/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

KV-2-Kun Edition

*****NEW TO THE GAME?*****
Use the invite code WOTREDDIT or YOGSCAST when you make your account for a free premium tank, gold, and others goodies to help you get started.

[NOPAN] (elite weeb club)

[AWOO] (weeb friendly)

>where do I look up tanks
>how do I find people to platoon with
join the Veeky Forums chat channel in game

>Snowitzer and tree conversion guide


Cat Girls are not furry you fgts

Other urls found in this thread:


first for NOFUN


>Cat Girls are not furry you fgts


>4 E-25 on each side.
>Not even platooned
Christ. How long do we have to wait until tier 6 tanks are playable again?

First for Jpanther II a shit

more like PZWHO




>KV-2-Kun as a kid



awoo boxes when


Easily best and most fun tier 5 heavy

>censoring name

>Not wanting to be bullied
Actually that's harsh, you guys are all quite nice

Because the bullies are too busy freaking out and bullying poles and other euroshits in game

invite codes are dead


If I make it again I will cut them out.

Do I buy the IS3A?

If I bought an E25 today, am I bad person?

If I bought an IS-2B today, am I a bad person?

Are You on EU? I can share a code, I need a padawan for my T95 program.

>giving money to slavjews
Yea, probably

thanks for keeping this game afloat good goys

yes. should have waited for tonight's skorpion g

Yeah, sure I'd be happy to help with it. What do we need to do ?

I don't get it, how are loads of different clans playing skirmishes together

they canged it not too long ago, you can now invite people outside the clan aswell


>3am EU time
>this is the fourth such team I got this night, from 5 total

Why are Germans so fucking autistic?

>that new future of wot post
Why aren't wg learning, how will tier 10 lights help? How will changing matchmaker stop the landslides? Why do they think stunlock is a good idea? I could go on but it's not worth it anymore...
This is sad.

I want to buy the crate of 60$ for instant snowitzer X.

What are the chances of getting prem time, or 2500 gold, or a prem tank?

There is a link with the percentages around? Can't find any.

>i'm at tier 7 and i havent even tried so idk if it slows down or something now
You need ALL the items at tier 5 to get level decoration 10. Make the numbers.


Whats the recommended way of recording and making webms?

>Full HP ammo rack that turns the tide of battle

what is your cpu and graphics card?

you wont get any % for that, its a pure gamble
its only a reasonable deal for people that plan to buy a tier 8 premium from the tech trees

90% chance of worthless prem time.

8% for 2500 gold
2% for prem tank

>record with something whatever it is
>convert to webm

I personally like to record with ShareX since I also use it to easily screenshot shit. It automatically converts it to webm and allows me to select which region is specifically captured (can cut name and shit). I guess there may be better alternatives but I really cba switching as it also gives me the ability to screenshot and upload my shitposts in the matter of two seconds

>missions for hotwife female crew gives 4 members
>both tier 10 cuck tanks have 3 members
>neither has a loader
>the cuck tank that people actually want you have to re qualify the loader to gunner with gold


reminder to buy the swede td's that you have a 60% or higher discount on and then sell them for a net gain of credits

I just bought one.

100% for 30 days premium time.

0% for the rest.

>I want to buy the crate of 60$ for instant snowitzer X.
You can easily hit level 9, which is the final crew member, from doing all the level 3 and 4 box missions. The killsecure missions are really the only annoying ones.

The radio op is even more useless, it's only used on the tier 8-10 TDs.

that's a Pz. III you retard

the kv-2 seems to have a smaller gun

I have a Skorp G already tho.

>When your clan just starts meming like autist and you need to carry them.


>T6-7 rendered hell by the e-25 apocalypse
>Just as I unlock my first tier 6


>Currently, the penetration stats and great accuracy of top-tier TDs and medium tanks allow them to hit and penetrate well-armored frontal projection, even at long range. We’ll be tweaking their penetration stats and penetration loss over distance mechanic, as well as accuracy stats for all other tanks, to raise the role of armor and make it more fun to play heavily-armored vehicles.

So basically the new meta is now E5, E100 and the IS'? Thank god I farmed all of those lmao

is there a more perfect tank than the E-75

I see Awoo is trying to play off their terrible win/loss ratio as the product of them not trying at all by blogposting a few games with inane lineups. You won't fool anyone, least of all me.


Idk why you are so obsessed with us.

>Get 8 kills in my Light VIC
>Only tier 6 and up

>Seal Clubbing is hard

>from doing all the level 3 and 4 box missions
Does that mean do it every single day?

d-do I spend 66$ leafbux for the E-25... it's rare.

just save it for the skorp

>Light VIC

Unless the new Cuck tank has no armour
>Not grinding out the missions in T4+ tanks anyways

Are you going to play it?
It's stupidly good at the certain things it does well

>tfw ez mode stronghold credit grind
>all these credits

Pretty nice desu.

whats up with all these wotlabs posters in wotg now

>premium + boost
>50k exp in 2 hours

how is this allowed lmao

what a greedy fucking company

E100 is geting a buff on the 15cm and the other one that no one uses too, more pen on the standard shells and gun handling in general IIRC

Im kinda worried about the IS-7, the E5 already has take its role of being the noobproof HT, its cannon seriously need some love,a dispersion buff would be okay

>get in Sav m/43 I got for free
>literally slower and less maneuverable than a maus

This tank has the best muzzle break in the game.

What tank is this?

This game is shit you shouldn't spend money on it especially $60

You can't do them all in tier 4+, some are 6+ only


Stock Tortoise

I still love my IS-7 but there's no escaping the fact there's literally no reason to pick it over the E5 for anything.

>a dispersion buff would be okay

Yeah, I'd gladly welcome a dispersion buff by some -0.02 to 0.33, I'm tired of playing it like an armored shotgun. The 215b is superior to it anyway and I want to be able to play the E5 like that - mid range semi-sniper that can tank the front should it come to that

yup, its fun, but the E5 is superior in every way except alpha damage

but again, the accuracy on that 130mm is almost non-existant

That's fucking sexy.


Nah there where just like 6 tier 1s in that game and I killed them all

>bullying those freedom fighters.
typical bulba players

this thing

Is it worth converting level 4 presents to level 5? I just did and I think I got less in my festive meter than I did with 5 level 4's

just buy the $60 box and get it over with

it isnt worth it cause only the point value counts for the festive level
however you need full level 5s for the last level anyways so you might as well do it when youre on level 9

only when you're level ix


>tfw one-shotting a KV-2 with a KV-2





There's no better feeling.


>Cat Girls are not furry you fgts


better w/r than you :^)

cat girls are not furry

Let's play...GUESS. THAT. QUOTE.
"What should I do right now?"








>The T34’s gun boasts great penetration, which is offset by its terrible handling. We improved a few of the gun parameters, making it more enjoyable.

Why is WG so scared to buff the T34 properly? How OP was it before?