/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #890

cog edition

>Schedule for December:
11/30 - 12/8 - Between Frost and Flame
12/8 - 12/12 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
12/14 - 12/19 - Freedom in His Hands (Rerun and Renewal)
12/18 - 12/25 - Christmas Guild Wars
12/26 - 12/31 - ??? (Special Quest)
12/31 - 1/8 - Scenario Event

12/12 - 12/19 - Surprise Ticket
12/16 - 12/28 - Christmas Celebration (Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Extra Quests, Free Daily Memerolls, etc.)
12/25 - Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Should I buy it?

Reminder you'll have to do HELL (Nightmare for you EOPs) in groups or at least pairs to get a decent point gain rate during the main event. Unless you can solo fast the point gain rate is too low.

Individual ranking is a mistake

I have 4 tia bolts, but want to start building dark. Should I skill up any dark SRs or just wait for SSRS to drop?


>get invited to random Japanese crew
>they're top 400

I'm new to this game and are characters only obtainable through the story?

Take photos of every page so you don't have to!

Then rip the stamp code out of the back like the Jew you are

Story, events and gatcha.

I'm not that jew

>carteira is portuguese for wallet
It all makes sense!

Yes, and scan every page for us. please

>Trying to solo hell
>Got to 30%, easy boss so far.
>Suddenly 10K light damage laser beam.
Ehh what the hell KMR.

Fuck off, HUEmonster. Shouldn't you be plaguing Tibia?

Is there a fast way to gain loyalty for you event unit? I'm only gaining 20 for each fight in story mode.

>bahas failing left and right because 2/3 are leeches
Life is pain.

Remove hell

Ah the season of GW. Time to make my new waifu and my first gw character.

How long on average did it take you to make a GW character?

>being a shitter

Extreme event quest gives 375. I finished maxing out all the idols' friendship since it counts for that, too.

You having fun yet?

Shut up, do you even know what you're saying? Fuck off with fucking HUEs, going to Portugal and ruining my country!
And so you know, besides Portugal and Brasil, you also speak portuguese in Macau and several countries in Africa.

What the fuck was up with that? I did 2 extremes and skull was maxed already. No way that wasn't a bug.

Reminder that if it doesn't take you 5 minutes or less to solo hell then there's no point in you doing so.

About a month and half. Fuck prisms.

How is your guild doing?

>host hell
>get a flip out of 3 gold chest
>the 3 gold chests cointain a rainbow prism, a gold cert and a tidal whorl

There is nothing good about it
>takes longer than ex+
>have to spend bp to help your guild

How do I solo Hell with windmeme

patched already.


Can someone please end this?


Typical shitter. Nothing but excuses.

>mfw I'm going to avoid spending BP while my guild does all of the heavy lifting
Suck it, grancuck fantashills.

Wow, Extreme+ gives you fucking nothing now.

This sucks.

Typical KMRtard.


Is my best bet for these the SR quest and the 50 ap one?
Getting 2 for 25 ap sounds like hell

it was a bug? and here I was thinking they'd finally stopped pretending Loyalty mattered as a mechanic

Fixed your potato.

It still give the same rate of honor, just divided by 25. The did the anti-Zimbabwe numbers in this war.

Welcome to KMR War, where there's a magnafest and Guild War every month from now on to make sure you have to whale for berries and pots just to keep up.

>ruining perfection


>It still give the same honor
>just divided by 25

Are you a fucking tard or something? How is it the same if it's divided?

I want to fug that potato

Almost forgot my rupee draws. Who the fuck is this?

Do the 20 ap free quest in chapter 20. I think it has the best rate.

Did I make a mistake picking the harp instead of the dagger as my first gw weapon? I'm playing dark.

Revert these fucking GW changes. This is pure shit.

Shouldn't you be in daycare?

I'd ask the same of you but this country rarely takes care of its mentally ill.

I was trying to get those 50 crystals and summoned Extreme Frostclops, but it seems like nobody wants to spend EP to do it and it's already been half an hour, the ID would be 8F9C8C02 if someone feels particularly generous today.

cute dog

Just got 3 brick first try
Thanks senpai

Also, Akari?

>Huge tits

muh image

If u have taken a look at the Honour reward tab, instead of 50m, it ends at 2m. Other than that, there is no difference.

Got my Tweyn first month I started playing

He has a cute dog, that's about it. He's used goods so don't husbando him.


If you think GW is bad this month wait till January, where the only people able to scratch Nightmare is on-element and Summer Zoi.

I hate this doomsday "KMR is killing the game" shit but holy fuck is he trying.

>/gbfg/ slows to a crawl as people actually have to grind in GW now

Post your current team

>not shitposting while grinding in the background
Are you even trying?

I want to sniff that old man's vagina.


Oh right, those changes aren't in yet?


>join a shitter guild last GW
>look on the crew page today
>i'm a FO now and the second highest ranking shitter on the guild

GW being water is a dream come true to a sub 70 dirtfag like me. Boxpotato is sitting in the bench to soak XP.


my earth grid is still weak as fuck but I'm having fun.

Who's the cutest? This cutie!

I want to start the game without bothering with this rerolling thing, what will I miss?

>got my first dagger on my first 100-roll
nice desu
I wonder if I will get lucky enough to finish this thing before the end of the GW.

S.Naru someday.

How much data does the website usually use on mobile? I want to play at work.


>All these monkeyless windfag

why even play wind



I do have her, just not using her in the team I posted

What's the distinction needed for SW? Sharpshooter?

Are people in other crews actually soloing nightmare? I can't even put a dent on it.

they'll all have her in another 8 days or so.


>Christmas Sen


Because I love Petra



Just bought an account with s.zoi for $80. What's the likely chance of her getting nerfed?



Metashift? Maybe.

>They don't know about grinding GW to Christmas music for the increased honor gain

so what makes this game so special? because it looks like another browser kusoge

Anyone here play Monster Strike the king of top grossing app in JP?

How can you guys get a GW char so fast when it needs gold. I have like 0.

Literally nothing

Don't bother

>can't use Sara against Celeste
so how am I suppose to mvp this