How are these legal?

how are these legal?

why not just add a stop sign?

Other urls found in this thread:

>stopping when you could just slow down

They walls to keep out stance fags

I wanna hear solid arguments as to WHY a stop sign is preferrable

And no, the argument cannot be "muh dropped BMW cant go over it"

muh dropped Honda cant go over it

speedbumps destroy and wear suspensions, even on 100% factory cars

>WHY a stop sign is preferrable

Because if you hit one of those, even at the suggested speed, in a work van full of tools, everything goes everywhere and anything glass breaks.

Though stop signs and speed tables aren't really interchangeable. It'd be awful strange to see a road full of stop signs with no intersections.

I still think that in a truck with enough lift and the right sort of suspension, you could just turn them into really big jumps at double the speed limit. Someday I'll find out....

Is that a Citroen-only road?

Fucking frenchies

If a speedbumb DESTROYS your suspension then I'd consider trying to not go full WOT over them

And fuck off, suspension is made to be used. With your logic you could say the same thing about red lights destroying and wearing out brakes


Then fix youare suspension poorfag

>stop signs destroy and wear brakes, and transmissions, even on 100% factory cars

Just recently somebody in my city was hit by a speeding, drunk nigger while raking his lawn. They want to put speed bumps in the neighborhood now.

Why not just kill all niggers?

>bus riders defending speed bumps

Wew lad. Wait until you have to pay for new suspension because you hit one of these going 20mph instead of 15

If you're serious about transporting your stuff you won't transport it in a way so that tools can get scattered around and that glassware will shatter... thats just unprofessional

they slow ambulances down when they have to get to a scene quickly

oh and they're even worse when they have to go back to the hospital with a patient in the back

Many speed bumps here have potholes right before them bevause dead shit road workers are dead shits
Speed bumps are cancer that only exist because on old lady cried to the local council every day for half a decade

No enthusiast of sound mind should campaign for these things along with chicane and other traffic management bullshit to exist

If you retards think these aren't a hassle then get the fuck out of here with your 30 year old handsmedown truck you got from your uncl- I mean father, the real men with actual performance cars hate these things

Ambulances are already used to being slowed down. Not saying it is okay, but people already don't care about speeding, lights blaring ambulances on the interstate. Not sure how speed bumps in residential neighborhoods could slow them down much more, besides 5+ mph.

Also one less ambulance rushing to save somebody hit by a drug addict 20-somethings

There we go - hadn't thought of that

I've heard this. In Madison, WI I don't think you can even have them on the driveways of a residential complex.

can we get some sources on that claim?

Where I live they don't use them because paramedics hate them.
>When you go to Mexico and it's almost if they use them on the highway.

as someone who lives on rural twisty narrow roads with more potholes, bumps, humps and slumps than actual corners i am laughing at all you faggots

Cheaper just to replace shocks every couple of years.


>work van
So they replace them with speed cushions, that have gaps in the size of a van wheelbase.

Why, now, is stopping preferable to just slowing down a bit?

>why not just add a stop sign?

To keep fucking stance faggots out of my neighborhood.

Shoo, stancefag! Shoo!
>ameritards in charge of slowing down

>implying I'll even notice them in my lifted truck

It's the beaners. They're bringing their topes from Mexico, along with the crime and drugs.

Why not put niggers in the street?

what kind of balsa wood shit box are you driving

>mfw some fuckwit in a BMW tailgates me
>I don't even slow down for them in my Outback
>fly over humps with a simple badabump
>Laugh as BMW fuckwith slams into it and fucks his car up

9" of ground clearance and a long-travel suspension = why slow?

>niggers obeying stop signs

>no bump sign
100% illegal

You have to slow down at speedbumps. But at stop signs, no cop no stop.

Is it time for another edition of things that never happened?

Because you can't speed through a speed bump without fucking up your car (unless you lift your suspension)
Fuck these things though, they always say its a 20mph speed bump but every time it bottoms out my car (crossover suv) unless I go 10

>speeding, drunk nigger

Speed bumps aren't going to slow him down.

I've done the same thing, but I was in a truck, and the tailgating douche was in a mustang.

>mfw hitting one of these at 40
Driving a P71 has its perks. Not many, but it has them.

>Speed bumps aren't going to slow him down.
yeah, if anything it's going to make him more likely to crash