League of Legends General - /lolg/

Bird Dad and Daughter edition


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Champion.gg - usage, winrate, and build statistics
Counterplay.xyz - pick, ban, and winrate stats by elo
Probuilds.net - what it says on the tin
Surrenderat20.net - news and patch information

>Match and Summoner Info

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Nice job putting all that fancy info and stuff
But where the fuck is the old thread you complete retard?

what does this number mean?

P-please help me...


>in blind pick
>pick a champ i never play and suck with to practice and get better
>lose lane
>whole team flames me

Should i not do this? shit is getting annoying. Its also annoying when every time i lane against someone they are mastery level7

climbed 24 places recently

you went up 24 places dipshit

Positions climbed since dunno when?

You should try playing with friends who know you're learning. They'll be more lenient on your mistakes and willing to give advice.

>tfw gangplank has no good skins

anyone wanna play on oce, add me unrestricted


People use Captain a lot so I think it's at least decent.
Default is already sexy enough tho.

People use Captain a lot because anyone who played any games with GP in Burning Tides got it for free.

this is Veeky Forums

Thankyou, I was looking for this


Prodigy Brand Skin When?


gp in his glory days> old fat gp

quick what do?

block imthem

>all those keys

how? i have like 10 crates and no keys

open chests. get disappointed.

>Toy Soldier
>new skin coming out
>Captain Gangbang

open all chests
pose as long haired metal guy and get vladfag to post lewds/nudes

Open those three chests, of course, then redeem the TF skin if nothing better comes.

Stop playing vayne and ezreal
I swear to god if you win one more of my rankeds I'll fucking murder your family

all shit
no one of those have a fucking cyborg arm

What's Braum hiding?
Nobody can pretend to be that nice without a hidden agenda.

Banned again, after a game where my team feed, love when they feed yasuo

Disenchant the Fiora skins.

Enchant fiora skins

There are people that are just chill.
I met a dude in High School that wouldn't get mad at anyone, and helped everyone out with their homework.
Life isn't just black user

No one wants a skin of that Tumblr woman.

>prehistoric anivia

>come niggy


not bad.

I feel as though he has a hidden tragic past and hes trying to forget the tears by smiling

He was probably a stoner.

was going to give blue


every time

opened 2 more and got viking tryndamere and highland tryndamere


>tfw I was this dude
High School was comfy

It's not that hard when you're a fake forced character with no lore and backstory

>someone trolls me in promos
>goes afk
>lose the next promo after that free game is lost
>losing every game I play now
>went out of promos to 58 LP
>losing more
Im int feeding on the downlow but my team cant prove it necessarily so im not getting in trouble, they just say im bad

If I don't get a fair chance to climb, then nobody does.

Holy shit. Ryze is fucking broken.

>climbing when people are still in the process of being put into the containment field known as bronze

weird I'm doing the same

>5 wins
>0 losses
Good work so far, keep it up.

Ryze is only good when you hit that level where your team knows how to engage.
Also rylais on ryze wtf

xth for when will Riot release another cute boy champion so I can ship him with Ezreal?

how many losses/wins do I need for bronze?

You're not wrong that he's too strong

But how'd you get that conclusion? Because he counters Vi?

>get shat on
>"h-haha I'm not bad I'm actually d-doing it on purpose!"
>unlikely to run into someone more than once so at most you cost someone a single game

>Old mechanical lady will never experience pleasure from another man.
Feels good.

quite many

he probably didnt get the memo yet that its been nerfed

im already in the game user

Just played a normal game with lissfag. AMA. Will provide evidence if needed.

I haven't seen the usual "Riot christmas promotional do this survey and send to your friends to get skins" scam this year

i was 5/5 and got bronze 4

Thanks. Godspeed, user.

The Rylai's nerfs aren't as bad for Ryze because his cooldowns are short enough for him to be able to spam spells to take advantage of the slow.

He just snared me, threw his E, and hit me with his Q for like 2k damage. Even I don't do that much damage with a Q auto E.

t. scammer trying to advertise his scam

weird, I went 6/4 and got silver I

Who is Taric?

Are you a champion? What are your abilities? Lore?

>tfw you play malz
>tfw rylais nerf was a buff

>Support goes afk at fountain because she thinks we cant win the game
>Win all tfs without her
>Meanwhile she still spouts on how about we possibly cant win this
>This goes on for 20 minutes
>Finally lose bc its a 4vs5

We can't such people just hang themselves? I mean, if you're playing ranked and don't intend to fight for a win, then what's the purpose of playing ranked for you then? I don't understand.

For rylai's price you can get better items, and you're not going to take that much advantage of the slow since you hit your q 90% of the time

if this would happen bronze would no longer be hell
we can only wish user

Why should I care about lissfag?

hello who is this

How hard did he feed, and how much of the fault was his team?


Ezfag no.2.

Taric's more handsome rather than cute. Which is not to say that Ezreal isn't handsome either, it's just that he's a CUTE! A CUTE!

Nerf her ass, user.

no no no i meant ign

r u king grey or i wanna die

Is this Landidzu? Looks like his art.

Normals games not showing up in his match history for some reason. But I'm fairly certain I've found lissfag, or at very least some autist. He sat in midlane all game, never helped teamfight once and complained that I "lost lane" despite having taking first tower against trynd. Started referring to himself as "queen of ice" and us as her "peasants."

Was pretty fucking funny 8/10 would experience again.

Literally just surrender mate

To be honest, I only slept for 3 hours and I feel like I might pass out any second.

Send help.

>he can't tell who's who by the way they type and the images they post
It's a mystery.


Did surprisingly well in lane, but never left lane and autistically did nothing but protect his tower all game. Never came to teamfights. I carried hard as kennen top (11/0/15ish) but she was flaming me for losing lane (see )

hello king grey

you're the only ez fag who ever posts about his sleep

Whichever faggot Rioter thought making Vayne's Q able to crit was a good idea need to hang himself from the nearest poll.

>anime splash art edit
you deserve it

how do i do that and where is the fixed version of taliyah's splash art?

> Just 3 hours
Get into a STEM degree. Sleeping at all is a dream

You shouldn't. It's just mildly interesting.

>rushing deathcap

replace images in C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\\deploy\assets\images\champions

champion_square_0 is the tile



Anyone know when the Legacy Skins go off sale? Is it when Snowdown ends?

>0lp, third loss
im so fucking scared of losing again
this is my fourth time climbing to this level then getting back slid by fuckers afking / feeding

Better ban Orianna.
The booty is fake.

I want user to fuck my waifu Ahri while I watch!



I am okay with this

>Sona this low

I'll be your bull, cuckfag