best frame edition previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions GENERAL FAQ: Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE:
First for banshee lover da bess Thanks for nyx deluxe! Happy /wfg/mas!
David Cook
Asher King
1. Send Steve with he rest of the code monkeys so he can do the rabbits and shit that he wants to do, i can't kick him out because he is part of DE.
2. hire a competent leader, with a plan for 2017, not this "lel so random lunaroooooo" bullshit we've been dealing with.
3. Fatfuck demoted, bring someone younger and less retarded to be in charge.
4. hire a younger and better PR department (Lesbecca and Megtard, out)
5. PvP is based on melee, jump limited and mods are gained the more you play tru a match, you can send sentinels as minions (mobas go this system right), then i'll extend the system into weapon, no more retards jumping everywhere and wishing for a lucky stray bullet hitting you
6. FUCKING DEDICATED SERVERS (add a monthly subscription to pay for these servers with special skins and shit, all cosmetic, goyim love that crap).
7. 10ogen is plat only, as it should be.
8. EVERY WEAPON GET A PASS - they should do something else, not just +damage - accuracy "lol, done" (the stug could glue the enemy to the floor as an added feature, just an example)
9. EVERY COMPANION GETS VACUUM - let's get done with this bullshit already so we can fix the cats and dogs for fucks sake.
10. send the retards at DE to play ZOE 1&2 so they can fix the fucking Archwing.
and lastly (for now, i would do this in the first month)
11. everytime you win a Lunaro match you get a random prime part, 3500 kuva and 2000 endo
James Price
Angel King
>4. hire a younger and better PR department (Lesbecca and Megtard, out)
no can do. megan can go but becca is forever
go find more pictures
Leo Lee
Fatfuck is the one responsible for the shit state of this game's balance. His entire fucking job is to balance the game, yet he doesn't even play the fucking game. Fatfuck is the reason we get dumb shit like the Excal nerf, Ash nerf, and shit frames like Titania/Atlas/Oberon
I'll leave Steve in charge of creative design. Steve actually has some decent ideas, he just needs someone to tell him which ones are pants-on-head retarded
Eli Miller
I am behind this edition.
Isaac Ward
>5. PvP is based on melee stopped reading there
Anthony Jenkins
But that's not Nyx
Kevin Cox
>no can do. megan can go but becca is forever i am the CEO, i would kick that hack goblin in a second, the "26 million loser" gaf was the living joke of those awards, so fuck off. >stopped reading there >implying i care for the opinion of the 0.5% of losers that play the current iteration of conclave
Christopher Howard
Okay, real talk.
What would you actually sacrifice to have sex with any Warframe whenever you want?
Oliver Foster
Thoughts on my nova fashion?
Alexander Jones
Alright, you fucking shitbags. In celebration of getting two Venka Gauntlets in a row, I'm going for round 4. 6 more potatoes, fresh from the ground. Tell me what kind you want. PC players only.
Don't be a greedy fuck and ask for one if you've already received one. You can fuck the right off. Let someone else reap the spoils.
Jaxon Harris
Do I turn my Drakgoon into a Zarr?
Connor Peterson
>Chinese Warlord out of 10
Jackson Brown
How much did that take
Joshua Adams
Lincoln Harris
Blake Cox
blue ign: wevi
Aiden Nelson
helmet is good, the skin is disgusting
Elijah Miller
You look like a dynasty warrior.
Jacob Gonzalez
bretty gud/10
Julian Foster
I'm running low on Orokin Reactor's, please and thank you. IGN: Vorgier
Dominic Rivera
send some salvage to my nigga BPNPC
Caleb Perry
meant for
Joseph Clark
Do not pursue/10 Bretty good actually
Ian Lewis
can someone explain the loki meme to me? I just want a frame I can use to run speedrun through spy missions to solo level weapons, but I can't tell if people are being ironic when talking about him being good or not.
John Evans
Not sure if I had gotten one from you, but if not: Veitash Otherwise I'll fuck off. Oh and blue
+tele to deal with lazer walla (in context of spy)
Jacob Torres
Ryan Cooper
Threadly reminder to ignore and block BPNPC.
Grayson Gomez
You little shit. You don't exist.
Angel Jones
>You are doing it, first off that's how you make big bug you are selling item that is in high demand on the market at 100p+ usually syn melee weapon don't go over 50p at max. >Maybe you didn't notice this yet but you are using the market information to make plat. >Next big sell is rifle UNVEIL riven mods, you might want to save up on those until next big update but remember not to spent all your plat just to buy every unveil you find.
sry wrong link in the last post
Lucas Martin
take your own advice
Luke Ross
already did, just informing the rest to avoid the cancer known as BPNPC.
Matthew Diaz
Sorry, buddy. But you've already received one. If no one else replies in a bit, you'll get it.
Isaiah Morales
>get a riven mod from a sortie >its for the cernos >really shitty stats, don't recall exactly what >re-roll it >+crit chance and impact >"hmm maybe its worth something" >wait a couple days, see a guy wanting a cernos mod in trade chat, offering 1000 plat for a good one >offer him mine, unranked >pic related
uhhh frametards? tradetards??? get on my level please
Carter Stewart
You are tarnishing my ''''''''''''good''''''''''''' name. I'm asking you nicely to stop
Jace Taylor
fastest sprint speed in the game permanent invisibility permanently disabling the only game that can kill your make anything gun in the game make no noise
mr scott's mouth is starting to water
Sebastian Gonzalez
take your own advice again
Ayden Ortiz
blue Virtus_dei_est
Daniel Richardson
take your own life, tq
Juan Jackson
Ah it's cool. Wasn't sure it was you that posted that other time. No worries.
Adrian Morales
get on my level
Zachary White
Can anyone post the sound a kuva harvester makes?
Gabriel Barnes
Why haven't we gotten to the point where you go so fast, you break the game to commence into parallel universes?
Kayden Richardson
Since you are giving so much do you want anything? Presume it's not tennogen and too expensive.
Jackson Hill
Post what you're DOING RIGHT NOW
Benjamin Parker
japanese capsule toy/10
Ryder Kelly
So what are good rolls on riven mods? >crit chance >elements >damage on certain enemies
Blake Jackson
thanks dood
now I just need 19 plat for that christmas armor
Zachary Sanchez
>fastest sprint speed in the game good thing that's a lie then :^) limbo has the fastest sprint speed in the game
Cooper Clark
I just want your love, /wfg/.
Honestly, I'd feel bad accepting a gift. Just seeing you guys grateful about it is enough for me.
Nolan Thomas
What about Volt
Xavier Fisher
and what frame do you think is going to be reworked next?
here's a tip it's limbo. no more being immortal to 99% of the game. forum babies don't like anything more powerful then basic content
Eli Wood
Gaining shit rewards, you?
Mason Martinez
>I just want your love, /wfg/. Not one of your gift guys but I appreciate you doing this anyway
Kayden Bennett
>he actually thinks anything they do to Limbo will be a nerf
Jack Ross
yeah youre right. DE hasn't actually touched any actually bad frames.
I guess time will tell
Samuel Turner
Limbo is going to be Dio, how will it be a nerf?
Hudson Wright
Why is Vauban Prime's design so ugly compared to regular Vauban
This actually upsets me.
Angel Reed
playing deathwing
it's cool
Michael Powell
3 idiots here haven't claimed potatoes yet.
You want one?
Hudson Wood
>he thinks any relevant balance changes will occur in the next century Good news guys! The next patch added grass and trees to the earth. And we got a new costume for our space cat!
Carson Hall
I love all of you
Justin Gutierrez
Sure. IGN OmniXVII I will repay your kindness in time.
Luis Green
Nah I'm pretty set for potatoes user, Thanks though. Let people who need them get them.
Josiah Perry
im guessing im the sixth one blu tato plz kayraiden1
Easton Watson
This man is a liar.
Christopher Walker
>Gifted about 400p >already climbing back to where I was Why is making plat so dang easy, how many buyfags are there that the market never dries up?
Christian Stewart
Bentley Lewis
I'll take one if you got spares
Carson Smith
You're a good guy. I like you.
You trying to trick me? That's very naughty.
Evan Smith
I never have any plat
share secrets
Elijah Turner
im not giving you jackshit now faggot.
Michael Lopez
Boltaces and Valk chassis. Also insane amounts of glaive parts and syndicate aguments.
Henry Long
I sell so much shit that i have to farm credits for trade tax. I made 750 plat the other day from 3 ember prime blueprints and i found buyers for them instantly
Joshua Sullivan
Mind sending one to my friend who just started playing the game? He's like mr1 ign: Suffuri warframe potatoe
Sebastian Bennett
Well lets see. Earlier in the week I saw a Maiming Strike being sold for 200P and today I saw someone willing to buy for 450P.
Do the math my man. No farming required. Just flip.
Elijah Green
we talking with no mods at all i think. still limbo. he's shit, but he's the fastest now. who knows, maybe he will be our Dio, Fatfuck can't fuck this up, r-right?
Julian Gomez
Jfc i was just trying to thank they guy for his kindness. Well guess what potato user i dont even want your damn potato now. I was gonna give you something awesome but now i won't so hah!
John Stewart
>1.15 sprint speed vs 1.25
Lucas Robinson
how does Limbo have faster base sprint speed than Loki?
Limbo is 1.15, Loki is 1.25
Jayden Hughes
no one cares
Ayden Green
sorry QT, Ordis (that lazy fucker) didn't told that i got mail. thanks!
Noah Foster
What do you think guys? Rerolled this mod 5 times already and dont know if I should just throw it out onto the market our keep investing into it.
Dylan Gomez
mfw 300 hours and mr 14 because my autism wont let me continue until a weapon is fully forma'd
Parker Anderson
>all this shitters that don't know about limbo's passive >all this shitters that don't know that if you build a running limbo he can speedrun any mission in a fart. again, he is shit, but a fast shit.
Parker Howard
>People trying to buy a Tigris P set when they are low MR.
Levi Sullivan
market, 300p, you will sell it really fast. i would try to jew more for it tho.
Aiden Russell
Sorry for the delay. There was a mixup and I came up short on plat. One Spira set later and I'm back on track. One potato, coming right up.
I'm gonna send you a potato. You're my bitch now.
Isaac Rogers
>quadruple forma'd my tonkor because heard it's good >can't stand using other weapons or dumping forma on new ones because they feel weak as fuck compared to tonk tonk I dun goofed. Tonkors power is all consuming. I fell for its trap, doomed to a life of one shotting crowds and having those awkward moments when you miss both shots.
Colton White
whats your favorite color palette tenno?
Jack Watson
>rift walk makes limbo the same speed as loki
Ayden Cooper
>being a coy little shit for like twenty minutes instead of just telling us how Limbo is the fastest wew fucking lad