>Put car in reverse at a light that just turned green
>Rev car slightly
>Listen to the guy behind you honk for dear life

Other urls found in this thread:



>see some houses to the right at night
>floor it

>eat banana peel
>throw banana out the passenger window

>risking missing the opening
>not dropping it out of the driver's window

>Friend at work telling me how he bought nice house in quiet area
>Drop massive skidz down his road after night shift

>not leaving oil slicks around town

>Leave summer tires on FR shitbox Crown Vic
>floor that shit everywhere I go
>Go spinning out at every intersection, Mom-cars have to swerve around me
>Driving sideways down mainstreet
>Don't even care when I smash into a parking metre and wreck a door
>cops pull me over
>More like I skid into a crowded sidewalk, and my car pirhouettes elegantly while all the little fucking pedestrian shits run and scream
>Cops deputize me for being a crazy motherfucker
>Here's your complimentary gun and badge, faggot!
>Skid sideways down dark alleys at night, gunning down and running over all the obvious degenerates out walking after dark
>Start a one-man gang-war with Russian ballerina cartel
>my shitty land-barge and their souped up Yugos go head-to-head in drag fights that quickly devolve into automotive break-dancing
>My car is ripped apart, bits of shrapnel flying out and eviscerating the mustacheo'd Soviet bulldykes
>Flywheel flies through dash and cleanly decapitates me
>Ascend to Valhalla
>Me and Odin go ripping mad skids and donuts and shit in Asgard
>Hot, big-titty valkyries all trying to hop on my cock and collect my superior seed
>Odin thinks it'd be the fucking funniest shit if he sent my headless shade back to Earth to continue fucking up the roads for all the little fucking Midgard shits
>I now roam the roads and freeways on icy winter nights, my bald tires screaming like banshees, the remaining three-fifths of an engine held together with witchcraft and friction tape
>Garbled obscenities spouting from my bloody neckstump as I commit wanton acts of vehicular homicide.
>Local decadent hybrid degenerates have a cult in my worship and frequently torch their shitty ricer cars in my honour
>run for city council




>drive down rural roads at night blaring my horn the whole time
>all the wagies wake up but I'm long gone before they can come outside and yell about how they have work in the morning

How can the police be this stupid to lock up the wheels?

Shouldn't police be good drivers?

Why are they even driving on the ice with a car clearly noy fit for the conditions?

Holy kek. Your slang makes me lol. Please continue

Because he was enroute to the accident to fill out the 309 insurance form.

Cops are on the road at all times. It's their jobs. You shouldn't care about damage done to it since the department's insurance takes care of all police car damage, and the vehicle it hit also is likely will be fixed for free.

But the vehicle as NOT fit for the conditions. They could have killed someone

>killing someone
no, never

>They could have killed someone
That's why they get paid

>no cat converter
>floor it
>kill the planet

>people honk at me
>roll coal at them

>light turns green
>wait until it turns red again

If I was to guess, this happened somewhere where snow is not frequent and thus there was a lack of experience.

it was montreal. I'm pretty sure they get fucktons of snow lol.

I see. I dunno lol, I thought Canadians were smart.

>I thought Canadians were smart.

We're not. Quebecucks are especially dumb as shit.


>being tailgated doing speed limit
>slow down so they attempt to pass
>speed up as they pass
>stay side by side
Stole this idea from some user.
Also, works best on 2 lane roads, they'll freak out

It's even funnier if you drive 2 under the speed limit, then slowly accelerate as they change lanes


wagies blown the fuck out!

I never use my indicators because it's not your fucking business where I'm going.

>bicycle shared road clearly marked, these normies drive this road probably often so they would be used to SHARING the road with bicycles

>by law using a vehicle to slow traffic flow to a low speed is classified as illegal because you're slowing down fucking traffic

>you are legally usually required to stay on the right end of the road so cars can flow around you

>you are entirely in the wrong for doing this

I even ride a bicycle sometimes on off days and I fucking hate bicyclists.


Still support raising taxes?

>that feeling when you throw your trash into the cabin of a miata with its top down
I pass by the same miata on the way back to my car from skool and do this every time. The guy still leaves the top down; does he not care?

We still see where you are going, checkmate dude.

>Drive unregistered, uninsured shitbox around my property

Fuck the man, man!

>5 MPH speed limit
>go three times the speed limit

it is when you're in front of, beside, or trying to turn across my lane you dumb cuck
enjoy getting t-boned and PITted by soccermoms.

>park at gas station pump to go buy a monster

Why didn't he try to drive forward?

Well excuse me xir

>guy tailgating me while I'm cruising in the left lane
>throw my shitjug out the sunroof and watch him spin off the road in the fecal explosion

Hey m8 the truckerfag thread is over here

>red light
>continue through anyway

You ARE the monster.

>tell a friend to follow me to a place in the city he's never been before
>dont use my turn signals

What are you supposed to do in this situation?

Using your turn signals is giving information to the enemy

>be retarded
>pretend to have been devilish on Veeky Forums later

>last i was driving to work
>come to a doublelane right turn
>car in front of me not going way after light goes green
>i start merging to second turning lane as to not miss the light
>they quickly decided that they should be im front of me
>I swerve back into the first lane
>make the turn during yellow
>I looked back and saw that they stayed behind at the red
Why are people so fucking stupid?
>the next light down they pull up next to me the driver looks at me with this shitty face as i did something wrong
>i flipped her off



Checked and kekked

>We had some snow last weekend
>did fwd ebrake slides on everysingle turn omw to werk
>everyother car was crawling at 20mph
>mfw everyother car honked at my malarkey

He's just waiting for a day off so he can wait by the cat and beat your dumb ass

Kek was doing that in my mazda 3 shitbox the other day

Turned to deep slush today, shitty to drive on now ;(

>55 MPH speed limit
>go 54

>Speed limit: 50mph
>drive 51mph

>drive BMW
>don't drive like an asshole
I'm unstoppable

>driving at night
>come up behind someone
>turn off lights
>pass them
>turn lights back on

>drive 35 in 50 single lane
>line of traffic behind me
>blow through red light

>speed limit 130
>do 125
>back to 130 when someone gets annoyed and tries to pass me

p gud daggumi