute" button.
Hahaha wew
I'll admit that's annoying as shit, but I'd just tune it out and go on with my day. No real need to sperg out about it
>waiting in line for 25 minutes to save $.68
>How does Veeky Forums feel about being bombarded with ads and propaganda while pumping gas?
Better than I do about the same bombardment while on the actual road. Especially those damn LED billboards. Those are worst, especially when the fuckers flash bright white light in the middle of the night in a rainstorm
>Check gas buddy, always the cheapest.
How? And I hear it's the good stuff too.
>Going at peak hours
Not my fault you're lazy and won't go early before work.
Vermont may get a lot of things wrong but their advertising laws are great. No side of the road billboards and a limit on how large and distracting business signs can be.
>starts work after 10 am
>calls others lazy
>Intentionally distracting people whilst they're pumping fuel
I lost. I am in love with her.
One of the buttons on the side mutes the ads. I think it's the second from the top on the left, but there's no harm in guessing again if that's wrong.
>93 is super in Burgerland
Top kek
different rating systems, yurotard
Why not leave nigger rap blasting full force with your door open to drown out the ads?
That sounds sad
sounds awesome
SoCal reporting in. Can confirm, no winter. Expensive gas and lots of digital media players at pumps :-(
>expensive gas
hello teenager. when I got my license in 2005 it was $5 a gal in san diego.
I haven't seen it below $3 my entire life i dont think and it's $2.70 right now at mobil by my house. you should be thanking your lucky stars atm.
every day I burn incense and place an orange at my pump so that it will remain below $4
>every day I burn incense and place an orange at my pump so that it will remain below $4
I'm happy if it's below $5.5, spoiled American. Lowest I've saw it here was $5.2 and that only lasted for a week, then it shot up back to $6 at cheap pumps, $6.5 on highways.
Hello member of uninformed community!
You should read more, as none of us will be participating in your uninformed pissing stupidity.
yes but you get healthcare and working public transit in return. we get fuck all from our taxes.
>yes but you get healthcare
I get it for €100/m
>and working public transit in return
If the weather is perfect. And no Poles have stolen the copper. Or the trains broke down. Or some depressed person jumped on the rails.
What we do get is great roads, so we can look at the baby smooth asphalt when we're stuck in traffic.
>say gas is expensive in socal
>it's at historical lows
>thinks that reading their MS aggregated news 'erry day constitutes informed consumer.
you do realize gas prices are posted on these giant signs right
I can walk into a performance shop and buy a drum of delicious VP110. That shits probably illegal over there.
I always go to the cheapest gas station in my city when I'm at 1/4 tank left. They're trying to sell to someone who is a cheapskate.
I keep getting angry at ads and I am less likely to purchase a product if I have to watch ads for it. The more ads, the less likely. I refuse to be a victim of manipulation. Feels good honestly
Makes me rage desu fama
Oregon pls
Around me the mute is obvious because it's peppered with dents from key stabs. They don't work either.
>implying this ever happens
>houghton, MI
>$1.98/gal last time I pumped
maybe in 3rd world countries
Same here. The marketing blitz for Shrek 2 back in the day caused me to not watch it until years after the home release despite enjoying the original.
i drive a chevy volt here on flat roads in FL so i make 50 to 55 miles of EV rang and so i only have to get gas maybe 2 times a year
i payed only 7K for a all most new 2014 car and here every one is so way .... on EVs that you can get one at alow cost and save a lot of money alone off gas
so i dont stop for gas much any more and wish i had a longer rang and i would dump what i have to go to a full EV car